Wright gives "comfort" to leftists

"I am outraged by the comments that were made, and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday. The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago. His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe they ended up giving comfort to those who prey on hate."

Senator Barack Obama, (D-IL)
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what do you think about synthetic motor oil ? I have been using Syntec with good results.

and where does synthetic motor oil originate from...? Please explain the process of synthetic oil...thanks...inquiring minds want to know!
and where does synthetic motor oil originate from...? Please explain the process of synthetic oil...thanks...inquiring minds want to know!

Unfortunately, that is the best response uscitizen could muster.

There is a much easier way to destroy a liberal. Simple have them state their position clearly. If you can get one of them to explain their view in plain English, where mere-non-political-mortals can understand it, the abject and mind-numbing stupidity of their stance becomes evident; and they cease to be a factor.
I have always wondered if synthetic motor oil was really more efficient or if it was like an ethanol thing. Takes so much more energy and oil to make it that any efficiency gained in using it in an engine is already offset by the increased manufacturing inefficiencies.
I have always wondered if synthetic motor oil was really more efficient or if it was like an ethanol thing. Takes so much more energy and oil to make it that any efficiency gained in using it in an engine is already offset by the increased manufacturing inefficiencies.

Well, lets see if I can be of assistance. The great thing about synthetic oil is that it tends not to form sludge. Build up is kept at a minimum because it tends to dissolve sludge. The ability to lubricate is superior to and lasts longer than non-synthetic oils. While being more expensive, time between oil changes can easily be doubled although one should not try to see how long an engine can go without changing oil.

I might be wrong, but if I remember correctly, synthetic oil is produced from vegetable oil and when you consider that you get 5000+ miles on 5 quarts of oil, it is not all that expensive or wasteful.
Rev. Wright gives comfort to the right-wing.

It gives them hope that they can possibly beat Obama in November.

It gives them false hope that the electorate won't actually concentrate on the mess they've made of this country and how they single-handedly put an end to the American Century.
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American Century? What an outmoded imperialist notion.

It's his fellow Democrats who are planning to steal the nomination Obama has earned due to their discomfort with a black candidate.
American Century? What an outmoded imperialist notion.

It's his fellow Democrats who are planning to steal the nomination Obama has earned due to their discomfort with a black candidate.

Sorry that history is such a discomfort to you.

What Democratic Party is planning to steal the nomination from Obama?

Don't just parrot the stupid. Tell us who and what democrats, other than Clinton and some of her supporters are planning to steal the nomination .. inquiring minds want to know because sane people have seen the constant movement of super delegates from Clinton and uncommitted to Obama .. which of course flies in the face of the stupid.

Additionally .. for the stupid .. Obama has garnered more votes than ANY democratic candidate for president in HISTORY .. which also flies in the face of the stupid claiming they'll steal it because he's black.

I just love talking to you geniuses
Hildebeast will do anything to gain power

History is what it is, which I suspect is not the case in your revisionist world.

What history would I be uncomfortable with?

Slavery? Democrats.
Jim Crow? Democrats again.
Segregation? You guessed it.

As for the very real possiblity of Obama being robbed....who, "other than Clinton and some of her supporters" else could I have been referring to?

Obama has earned the nomination fairly. It will be a travesty to cheat him at the convention, as the Hildebeast plans to do.

You might try reading what your fellow Dems are saying on the subject...



[ame="http://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=255831"]hillary will steal the nomination using superdelagates. - Cafepharma Message Boards[/ame]








Try to keep up.
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History is what it is, which I suspect is not the case in your revisionist world.

What history would I be uncomfortable with?

Slavery? Democrats.
Jim Crow? Democrats again.
Segregation? You guessed it.

As for the very real possiblity of Obama being robbed....who, "other than Clinton and some of her supporters" else could I have been referring to?

Obama has earned the nomination fairly. It will be a travesty to cheat him at the convention, as the Hildebeast plans to do.

You might try reading what your fellow Dems are saying on the subject...











Try to keep up.

I love talking to you geniuses .. if you think the Democratic Party is going to steal the nomination from Obama, you're absolutely brain-dead.

I'll state the FACTS again .. try to keep up.

Obama has won more primary votes than any presidential candidate from any party in American history.

Even an eggplant would recognize the movement of superdelegates .. WHO ARE THE PARTY INSIDERS to Obama. More than 100 superdelegates to Obama since super tuesday compared to about 5 for Clinton.

Are you smarter than an eggplant?


It's small wonder why Americans are running away from republicans and the right-wing with the quickness. I can't wait for republicans to roll out their vaunted "attack machine" then watch them get their asses handed to them in historic defeats all across the board.

If you've been keeping up .. big if here .. then you'd recognize that what happened in Louisiana in what used to be a solid republican race, and what happened in Haserts district, and what happened in Mississippi does not bode well for the knuckledraggers on the right.

Perhaps if you turn the volume down on the idiot Limbaugh you might be able to figure out these very easy things for yourself .. but then again, maybe not.
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I love talking to you geniuses .. if you think the Democratic Party is going to steal the nomination from Obama, you're absolutely brain-dead.

I'll state the FACTS again .. try to keep up.

Obama has won more primary votes than any presidential candidate from any party in American history.

Even an eggplant would recognize the movement of superdelegates .. WHO ARE THE PARTY INSIDERS to Obama. More than 100 superdelegates to Obama since super tuesday compared to about 5 for Clinton.

Are you smarter than an eggplant?


It's small wonder why Americans are running away from republicans and the right-wing with the quickness.

Perhaps if you turn the volume down on the idiot Limbaugh you might be able to figure out these very easy things for yourself .. but then again, maybe not.

This post made my morning.

I think it's going to take Republican hacks a few days, or you know, considering their near-zero learning curve, a few months, to understand that there is going to be no convention floor fight, no rioting in Colorado, the primaty is over, and we have our nominee.

Give them some time.
This post made my morning.

I think it's going to take Republican hacks a few days, or you know, considering their near-zero learning curve, a few months, to understand that there is going to be no convention floor fight, no rioting in Colorado, the primaty is over, and we have our nominee.

Give them some time.

Unless that news comes from Limbaugh, these clowns will stay in the dark. They seem to have no ability to learn or discern on their own.

But that just makes them fun .. stupid as fuck .. but fun.
Unless that news comes from Limbaugh, these clowns will stay in the dark. They seem to have no ability to learn or discern on their own.

But that just makes them fun .. stupid as fuck .. but fun.

Once Hillary suspends her campaign or withdraws, it's over. Doesn't matter what Rush does.
Of course not. Even if every R who changed and requested a D ballot voted for HillBilly it wouldn't have changed even one election result.
hmm.. I thought 11% of the 1.2 million voters were republican...hill got what 54-56% of that vote. 56% of 11% of 1.2 is a number much greater than the margin that Obama lost by in Indiana.
hmm.. I thought 11% of the 1.2 million voters were republican...hill got what 54-56% of that vote. 56% of 11% of 1.2 is a number much greater than the margin that Obama lost by in Indiana.

That's Damo math. It works a little bit differently.
hmm.. I thought 11% of the 1.2 million voters were republican...hill got what 54-56% of that vote. 56% of 11% of 1.2 is a number much greater than the margin that Obama lost by in Indiana.
LOL. True.

I'll restate.

The R's didn't all vote for HillBilly. There was an 8 point spread in the R's. This is an 8K vote difference in Indiana (using the CNN numbers), this would not overturn the election in Obama's favor.