You Go Nancy!


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Pelosi: Medicare, Social Security Benefit Cuts Are Line In The Sand On Debt Limit Bill

By Brian Beutler

After a contentious White House meeting with President Obama and other Congressional leaders, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) returned to the Capitol and drew an important red line: Members of her caucus won't vote for a grand bargain to raise the debt limit and reduce future deficits if the final deal includes cuts to Medicare and Social Security benefits -- and that means it probably won't pass.

"You [asked], 'could the changes compromise the vote?'" Pelosi said at a Thursday afternoon briefing near the House chamber. "I said yes."

It's widely believed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) will need Democratic votes to raise the debt limit. Democratic leaders, including House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) have offered to help him out -- but not on Boehner's terms alone. Pelosi has her own terms.

"We have been very clear Democrats are not supporting -- House Democrats are not supporting any cuts in benefits for Social Security or Medicare," she said.

Other top Democrats have drawn the same line in the sand, both today and in the recent past. But none with Pelosi's clout and leverage.

Pelosi argued at her press conference that any savings wrung from Social Security and Medicare should be rerouted into strengthening those programs, not toward reducing deficits.

"Any discussion of Medicare or Social Security should be on its own table," Pelosi warned. "Do not consider Social Security a piggy bank for giving tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country."

At the meeting, Pelosi spoke for her angry caucus. She and other Dems were caught off guard by the fact that Obama has essentially locked Congress on a course to make deep spending cuts in popular programs, on GOP-friendly terms, without consulting his own party. She thus sought to set the terms of the negotiations to make them friendlier to progressive interests.

For instance, she said, "If there is some kind of a cap on discretionary spending are there firewalls between domestic vs. defense spending so that we don't run into a situation where there are no defense cuts and they're all domestic discretionary," she said. "As far as our meeting was concerned, I think I can legitimately put to our caucus that their views have been heard and very strongly so."

Just end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and close all tax loopholes the rich and business use! Obama is in this fix, because he extended the Bush tax cuts when he should have ended them?!! I hope the democrats stick together and don't back some asinine deal Obama may come up with! signal
Just end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and close all tax loopholes the rich and business use! Obama is in this fix, because he extended the Bush tax cuts when he should have ended them?!! I hope the democrats stick together and don't back some asinine deal Obama may come up with! signal

tell me something. why the fuck can't they start cutting the budgets of all of their fricking alphabet agencies? we of the real TEA party group demanded smaller government and reducing the size of the agencies is a good start.
The Real Tea Party???

tell me something. why the fuck can't they start cutting the budgets of all of their fricking alphabet agencies? we of the real TEA party group demanded smaller government and reducing the size of the agencies is a good start.

tell me something. why the fuck can't they start cutting the budgets of all of their fricking alphabet agencies? we of the real TEA party group demanded smaller government and reducing the size of the agencies is a good start.

Because then it would have to come out of the real budget and not the discretionary one. It's a good point.