Yet another libertarian third party...


New member
...that is going nowhere fast.

In another thread it was suggested that the American Populist Party may match my personal political beliefs.

It does not.

Liberty. Your liberty is our goal; governmental form is simply a method to protect it.

Define liberty. As a conservative I know that human nature mandates that humans be regulated by law, religion or some other societal mechanism, so that they do not sack, maim, pillage or destroy, lie, steal, cheat or kill in the name of exercising their rights. When left to their own devises to act in their own individual self-interest humans will invariably infringe on the rights of other individuals to act in their own self-interest. Liberty is maximized for the individual only when it is regulated for all.

Non-Aggression. We oppose the initiation of force, or the threat of such force, to solve problems either domestically or abroad. We hold that a peaceful society is both more free and more prosperous.

Naive nonsense.

Right of Action. Property rights encompass a person's right of ownership over their own body, as well as specific physical objects and spaces.

And if you choose to sleep with anyone you have forfeited your right to your own body. Therefore you have no right to abort any human that results from your action. Neither do you have a right to sleep with one person while married to another. If A and B are married to each other they each have a right to the other’s body and the other cannot therefore yield their body to any other person. Thus marriage must be sacred and prostitution must be out of the question.

Equality under the law. We hold that each person has the fundamental right to be politically equal with all other people.

So we are to give criminals, non-citizens and juveniles voting rights?

Free Entry. We oppose the maintenance or creation of monopolies,

Which is the natural result of the cutthroat competition that comes with laizes-faire capitalism and exactly what you will have in the absence of religious, political or societal regulation. You cannot restrict monopolies without restricting liberty so this party’s platform is working at cross purposes.

Limited, Decentralized government. We hold that a government with clearly limited powers and clearly defined functions is more conducive to liberty than any other form.

It can also be more conducive to chaos and anarchy.

Citizen Sovereignty. We hold that people have the fundamental right to be their own sovereign masters, including the democratic and direct election of all of their public servant representatives.

Hell no. The United States was designed as a republic and must remain a republic. Democracy is nothing other than mob rule.

Accountability and Responsibility. We advocate a society where people are held responsible for the direct outcome of their actions.

How do you do this with the weak government that this party says it wants?

A person should never be prosecuted…for what they own

Including things like a-bombs and anthrax?

Free Union of States. We advocate a federal union of states that is a free association between the states and the federal government.

Texas v. Miller[/quote]

The United States is a union, not a mere association. We are a nation, not a country club.

The Constitution. We consider the United States Constitution to be written under the principle of "positive grant." Under this axiom, the federal government is authorized to exercise only those powers which are specifically given to it by the Constitution,

As well as any other power that is necessary and proper, as per Article I, to implement any of the enumerated powers.
And, BTW, they were probably referring to the old populist party.

The Populist party you mentioned may very well be just a web page and three or four supporters. I haven't checked it out but there are a lot of "parties" on the internet that don't have any actual base in real life; just a guy with too much time who thinks that he can post a platform on the internet and people will all of the sudden consider him a genius and people will start joining he's party, he'll be president, and his idealistic vision will be realized, the world will be saved from THOSE DAMN DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS WHO NOBODY LIKES BUT STRANGELY KEEP ON VOTING FOR. You know; it's the plot of quite a few bad novels.
Seriously, 19th Century Populism destroyed the American Experiment long before 20th Century extremists came along...

True. Between the income tax, direct election of senators and the franchise for women, it's a wonder we have a country left.

Of all of the people in history that I’ve studied the person that scars me the most is not Hitler, nor Napoleon, George III, Stalin, Marx or Robert E. Lee, but rather William Jennings Bryan, Populist Party/Democrat Party presidential nominee in 1896 who called for the free coinage of silver.
True. Between the income tax, direct election of senators and the franchise for women, it's a wonder we have a country left.

Of all of the people in history that I’ve studied the person that scars me the most is not Hitler, nor Napoleon, George III, Stalin, Marx or Robert E. Lee, but rather William Jennings Bryan, Populist Party/Democrat Party presidential nominee in 1896 who called for the free coinage of silver.

I agree that the 17th Amendment needs to be repealed, and that Bryan (who also ran in 1900 and 1908) was a fanatic, but your post is pretty extreme, not to mention sexist...
...that is going nowhere fast.

In another thread it was suggested that the American Populist Party may match my personal political beliefs.

It does not.

