

Verified User

Hundreds of job opening listings posted on and other jobs sites explicitly state that people who are unemployed would be less attractive applicants, with some telling the long-term unemployed to not even bother with applying.;_ylt=AhHHJaOV7c3eZ4Mnzae.js6s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNwZW5zYm5uBGNjb2RlA3dlaWdodGVkY3QEcGtnA2ZhMjllZmEyLTdkMmUtM2VmNi1hZWY5LTYyYzA3YzhjMzA4ZQRwb3MDNQRzZWMDbW9zdF9wb3B1bGFyBHZlcgM2YTNmYThlMC1iNzkyLTExZTAtYmU5Yi01ODM3ODQ0MWM0ZDI-;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3
Don't the Teabaggers want to cut funding for Suicide Prevention too?
Many people hiring would prefer to hire someone who has a job. There are several reasons for this.

When I worked for one large company years ago, we were told by legal that if someone called for a reference we could only give the dates of employment and the pay rate they had when they left. We were not even allowed to say whether we would rehire them or not. It was to avoid lawsuits.
Many people hiring would prefer to hire someone who has a job. There are several reasons for this.

When I worked for one large company years ago, we were told by legal that if someone called for a reference we could only give the dates of employment and the pay rate they had when they left. We were not even allowed to say whether we would rehire them or not. It was to avoid lawsuits.

this is the unfortunate reality. i tell new folks in my field who can't get work to volunteer. even if it is below what you're qualified for, do something.
Indeed. I've had a call from both districts I subbed in last year. One has promised that if a long term position comes available, I'm getting it. Why? I worked every time they needed me, including when lesson plans weren't available for science courses, not my forte.

While subbing helped keep my head just below water; vacation periods, and summer threatened to drown for the count. Guess what? IL law considers 'substitutes' to be teachers regarding unemployment. Meaning, not qualified to receive continued payments, just because the day-to-day jobs disappear because school isn't in session. Yeah, I'll be raising some cain, though won't help me now.

Which is one of the reasons why I went to Walgreens, after literally hundreds of apps for part time employment. After 3 months, I'm reapplying at Walmart, Costco, Sam's, Target, etc., with the Walgreens experience being most recent. All pay more than minimum wage. Even if and when I procure full time employment, I'll need part time work to pay off the hole that's been created by this disruption.
Indeed. I've had a call from both districts I subbed in last year. One has promised that if a long term position comes available, I'm getting it. Why? I worked every time they needed me, including when lesson plans weren't available for science courses, not my forte.

While subbing helped keep my head just below water; vacation periods, and summer threatened to drown for the count. Guess what? IL law considers 'substitutes' to be teachers regarding unemployment. Meaning, not qualified to receive continued payments, just because the day-to-day jobs disappear because school isn't in session. Yeah, I'll be raising some cain, though won't help me now.

Which is one of the reasons why I went to Walgreens, after literally hundreds of apps for part time employment. After 3 months, I'm reapplying at Walmart, Costco, Sam's, Target, etc., with the Walgreens experience being most recent. All pay more than minimum wage. Even if and when I procure full time employment, I'll need part time work to pay off the hole that's been created by this disruption.

I have a very good friend in the same predicament. I was outraged to hear about the subsitute teachers not being counted as unemployed and not entitled to unemployment benefits.
I have a very good friend in the same predicament. I was outraged to hear about the subsitute teachers not being counted as unemployed and not entitled to unemployment benefits.

It's an unreal predicament. As a teacher, one is paid a year long salary, some opt for year round payments, some for 9 months. Substitutes are not given a contract, are indeed a day-to-day hire, unless given a long term assignment. I went to my rep once and then got a 'reversal.' Then I got the part-time work and stopped certifying. When I went to unemployment this week, after a 2 week period of 20 hours, found out that they rescinded the reversal and they may try to collect that last payment. Good luck with any of that, I don't have it.

