Yes, Bush Admin made Mistakes, War is Messy


New member
I will readily admit that there were men and women in the Bush Admin, and especially the CIA, that misjudged the problems we would have in Iraq, after our troops' relatively EASY victory over Saddam and his "Elite republican Guard". Rumsfeld, others in the Pentagon, George Tenet and some in the CIA either downplayed the difficuties ahead, put their hopes and wishes into something that should ALWAYS be a Cold, Hard Assessment. The Gathering, Sifting, Distillation and Interpretation of Intel.

So there were definitely mistakes. But mistakes in War are not an unheard of ocurrence. As a matter of fact, they are the NORM. War is a very messy business, and things NEVER go 100% "as planned". And mistakes do NOT give people the EXCUSE to drag down the Morale of the Bravest, Most Selfless and Courageous young men and
women in America, who VOLUNTEER to be shot at, bombed so WE can remain safe. It is NO excuse to use the DEATHS of these Brave Souls to GAIN POLITICAL POINTS. It is NO excuse to use the DEATHS of these Brave Souls to BASH Political Enemies, to BASH a President who you HATE, because he BEAT the Liberal Heir to the Clinton Scandaldency. To bash a President who was trying to CLEAN UP THE MESS, made by a Clinton Administration who was TOO BUSY DODGING BIMBO SCANDALS, too BUSY looking for the NEXT set of PANTIES that would turn up, to adequately and RESPONSIBLY SAFEGUARD AND SECURE THIS NATION FROM ATTACK.
The events of 9-11 were a DIRECT result of a President too busy with "other problems" to keep his eye on the Terrorism Ball. We KNEW they wanted to Kill Masses of Americans! Khobar Towers, the U.S.S. Cole, the FIRST BOMBING OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER'S TOWERS?!

So PBS has a Special Series running, The War in Iraq, I think is the title. It's actally pretty good, even with the Political Slant, subtly laying blame at Rumsfeld, Rice, and others, but saying NOTHING of the events that LED UP TO, AND CAUSED, the war. But PBS did a good job of showing the Iraqis AS THEY WERE, in the first weeks of the war.
Apologists for Terrorists and Intern-Preoccupied Presidents like "ib1gaysguy" whine "Oh, the Saddam statue destruction by the Iraqi people was "fixed and staged", so na-na-na!"
Yeah, right, ib1gays, the Iraqi people LOVED Saddam! They MUST have, they always kissed him, in his "man of the people" footage(even though ones who refused had their right hands and testicles sliced off) But NO ONE could "STAGE" the HUNDREDS of filmed instances of Iraqi people kissing soldiers in thanks, shooting Saddam's statues and murals on walls, etc. Even the big statue they pulled down- I saw women run in houses, and come out with kitchen utensils, to hammer on Saddam's image. THAT kind of hate CANNOT be "staged", I don't care HOW many Liberal Biased "journalists" lie about what they saw.

It was OBVIOUS, the PURE HATRED they had for Saddam, and yes, they treated our guys not like Liberators, but like ANGELS. PBS ALSO admitted that although Condi Rice had tears in her eyes, for the happiness and joy and FREEDOM we were bringing these people, the original "Shock and Awe" was actually EASIER than what was to come. PBS also said that the British Intelligence, French and Russian Intel also thought Saddam was probably trying to rebuild his nuclear arms program, to go with the KNOWN Chem and Bio he had, when he GASSED HIS OWN IRAQI KURDS, killing babies in their mother's arms. We KNEW he had RAPE ROOMS, where Saddams' men forced husbands, fathers and brothers to WATCH, while the Women of their family were REPEATEDLY SODOMIZED by "The Elite Republican Guard", the ones that Liberals told us would cause TENS OF THOUSANDS of Soldier's deaths, back in the 90's, the Republican Guard that OUR guys made look like CHILDREN.

But after ba couple of weeks, the Iraqis started going nuts. They were not USED to freedom, they didn't quite know how to handle it, so they started LOOTING, committing crimes, attacks on each other, etc. At around the SAME time, our Enemies in the MidEast, like Iran, Syria, Hammas, Hezbolla, etc., started sending in undercover terrorists, to infiltrate and recruit, and then Al-Qaeda in Iraq was stared. It all turned into a Bloody Circus, which we calmedf down with the "Surge", but in that part of the World, NOTHING is permanent. Iraq's future, their Government, etc., was poorly planned. people like Rumsfeld didn't take into acoount enough, the fact that over there, just because there is 3 men in a room, and they ALL call themselves Iraqis, that DOESN'T MEAN that they WON'T KILL EACH OTHER. We should have planned a quick victory, followed by an even QUICKER transfer of Power. But those people cannot seem to AGREE ON ANYTHING!

