Yes to INSTANT Background Gun CHECKS


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In California, when someone is stopped by the Police, you show your Driver's License, the Cop scans it and bam, the Cop knows your traffic/criminal background, etc. If you use a credit card, bam, there is an almost immediate response. With all the computer technology now a days, someone at a gunshow should be able to get checked out immediately and be issued a "Buy a Gun Today Slip". There is no reason why there cannot be instant background checks at gun shows, and gun shop dealers. If someone knows of someone who they believe is a Looney Toone like Fool Foote on the old board, then maybe there should be a Federal phone number where that person's name could be inserted into the system, so if they later tried to buy a gun, there would be a personal Police interview to determine their mental health state of mind. Also, any flagrant use of that phone number would be a potential felony. I say this because there are some jealous Lib Demo girleymen on her who might try to turn my ass in...Ja Ja Ja(Spanish for Ha Ha Ha, capisce?)
In California, when someone is stopped by the Police, you show your Driver's License, the Cop scans it and bam, the Cop knows your traffic/criminal background, etc. If you use a credit card, bam, there is an almost immediate response. With all the computer technology now a days, someone at a gunshow should be able to get checked out immediately and be issued a "Buy a Gun Today Slip". There is no reason why there cannot be instant background checks at gun shows, and gun shop dealers. If someone knows of someone who they believe is a Looney Toone like Fool Foote on the old board, then maybe there should be a Federal phone number where that person's name could be inserted into the system, so if they later tried to buy a gun, there would be a personal Police interview to determine their mental health state of mind. Also, any flagrant use of that phone number would be a potential felony. I say this because there are some jealous Lib Demo girleymen on her who might try to turn my ass in...Ja Ja Ja(Spanish for Ha Ha Ha, capisce?)
From what I am hearing/seeing on gun control, it looks like my idea above may be the only thing passed. There will not be any new gun ban/magazine limit new gun laws passed Nationally. The Lib girleymen gun grabbers have failed again, what else is new. It is time for the Forum Lib Girleymen Hippies to wake up and smell the coffee, get real, or go back to your 60's communes, and quit trying to tell everyone else how to run their lives.