YO YO YO get this!!!! I just got called out in an elevator by some dude?!!


Junior Member
sayin he saw me at a club... im like which club?? then he's all like "a club" and i knew what he meant, but the funny thing is that i haven't been to any clubs in forever like fer real... not bad looking, probably would go out w/ him sometime, but i don't like the idea of eating where i shit.
sayin he saw me at a club... im like which club?? then he's all like "a club" and i knew what he meant, but the funny thing is that i haven't been to any clubs in forever like fer real... not bad looking, probably would go out w/ him sometime, but i don't like the idea of eating where i shit.
Well, if you are not "out" this will get you there. At some point in time people will be able to associate it.
Well, if you are not "out" this will get you there. At some point in time people will be able to associate it.

well i kinda don't want it to get there... i musta had this deer in headlights look on my face.. im not worried about my job or anything b/c i work in a company with very liberal policies with regard to that, but i just don't need work folks knowing my personal business, i mean some at work do but they are also friends so its a non issue... LOL i must had a deer in headlights look on my face so he must think im this closet case LOL.
hey now that i think about it...

Damo was or do you think i was getting hit on?? i mean why would you need to basically out me in the elevator just to do that?? doesn't make sense...
hey now that i think about it...

Damo was or do you think i was getting hit on?? i mean why would you need to basically out me in the elevator just to do that?? doesn't make sense...
It sounded that way to me. Why else would he mention the club or even remember you for that long?
It sounded that way to me. Why else would he mention the club or even remember you for that long?

very good point i honestly have no clue when the last time i was out at a club in hartford, and even still i was in Mexico for 10 days and before that i can't remember i think maybe i went in the beginning of june or around when school ended and i went only 1 time.
The only way I'd be remembering some chick from the club that I had never met for that long is if I thought she was HOT HOT HOT!
Rob, if the guy saw you at a "club" what was he doing there ?
Or am I misunderstanding you definition of a "club" ?
Maybe he was letting you know he is in the same boat as you and wanted to open ties to a friendship becuase you share some common experience. Maybe he just wants you... I know know!
oh yeah, he was totally hitting on you! He's got the hots for the robdawg!

But you're right about not $hiting where you eat. Bad bad bad idea. I'd forget about it and avoid him to be honest. I smell trouble and drama.
oh yeah, he was totally hitting on you! He's got the hots for the robdawg!

But you're right about not $hiting where you eat. Bad bad bad idea. I'd forget about it and avoid him to be honest. I smell trouble and drama.

i totally agree... i think that that would probably be best...
F that, work is the best place to get some. As long as everyone is mature enought to handle the fallout!
hey now that i think about it...

Damo was or do you think i was getting hit on?? i mean why would you need to basically out me in the elevator just to do that?? doesn't make sense...
Well, didn't he basically out himself to you? You were getting hit on.