Anyway, a man that was MORE viscious that Hitler, cut off more fingers and toes, little pieces of men for torture, would have eventually killed more PEOPLE than Hitler, even ATTEMPTED TO KILL A UNITED STATES PRESIDENT, is NO more. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish. But I'm sure some Liberal will castigate me, telling me I have NO RIGHT to hurt Saddam's family's FEELINGS, by calling him "Bad Rubbish", Haahaha!

BTW, I have a question: What happened to Liberals, that cried, moaned, whined, and held up traffic in my city for years, on and off, with the signs reading "Bush just wants a WAR, so he can have CHEAP OIL!!! Bush is Evil!! Bush just wants to Kill Iraqi children, so he can have $1 a gallon gasoline!!"

Liberals even got Harrison Ford, in one of the Jack Ryan roles, to have the MidEast Terrorist taking over AirForce One to say, with spittle-rage, "Don't lecture ME about Morality! You Americans will Kill Children, to save a Dollar on a Gallon of Gas!!" Oh, it was comical, with the BAD MidEast accent, the lousy actor, saying his Liberal-written lines, Hahaha!

Boy, you Libs SURE know what YOU'RE talking about, Haaaaahahahaha!
"War is a very messy business"

Yep. That is why it is only, EVER a last resort, and never something to be engaged in carelessly. We should want leaders who will bend over backwards looking for excuses not to go to war, instead of trying to cherrypick a case for it.

You could have spared the rest of the rant.
I never argued that it was a war for cheap oil; just a war for oil.

Oil profits are through the roof. I would never argue that Bush cares about the consumer end of that.
Boy, you Libs SURE know what YOU'RE talking about, Haaaaahahahaha!

Cheap oil for who?

He did not do this for Americas benifit you complete fool.
If Bush & Cheney had actually GONE to war instead of using every connection they had to get out of it, maybe they would have known it would be "messy," instead of thinking that we'd be greeted as liberators & out in 6 months. Maybe they would have given that guy who estimated the war cost at being over $50 billion a little more benefit of the doubt, instead of firing him.

I sure wish they had known it would be "messy." Someone familiar with war should have told them.
I honestly think a little history of the region would have been good to have taken into account. On this count jollie is correct: It is a mess over there.
I thought GWB just last week talked about the romance of war. He didn't say it was messy. He sentimentalized it. and then just a couple of days ago McCain said only a fool would sentimentalize war. Actually he said a fool or something else so you do have two choices bush fans.
This is hilarious. jollie is channeling Rumsfeld from circa 2004 and threw in some blame the Iraqis for good measure.

I will readily admit that there were men and women in the Bush Admin, and especially the CIA, that misjudged the problems we would have in Iraq, after our troops' relatively EASY victory over Saddam and his "Elite republican Guard". Rumsfeld, others in the Pentagon, George Tenet and some in the CIA either downplayed the difficuties ahead, put their hopes and wishes into something that should ALWAYS be a Cold, Hard Assessment. The Gathering, Sifting, Distillation and Interpretation of Intel.

So there were definitely mistakes. But mistakes in War are not an unheard of ocurrence. As a matter of fact, they are the NORM. War is a very messy business, and things NEVER go 100% "as planned". And mistakes do NOT give people the EXCUSE to drag down the Morale of the Bravest, Most Selfless and Courageous young men and
women in America, who VOLUNTEER to be shot at, bombed so WE can remain safe. It is NO excuse to use the DEATHS of these Brave Souls to GAIN POLITICAL POINTS. It is NO excuse to use the DEATHS of these Brave Souls to BASH Political Enemies, to BASH a President who you HATE, because he BEAT the Liberal Heir to the Clinton Scandaldency. To bash a President who was trying to CLEAN UP THE MESS, made by a Clinton Administration who was TOO BUSY DODGING BIMBO SCANDALS, too BUSY looking for the NEXT set of PANTIES that would turn up, to adequately and RESPONSIBLY SAFEGUARD AND SECURE THIS NATION FROM ATTACK.
The events of 9-11 were a DIRECT result of a President too busy with "other problems" to keep his eye on the Terrorism Ball. We KNEW they wanted to Kill Masses of Americans! Khobar Towers, the U.S.S. Cole, the FIRST BOMBING OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER'S TOWERS?!

