Wright, Wright, Wright!


New member
Any Brady Bunch fans in the house?

Gee, I wonder if Hillary is still going to complain about the media still being in the tank for Obama. Why is this guy getting 24x7 coverage on every network and every news site for a pre-book book tour? Are they going to cover every minute of his life from now on? "Wright a huge problem for Obama as he eats breakfast & then brushes his teeth; back to you, Joe, for more on Wright's afternoon schedule." Maybe they could set up a permanent "Wright-cam", a la the Truman Show.

This campaign has descended into the ultra-absurd. We are at war. We are in a recession. We have had a President who has ignored every other major issue for 7 years now.

Screw this, and screw the damned media. I hope the recession hits them the hardest.
Sooner or later, Bill, Hillary, or John McCain are going to pull something and this will fade. McCain sounds as if he has dementia every time he speaks, but the media isn't covering that at this time. But something will happen, because something always does.
Sooner or later, Bill, Hillary, or John McCain are going to pull something and this will fade. McCain sounds as if he has dementia every time he speaks, but the media isn't covering that at this time. But something will happen, because something always does.

Sure, but I'm starting to get more & more of a feeling that the fix is in, and that this will knock Obama out before something else happens to divert attention.

George Will this morning:

"Because Wright is a gift determined to keep on giving, this question arises: Can persons opposed to Barack Obama's candidacy justly make use of Wright's invariably interesting interventions in the campaign? The answer is: Certainly, because Wright's paranoias tell us something -- exactly what remains to be explored -- about his 20-year parishioner."

He sums it up for all of these fools. They know this is a BS story, but they HAVE to justify it & the coverage, because it's their excuse. It's there "I would have voted for a black man, if it wasn't for that crazy pastor of his." It's a get out of jail free card.
Sure, but I'm starting to get more & more of a feeling that the fix is in, and that this will knock Obama out before something else happens to divert attention.

George Will this morning:

"Because Wright is a gift determined to keep on giving, this question arises: Can persons opposed to Barack Obama's candidacy justly make use of Wright's invariably interesting interventions in the campaign? The answer is: Certainly, because Wright's paranoias tell us something -- exactly what remains to be explored -- about his 20-year parishioner."

He sums it up for all of these fools. They know this is a BS story, but they HAVE to justify it & the coverage, because it's their excuse. It's there "I would have voted for a black man, if it wasn't for that crazy pastor of his." It's a get out of jail free card.

I think that is exactly what it is. I'm really sorry, I know that you believed it wouldn't happen that way. I never wanted to be right. You guys almost really had me convinced that it was just my brothers, and because I am surrounded by so many NY Italians. But that it wasn't representative. I so much didn't want it to be.

But...even so, it's not over yet. I still believe he can gain the nomination, and I have been watching McCain, while few have been, and certainly not our media. I don't believe he's electable, I really don't.
It's okay; I don't blame you! You were right, though. Racism is alive & well here; I think just about everyone still has it to some degree.

I agree about McCain; he still can't get much traction in the polls, despite the many gifts that the past few months have bestowed upon him. The few snips I hear of him on TV now, he just sounds old & addled. He's easy pickin's in the general. If it's Hillary beating him, I don't think I'll even be able to turn a TV on around then. I'll have to do a personal media blackout for months.
I couldn't believe McCain's flip flop on Wright; "well, Obama says it's fair game, so it must be fair game," or whatever he said.

Obama should go out & say that McCain is a doddering old fool who can't even put on his socks right; if he says it, it must be true.
Since I don't have a link I'm going to have to pull a 'Desh' here and ask you to guess who selected Wright to speak at the news conference on Sunday. Hint: Clinton people.
Sooner or later, Bill, Hillary, or John McCain are going to pull something and this will fade. McCain sounds as if he has dementia every time he speaks, but the media isn't covering that at this time. But something will happen, because something always does.

no one cares about mccain right now. The story is the fight between the two democrats.
good friggin grief.....

NOBODY had EVER heard of this person called Barack Hussein Obama until he started running for President..

Some of you act like we're not suppose to ask and find out about this person who is wanting to be our President..

Welcome to the REAL WORLD...:cof1:
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Well said..................

good friggin grief.....

NOBODY had EVER heard of this person called Barack Hussein Obama until he started running for President..

Some of you act like we're not suppose to ask and find out about this person who is wanting to be our President..

Welcome to the REAL WORLD...:cof1:

and this sums it up...no matter how the left tries to turn this into a race card!
Any Brady Bunch fans in the house?

Gee, I wonder if Hillary is still going to complain about the media still being in the tank for Obama. Why is this guy getting 24x7 coverage on every network and every news site for a pre-book book tour? Are they going to cover every minute of his life from now on? "Wright a huge problem for Obama as he eats breakfast & then brushes his teeth; back to you, Joe, for more on Wright's afternoon schedule." Maybe they could set up a permanent "Wright-cam", a la the Truman Show.

This campaign has descended into the ultra-absurd. We are at war. We are in a recession. We have had a President who has ignored every other major issue for 7 years now.

Screw this, and screw the damned media. I hope the recession hits them the hardest.
The candidate himself said that this is a legitimate question. I'll take his word for it, rather than a worshipers...
A legitimate question that has been answered very well by Obama.
Not really. The "shocked anger" at the sudden transformation of Wright before his eyes into something he has never seen before was a bit contrived and silly.

Much like the "I didn't read those newsletters" excuse from another candidate that everybody freaked on.
I guess this is just typical Wright wing rhetoric.

Obama gave a great answer to all this origionally, and the right wing led media has been beating this dead horse to death.
Did Jarod use the Wright wing thing too ? I did not see that.

And here I thought I invented it. Well maybe my copyright letter was postmarked first.
btw damo I mailed it before posting it on here. :)