Yet Again: Religious Myth Leads to Murder

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
To argue that Mrs. Hoover was simply struggling with emotional or mental issues is a cop-out

Last year in September, one of South Dakota’s kindest months, a Sioux Falls mother murdered her husband and 7-year-old son, then turned the gun on herself.
Although the event was horrific and sad in every respect, of particular relevance to this blog is why Stephanie Hoover, 35, the mother of three other pre-teens, including a 1-year-old, decided Zachary, among all her children, must be the one to die.

“[Zachary’s] better off with his momma in heaven where I can take care of him and be at peace,” Stephanie wrote in the note.

Heaven: a religious myth
Though irrational in their extreme resolution and, in any event, tragically wrongheaded, Stephanie’s concerns could certainly be termed “real-world.” But her magical thoughts related to Zachary involved a nonexistent realm that is unfortunately almost always considered real in our majority-Christian culture. In truth, our eclectic visions of “heaven” are as diverse and populous as people on the planet, and each is completely trapped within an individual minds, forever safe from material scrutiny.

To argue that Mrs. Hoover was simply struggling with emotional or mental issues is a cop-out, however true that may be. The ever-present American narrative of divine redemption is the deeper motivator and, more importantly, perceived justifier.