Ya wanna know "Why We Fight"?


All you have to do to understnad why we get into any war since WW2 is watch a great documentry (that makes Gores and Moors look like a liberial child did those) called "Why We Fight--by Egene Jarlecki.

The name "why We Fight" was knocked off from a war propaganda film used to get soldiers "in the mood" here.


Ugenes version is quite different here.


Here is a paragraph from the second link explaining the military indsutrial congreesional complex

Lookie whos name is in there that supports it!!! McCain!!!! (yep--he is in the movie--and he looks really nervoius--like you have never seen him before with a camera and mike in his face)

"It was "a huge leap," as former Pentagon analyst and retired Air Force Col. Karen Kwiatkowski says in this film about the administration's post-9/11 focus on Iraq: "A manufactured leap, in order to implement a very calculated and pre-developed foreign policy."

This quantum leap – either backward or forward, according to your ideological predilections – into a new doctrine of preemption, which claims the "right" to attack any nation, anywhere, at any time, and for any reason. It is enthusiastically endorsed by McCain, Kristol, and Perle, and symbolically celebrated – or, rather, dramatized – by a duo of Air Force pilots who personally participated in the first bombing strike of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and breathlessly relate how great it was and how privileged they felt to be participants in this historic event, "the liberation of a people," as one of them solemnly intones. We are then jerked abruptly back to reality by the sardonic Professor Johnson, who reminds us that the Bush Doctrine is not really new: it is, instead, "an extreme statement of what has been in the works for a long time" – really, he says, since World War II."

This doc is a must see, (I am sure some of you have seen it) and in my opinion, should be played in public high school as part of history---at the beginning of the term--and at the end. :)


It really is that good. You will want to watch it twice to get it all.
yeah a premptive war, How american can you get.

I get it unfortunately bushies do not seem to get it.
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Yeah, I watched this last week. It's very good. It's why I am back on the Paul bandwagon. The fact that he might associate with some folks that solicit racists is trivial. There is no greater threat to minorities or any American than the war machine.
Yeah, I watched this last week. It's very good. It's why I am back on the Paul bandwagon. The fact that he might associate with some folks that solicit racists is trivial. There is no greater threat to minorities or any American than the war machine.


I told you guys, the racist allegations would blow over. It hasn't hurt his numbers at all. Now it will even be difficult for them to re-rehash them, should he continue to get much better than expected numbers, like in Nevada.
Yeah, I watched this last week. It's very good. It's why I am back on the Paul bandwagon. The fact that he might associate with some folks that solicit racists is trivial. There is no greater threat to minorities or any American than the war machine.

Watching it now. The opening speech by Eisenhower is spot on.
Yeah, I watched this last week. It's very good. It's why I am back on the Paul bandwagon. The fact that he might associate with some folks that solicit racists is trivial. There is no greater threat to minorities or any American than the war machine.

Ignorance about it certainly is more dangerous and I don't see any enlightenment arising from hyper-partisanship. Even exposed the MIC is an awesome threat.
RP's in third fourth right now - who would've expected that at the beginning of his campaign?

He's practically like the John Edwards of the Republicans.

Did you hear that Cypress?
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yeah a premptive war, How american can you get.

I get it unfortunately bushies do not seem to get it.

Read the last three lines of that paragraph I copied and pasted. Which is the whole darn paragraph now that I look at it. Thems some long lines.
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Yeah, I watched this last week. It's very good. It's why I am back on the Paul bandwagon. The fact that he might associate with some folks that solicit racists is trivial. There is no greater threat to minorities or any American than the war machine.

ya know--a local station had pauls brother on TV tonight. He is a preacher of some kind. Ron Paul does not hang out with the elected boys after work or anything. He seperates himself from that crowd.

Ya gotta like a guy like that.
yeah a premptive war, How american can you get.

I get it unfortunately bushies do not seem to get it.

Ike was a Republican---there is no way he could be right. Or do you maybe think he was referring to some thing LARGER than republicans and democrats ?
So---we shouldn't try ? Does it mean give up ? Is it inevitable ? Seriously--what is this movie encouraging people to do ?

I thought it was self explanatory in the film. To make us aware of what president Eisenhower told us during his farwell speach (the film starts with that speach). He mentioned that we have to have a sharp citizenery to contol the vast power of the military industrial compex. That there were forces to misplace power, and those forces will persist. One qoute he said was "God help this country if anybody gets into office that does not know as much about the military as I do"

The reason of the film---like the film says "we live in the United States of Amneisa--we forget what happened last week" , is to get the citizenery sharp like Eisenhower said we would have to be to control this phenom. The film also pointed out how the feds use the media---to help make sure we are not a sharp citizenery.

If your trying to undermine this film--I think you are making a big mistake.
Ike was a Republican---there is no way he could be right. Or do you maybe think he was referring to some thing LARGER than republicans and democrats ?

Ike was an independent prior to the election. In fact, he was the only candidate in the history of this country that was vehemently courted by both parties for the nomination. He chose to run as a Republican because of differences he had with Truman, I think.