WTF could Mcain get done


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With a majority of Congress being controlled by dens. It's time for dems to sweep out the neocons.
FLush the Congress! Well, except for the people I like, of course!

Bernie and some of his friends!
the most dangerous thing that mcsame would do is select conservative scotus members - he will not have a friendly congress to get his programs passed

oth, while bo will have a 'friendly' congress, i do not think that he will get much of his 'change' agenda passed either

about the only thing that gets congress off of its ass, is when the nation is attacked

however, the war on terror is not fairing well

our foreign intelligence gathering requires more people that speak foreign languages fluently and understand their cultures
What can Obama really get done with the balance of power being held by the Blue Dogs?

Clinton couldn't get national healthcare passed.
With a majority of Congress being controlled by dens. It's time for dems to sweep out the neocons.

I suspect that's what will happen but it won't be a clean sweep. The possibility does exist for the Dems to capture the White house and both houses of Congress with maybe even a super majority in the Senate.

But the Republican party still controls the Judiciary branch, which, truth tells, doesn't bother me as much as the Judiciary tends to be less partisan.
Well I doubt Top will read it, but here is an editorial on that very topic:

McCain Sets Battle Plan For Reaching Across Aisle:

Nomination Speech Kicks Off Possibility Of Split Leadership

September 6, 2008; Page A5

By using his nomination acceptance speech to say he would appoint Democrats to his cabinet and solicit Democratic policy ideas, presidential candidate John McCain sought to assure voters that he could avoid legislative gridlock if Democrats, as is likely, deepen their control of Congress.

The Republican's message is especially important this year, as polls show that Americans find both the president and Congress wanting and are frustrated with political bickering in Washington. Already, McCain advisers are working on strategies for governing, including emphasizing issues where Sen. McCain and Democrats largely see eye-to-eye, such as promoting renewable energy and curbing greenhouse-gas emissions. They say they would also try to break Democratic party unity on more-contentious issues. For example, they are counting on the growing ranks of Democratic centrists, who are more fiscally conservative than mainstream Democrats, to become McCain allies on taxes.

They're also counting on the legislative calendar to force accommodation. The tax cuts signed into law by President George W. Bush are set to expire at the end of 2010, and neither party wants to revert to higher rates across the board, especially given the frail economy. The Democrats, in general, want to raise the rates on families that make more than $200,000 in taxable income and use the money for other priorities, such as health-care subsidies. Sen. McCain wants to block any tax increases and reduce the top corporate tax rate to 25% from 35%. Neither is likely to prevail entirely, but they can't avoid working out their differences.

"Again and again, I've worked with members of both parties to fix problems that need to be fixed," the Arizona senator told the Republican convention. "That's how I will govern as president."
McCain will help our economy. Anybody that knows a lick about the economy knows that Obama's plan is the worst possible. McCains can be great, if he does not go to hog wild on the green energy too fast. I accept green energy that works well. I have faith in solar, geo-thermal, natural gas, petrolium and nucular. The rest will be round filed--even wind for a major source. May the best win.

I am not a "Juan McCain the expert enviornmentalist" fan. But, I will vote for him, in hopes Palin will beat out Hillery in 2012. My vote is for the hope of Palin (and that is a bit thin--but you libs with your socialist movement make us despriate to look at her as a saviour).

She will rally the real people who have been ignored by liberialism for a long time--and she will win any office she desires--because she uses truth instead of slimy laywer tactics.

The radical left are going to have to kill her if you (yes--I know who I am talking to on this board) want to continue raping America of it's proven values that you should be cherishing in this country. Why do you think people all over the world move here more than any other country?

We should preserve America--and get rid of it's corruption like only Palin can. Other people migrate here on a constant basis--and we would kill the human migration of this planet if we inslaved our people like the rest of the socialists/communists countries. lol--but it may be true.
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