So PBS has a Special Series running, The War in Iraq, I think is the title. It's actally pretty good, even with the Political Slant, subtly laying blame at Rumsfeld, Rice, and others, but saying NOTHING of the events that LED UP TO, AND CAUSED, the war. But PBS did a good job of showing the Iraqis AS THEY WERE, in the first weeks of the war.
Apologists for Terrorists and Intern-Preoccupied Presidents like "ib1gaysguy" whine "Oh, the Saddam statue destruction by the Iraqi people was "fixed and staged", so na-na-na!"
Yeah, right, ib1gays, the Iraqi people LOVED Saddam! They MUST have, they always kissed him, in his "man of the people" footage(even though ones who refused had their right hands and testicles sliced off) But NO ONE could "STAGE" the HUNDREDS of filmed instances of Iraqi people kissing soldiers in thanks, shooting Saddam's statues and murals on walls, etc. Even the big statue they pulled down- I saw women run in houses, and come out with kitchen utensils, to hammer on Saddam's image. THAT kind of hate CANNOT be "staged", I don't care HOW many Liberal Biased "journalists" lie about what they saw.

It was OBVIOUS, the PURE HATRED they had for Saddam, and yes, they treated our guys not like Liberators, but like ANGELS. PBS ALSO admitted that although Condi Rice had tears in her eyes, for the happiness and joy and FREEDOM we were bringing these people, the original "Shock and Awe" was actually EASIER than what was to come. PBS also said that the British Intelligence, French and Russian Intel also thought Saddam was probably trying to rebuild his nuclear arms program, to go with the KNOWN Chem and Bio he had, when he GASSED HIS OWN IRAQI KURDS, killing babies in their mother's arms. We KNEW he had RAPE ROOMS, where Saddams' men forced husbands, fathers and brothers to WATCH, while the Women of their family were REPEATEDLY SODOMIZED by "The Elite Republican Guard", the ones that Liberals told us would cause TENS OF THOUSANDS of Soldier's deaths, back in the 90's, the Republican Guard that OUR guys made look like CHILDREN.

But after ba couple of weeks, the Iraqis started going nuts. They were not USED to freedom, they didn't quite know how to handle it, so they started LOOTING, committing crimes, attacks on each other, etc. At around the SAME time, our Enemies in the MidEast, like Iran, Syria, Hammas, Hezbolla, etc., started sending in undercover terrorists, to infiltrate and recruit, and then Al-Qaeda in Iraq was stared. It all turned into a Bloody Circus, which we calmedf down with the "Surge", but in that part of the World, NOTHING is permanent. Iraq's future, their Government, etc., was poorly planned. people like Rumsfeld didn't take into acoount enough, the fact that over there, just because there is 3 men in a room, and they ALL call themselves Iraqis, that DOESN'T MEAN that they WON'T KILL EACH OTHER. We should have planned a quick victory, followed by an even QUICKER transfer of Power. But those people cannot seem to AGREE ON ANYTHING!

Anyway, a man that was MORE viscious that Hitler, cut off more fingers and toes, little pieces of men for torture, would have eventually killed more PEOPLE than Hitler, even ATTEMPTED TO KILL A UNITED STATES PRESIDENT, is NO more. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish. But I'm sure some Liberal will castigate me, telling me I have NO RIGHT to hurt Saddam's family's FEELINGS, by calling him "Bad Rubbish", Haahaha!

BTW, I have a question: What happened to Liberals, that cried, moaned, whined, and held up traffic in my city for years, on and off, with the signs reading "Bush just wants a WAR, so he can have CHEAP OIL!!! Bush is Evil!! Bush just wants to Kill Iraqi children, so he can have $1 a gallon gasoline!!"

Liberals even got Harrison Ford, in one of the Jack Ryan roles, to have the MidEast Terrorist taking over AirForce One to say, with spittle-rage, "Don't lecture ME about Morality! You Americans will Kill Children, to save a Dollar on a Gallon of Gas!!" Oh, it was comical, with the BAD MidEast accent, the lousy actor, saying his Liberal-written lines, Hahaha!

Boy, you Libs SURE know what YOU'RE talking about, Haaaaahahahaha!

The Bush administration was not able to privatize Iraqi oil, so Bremmer left, mad as hell! The Iraqis began to realize it wasn't about them and now we have the rest of the story!