Yemenis' Red Sea blockade forces Israeli port of Eilat into bankruptcy


Satire for Sanity
Genocide Joe's bombs didn't arrive in Israel via the Red Sea then.


Genocide Joe's bombs didn't arrive in Israel via the Red Sea then.


Well, maybe Israel should curb stomp the Yemenis and get them to stop doing what they're doing to international shipping traffic. Maybe the US and other nations should too. After all, the Red Sea is an international water way and the Yemenis aren't particularly picky about what ships they attack.

Let's carpet bomb the next one of these the Yemeni's put on...

That the alleged military might of America loses to the Houthis just as we lost to the goat herders of Afghanistan is something to notice.
Well, maybe Israel should curb stomp the Yemenis and get them to stop doing what they're doing to international shipping traffic. Maybe the US and other nations should too. After all, the Red Sea is an international water way and the Yemenis aren't particularly picky about what ships they attack.

Let's carpet bomb the next one of these the Yemeni's put on...

They just sunk a Greek/Russian ship with I think coal on it the other day.

..or last month.

Crude oil, but it didn't sink just was damaged.

They can't tell it's a Russian ship by the rust? I can. I don't think they believe in sandblasting n paint n stuff.

They're just like "Fuck it, when it flakes enough to have a hole, we'll patch it a time or 2, then scuttle it."
That's the effect the Left and "social justice" has on warfare.



Just remember...

The only REAL war crime is losi
Its what happens when you have shit quality officers and a military purchasing program that is focused on transfering money to contractors rather than keeping America strong.
That's the effect the Left and "social justice" has on warfare.



Just remember...

The only REAL war crime is losing
I really don't like Sherman. I first learned..well no, we had already had it in school, but there was this old black woman outside of a General Store in GA, and boy, she gave me an earful about Sherman and some Damn Yankees and there was some spitting, and she wasn't dipping.
She definitely meant what she was saying. Tbh, I was pretty shocked. We weren't taught that in school yet.
She was really old, but she was serious about what she was telling me. Not sure how it even came up, I just wanted an RC cola.
"Them damn Yankees" did something that made her very angry.
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