Define liberty. As a conservative I know that human nature mandates that humans be regulated by law, religion or some other societal mechanism, so that they do not sack, maim, pillage or destroy, lie, steal, cheat or kill in the name of exercising their rights. When left to their own devises to act in their own individual self-interest humans will invariably infringe on the rights of other individuals to act in their own self-interest. Liberty is maximized for the individual only when it is regulated for all.

Naive nonsense.

And if you choose to sleep with anyone you have forfeited your right to your own body. Therefore you have no right to abort any human that results from your action. Neither do you have a right to sleep with one person while married to another. If A and B are married to each other they each have a right to the other’s body and the other cannot therefore yield their body to any other person. Thus marriage must be sacred and prostitution must be out of the question.

So we are to give criminals, non-citizens and juveniles voting rights?

Which is the natural result of the cutthroat competition that comes with laizes-faire capitalism and exactly what you will have in the absence of religious, political or societal regulation. You cannot restrict monopolies without restricting liberty so this party’s platform is working at cross purposes.

It can also be more conducive to chaos and anarchy.

Hell no. The United States was designed as a republic and must remain a republic. Democracy is nothing other than mob rule.

How do you do this with the weak government that this party says it wants?

Including things like a-bombs and anthrax?

Texas v. Miller

The United States is a union, not a mere association. We are a nation, not a country club.

As well as any other power that is necessary and proper, as per Article I, to implement any of the enumerated powers.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I agree, you are no Populist.
The idea of sleeping with someone you forfeit the right to your own body sounds rather bizarre to me. If that is the case, they can beat and torture you? If this part of that giving up your rights? That is ridiculous. Do you believe women are chattel?
...that is going nowhere fast.

In another thread it was suggested that the American Populist Party may match my personal political beliefs.

It does not.

Define liberty. As a conservative I know that human nature mandates that humans be regulated by law, religion or some other societal mechanism, so that they do not sack, maim, pillage or destroy, lie, steal, cheat or kill in the name of exercising their rights. When left to their own devises to act in their own individual self-interest humans will invariably infringe on the rights of other individuals to act in their own self-interest. Liberty is maximized for the individual only when it is regulated for all.

Naive nonsense.

And if you choose to sleep with anyone you have forfeited your right to your own body. Therefore you have no right to abort any human that results from your action. Neither do you have a right to sleep with one person while married to another. If A and B are married to each other they each have a right to the other’s body and the other cannot therefore yield their body to any other person. Thus marriage must be sacred and prostitution must be out of the question.

So we are to give criminals, non-citizens and juveniles voting rights?

Which is the natural result of the cutthroat competition that comes with laizes-faire capitalism and exactly what you will have in the absence of religious, political or societal regulation. You cannot restrict monopolies without restricting liberty so this party’s platform is working at cross purposes.

It can also be more conducive to chaos and anarchy.

Hell no. The United States was designed as a republic and must remain a republic. Democracy is nothing other than mob rule.

How do you do this with the weak government that this party says it wants?

Including things like a-bombs and anthrax?

Texas v. Miller

The United States is a union, not a mere association. We are a nation, not a country club.

As well as any other power that is necessary and proper, as per Article I, to implement any of the enumerated powers.[/QUOTE]

Naive, I want to be naive!
LOL I actually support that. :clink:

Seriously, Flaj, you really need to smoke some pot. Get laid. Chill out a little.

Getting laid means giving up your bodily rights, I am never going to get laid, again! if that is the case. Shit, Bud could take pictures of me and post them on the internet!
I agree that the 17th Amendment needs to be repealed, and that Bryan (who also ran in 1900 and 1908) was a fanatic, but your post is pretty extreme, not to mention sexist...

Not to mention sexist, they could repeal the voting rights of women, me thinks!
The idea of sleeping with someone you forfeit the right to your own body sounds rather bizarre to me. If that is the case, they can beat and torture you? If this part of that giving up your rights? That is ridiculous. Do you believe women are chattel?

No, but tell me how when a woman sleeps with a man she is not giving him the right to impregnate her? Once she has let a man do things with her body, how can she continue to claim total sovereignty over her body?
Not to mention sexist, they could repeal the voting rights of women, me thinks!

Considering we were promised everlasting peace and prosperity if he gave women the vote and instead got a bankrupt welfare state and the bloodiest half-century (including the biggest single war) in human history, maybe we should repeal voting rights for women.
Define Fascist.

\ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces

A person by the name of "flaja".

— fas·cist Listen to the pronunciation of fascist \-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective often capitalized
— fas·cis·tic Listen to the pronunciation of fascistic \fa-ˈshis-tik also -ˈsis-\ adjective often capitalized
— fas·cis·ti·cal·ly Listen to the pronunciation of fascistically \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb often capitalized