Yaroslav Suris Is F—ed (Pun Intended)


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Charlie McCarthy was a misnamed fictional character that always bugged me. Who in hell calls a guy Charlie when he wears a tuxedo and a top hat; with a monocle no less? He should have been named Charles McCarthy.

The thing that puzzled me the most listening to Charlie McCarthy on the radio is that I knew the dummy was talking, but I never could figure out if Edgar Bergen’s lips were moving.

Sound waves travel outward from the point of origin. Only fools believe that a sound originating in vocal cords must first be silenced then inserted in the dummy as though the dummy’s “vocal cords” is the point of origin. In short: A ventriloquist dummy makes no sound.

How many times have you someone say “He hardly moves his lips at all.” The trick is to make the audience focus on the ventriloquist’s lips not the dummy’s. A ventriloquist move their lips slightly as part of the illusion. Señor Wences took the illusion one step further. Sometimes you could not see the dummy’s lips move:

In fact, everybody can speak without moving their lips if they practice.

Somebody should tell Mr. Suris that a ventriloquist dummy had the number one radio show for a while —— and that was without closed captions.

A deaf man in New York, Yaroslav Suris, has sued Pornhub and other pornographic websites over what he claims is a lack of closed captioning that prevents him from enjoying “video content” as a disabled person. He claims that sites like Pornhub, RedTube, and YouPorn are in violation of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and its mandate that public accommodation’s goods, services, facilities and privileges must allow for “full and equal enjoyment” for disabled individuals.

Notably, one site, Pornhub, has insisted that it does supply closed captioning even if it is presumably . . . well . . .monosyllabic.

This issue did come up during the Obama Administration with regard to movie theaters. The Obama Administration issued a rule that the failure to offer closed captioning for deaf moviegoers would violate the ADA. The rule required:

(1) have and maintain the equipment necessary to provide closed movie captioning and audio description at a movie patron’s seat whenever showing a digital movie produced, distributed, or otherwise made available with these features;

(2) provide notice to the public about the availability of these features; and

(3) ensure that theater staff is available to assist patrons with the equipment before, during, and after the showing of a movie with these features.

This lawsuit would apply to streaming and Internet services and sites. Dialogue is not known as the primary draws of pornography, though the Supreme Court had a direct influence on porn scripts when it started to rule on what was obscene and what is merely pornographic. Applying community standards, the Court asked if an average person would find the work taken as a whole would only appeal prurient interests and was “utterly without redeeming social value.” The response from the porn industry was to insert lines for Shakespeare into scenes. Those literally moments would, of course, be lost without closed captioning.

I was curious as to how this would work with such non-pornographic but analogous scenes like the famous faked orgasm in “When Harry Met Sally” so here it is:

Bizarre, Media, Society, Uncategorized
January 18, 2020
Deaf Man Sues Pornhub and Other Sites For Lack Of Closed Captioning