If instead of a teacher I'd been a sales clerk and couldn't find anything but minimum wage and couldn't get more hours, unemployment would make up the short fall. Not for teachers. It's wrong.
It's an unreal predicament. As a teacher, one is paid a year long salary, some opt for year round payments, some for 9 months. Substitutes are not given a contract, are indeed a day-to-day hire, unless given a long term assignment. I went to my rep once and then got a 'reversal.' Then I got the part-time work and stopped certifying. When I went to unemployment this week, after a 2 week period of 20 hours, found out that they rescinded the reversal and they may try to collect that last payment. Good luck with any of that, I don't have it.

If instead of a teacher I'd been a sales clerk and couldn't find anything but minimum wage and couldn't get more hours, unemployment would make up the short fall. Not for teachers. It's wrong.

It's beyond wrong.
Many people hiring would prefer to hire someone who has a job. There are several reasons for this.

Poor kids getting out of college.

I here 80% of them are moving back in with their parents.

I bet these individuals are really loving Obama right now.

Obama really has a head of steam going into 2012!:awesome:
this is the unfortunate reality. i tell new folks in my field who can't get work to volunteer. even if it is below what you're qualified for, do something.

That's great advice Yurt.

I agree!

I'd say the same thing.
I've technically been unemployed since I got laid off in '09 but on my resume I put that I started my own investment company, which I did, and it looks like I've been working the whole time.
No problems in my field. We can't find enough qualified people. We have to recruit, often out of state, and offer signing bonuses and relocaton assistance. I've had a number of lucrative offers in the last couple of years but they were not lucrative (or attractive) enough to entice me to relocate on my own dime.

Unfortunately in todays economy, when unemployed, gaining employment often requires a large degree of mobility. I have a friend who has been unemployed, thanks to the Bush recession, for over a year. He's had several offers he's had to turn down because he can't relocate because he's upside down on his mortgage and can't sell his house.
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No problems in my field. We can't find enough qualified people.

that is obvious since you have a job in the field. ;)

Unfortunately in todays economy, when unemployed, gaining employment often requires a large degree of mobility. I have a friend who has been unemployed, thanks to the Bush recession, for over a year. He's had several offers he's had to turn down because he can't relocate because he's upside down on his mortgage and can't sell his house.

So your friend lost his job under OBAMA, a full year AFTER the recession ended and the OBAMA 'summer recovery' was under way? Yet you still try to blame Bush.
that is obvious since you have a job in the field. ;)

So your friend lost his job under OBAMA, a full year AFTER the recession ended and the OBAMA 'summer recovery' was under way? Yet you still try to blame Bush.
Ehhhh, to be honest with you, I wish I were back doing field work, I'm not well suited for flying a desk. Meh, it pays the bills.

Although Obama certainly deserves ample criticism for not doing enough to help people during the Bush recession there's no doubt as to who was asleep at the wheel and permitted this economic catastrophe to occur. I'm fairly satisfied that the actions Obama has taken have prevented things from being far worse then they would have been had that inept mediocrity Bush still been in office but that's not exactly setting the bar very high is it?
I wonder how many Teabaggers will lose their jobs if they get the spending cuts they think they want.
Ehhhh, to be honest with you, I wish I were back doing field work, I'm not well suited for flying a desk. Meh, it pays the bills.

Although Obama certainly deserves ample criticism for not doing enough to help people during the Bush recession there's no doubt as to who was asleep at the wheel and permitted this economic catastrophe to occur. I'm fairly satisfied that the actions Obama has taken have prevented things from being far worse then they would have been had that inept mediocrity Bush still been in office but that's not exactly setting the bar very high is it?

lol.... be honest.... when we were going through 2001-2002 and the market was crashing.... did you constantly refer to it as the Clinton recession? Or did you expect the President to actually do his friggin job?

Note: While it could be worse than it is today is certainly a valid argument, things are STILL worse today than they were when the recession ended.