Yes, Virginia, there will be another woman candidate in your lifetime.


The Force is With Me
Not to flame, but thoughts that I completely agree with.

One-Hit Wondering
By Dahlia Lithwick

"Even if it were true that no new female candidate can appear to amaze and inspire us by 2012, we are already blessed—as even the naysayers concede—with a bullpen that's both deep and wide. It features female talents such as Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Condoleezza Rice, and former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman. Why diminish all these women with claims that whatever qualities of Clinton's they lack are precisely those qualities needed to become president someday? What possible evidence do we have for that?

We have no evidence at all that the next woman who runs for president won't succeed—especially if one or two possible candidates are tapped this summer for a vice-presidential run. And so we arrive at the real stumbling block for any future female candidate. One way or another, the naysayers all want to conclude (indeed, at times, Clinton herself is wont to conclude) that the Clinton campaign was ultimately derailed by the same pervasive sexism that will scuttle the next woman's chances. Never mind that this conclusion is belied by polls Zernike cites, which indicate that 86 percent of Americans say they would vote for a woman. Never mind that it's also belied by Clinton's own historic achievements."

--- more at link.
If Clinton's campaign is derailed - and it's very close - it has little to do with sexism, and everything to do with being a Clinton.

She's not the last great hope for women. She's just the 1st woman to run a serious campaign and get thisclose to the nomination. She blew it by triangulating for the general a year ago, and taking the primaries for granted; she did not blow it because she's a woman.

If she played to the base a year ago, she'd be the nominee today. If she kept Bill off of the campaign trail, she'd probably be the nominee as well.
I truely believe we will have a woman president in my lifetime.

Im really hoping we could have an atheist one in my lifetime but Im not so sure that will happen.

For those of you who think this is a choice you dont understand how hard it is to FORCE yourself to believe something you just cant see as real.

I tried and it just would not take.

Did not want to be a liar so I stopped.

I think I was born without the god gene.
Same here Desh. I try to make myself believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy....
Pretty much the same thing to me.

I ond't think we are as alone as we think, just have a bit more balls than most.
If Clinton's campaign is derailed - and it's very close - it has little to do with sexism, and everything to do with being a Clinton.

She's not the last great hope for women. She's just the 1st woman to run a serious campaign and get thisclose to the nomination. She blew it by triangulating for the general a year ago, and taking the primaries for granted; she did not blow it because she's a woman.

If she played to the base a year ago, she'd be the nominee today. If she kept Bill off of the campaign trail, she'd probably be the nominee as well.

Exactly the point.

The failure of the Hillary Clinton is the failure of Hillary Clinton, not the failure of women.

This being turned solely into sexism is what bothers me most.

It has created new divides within the ranks of the left.
And If Obama does not win he has proven there will also be another black candidate.


Obama stands on the shoulders of Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisolm, and even Doug Wilder.

Wheteher Obama wins or not, there will be other black candidates, including black women who will run for president.