
Verified User
Donald Trump is going to win the November election this year, and all of you normal, decent Yanks are DAMN LUCKY that this will be the case. Only a man like Trump has the ability to pull America out of the disastrous tail-spin it has entered over the past 20 years or so. This decline first started in earnest with the election of Barack Obama in 2008, and then clicked into overdrive under the ongoing Biden Junta. Obama was a Marxist and a criminal and he did a lot of damage to the US while he was in office.; but Biden - or rather , his Puppetmeisters, were on a whole different level. The later were EXTREME REVOLUTIONARY MARXISTS, and they were successful in pushing the country's national debt sky high through massive spending, and in orchestrating the open Southern Border illegal immigration crises. I see the open, Southern Border crisis as perhaps the greatest threat to America's future - that is, unless the a Southern Border is not re-secured asap, and ALL illegal aliens currently in Americas are not comprehensively rounded up and swiftly deported; the (socioeconomic) after effects will plague the US for decades.

Donald Trump had pledged to carry out the monumental task of cleaning up the shocking mess created by "Joe Biden's" insane Open Border fiasco. I believe him because whenever Trump has made big promises to America, in the past he has kept them. In any case, there is currently no other American conservative politician I can think of who would have anything like the guts, brains and determination to get the job done.

The Open Border/mass illegal immigration crisis, is one of a number of serious social/economic train-wrecks in America that Trump is going to have to fix up when he is POTUS again next year. But Trump is not immortal; you normal Yanks won't always be able to rely on him to pull your sorry asses out of the shit. Also, Trump's a "one-off" leader - a great leader like Winston Churchill who comes along maybe once in a generation (if that). What are you guys going to do without Trump? I mean, given your track record you're quite likely to vote in another Marxist shyster like "Barry O "- or another all- round corrupt, criminal, ass-hole like Brandon ( I mean, I'm sorry to say this, but you guys just can't be trusted - just look who you have now as the Dummycrat candidate for the Nov 5th Presidential election - "HEELS UP HARRIS" - yes, that's right !! How the fuck did "We the People" allow an "Eight-Ball" like, Kamala, to manage to get that far up the political ladder in the USA ? The mind boggles !

Anyway, I won't harp on about this, I'll just say that I think you guys need to think a bit more carefully about who you allow to choose your political representatives and leaders in the future :D:D

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
Is Dach real, or is he having a few laughs trolling us?
I suspect the latter.

I've surprisingly discovered that some shockingly stupid people have been able to learn how to use digital technology,
but this guy's a little too much.

But if he is real, they probably have socialized medicine in Australia,
and he clearly needs lots of help.
Donald Trump is going to win the November election this year, and all of you normal, decent Yanks are DAMN LUCKY that this will be the case. Only a man like Trump has the ability to pull America out of the disastrous tail-spin it has entered over the past 20 years or so. This decline first started in earnest with the election of Barack Obama in 2008, and then clicked into overdrive under the ongoing Biden Junta. Obama was a Marxist and a criminal and he did a lot of damage to the US while he was in office.; but Biden - or rather , his Puppetmeisters, were on a whole different level. The later were EXTREME REVOLUTIONARY MARXISTS, and they were successful in pushing the country's national debt sky high through massive spending, and in orchestrating the open Southern Border illegal immigration crises. I see the open, Southern Border crisis as perhaps the greatest threat to America's future - that is, unless the a Southern Border is not re-secured asap, and ALL illegal aliens currently in Americas are not comprehensively rounded up and swiftly deported; the (socioeconomic) after effects will plague the US for decades.

Donald Trump had pledged to carry out the monumental task of cleaning up the shocking mess created by "Joe Biden's" insane Open Border fiasco. I believe him because whenever Trump has made big promises to America, in the past he has kept them. In any case, there is currently no other American conservative politician I can think of who would have anything like the guts, brains and determination to get the job done.

The Open Border/mass illegal immigration crisis, is one of a number of serious social/economic train-wrecks in America that Trump is going to have to fix up when he is POTUS again next year. But Trump is not immortal; you normal Yanks won't always be able to rely on him to pull your sorry asses out of the shit. Also, Trump's a "one-off" leader - a great leader like Winston Churchill who comes along maybe once in a generation (if that). What are you guys going to do without Trump? I mean, given your track record you're quite likely to vote in another Marxist shyster like "Barry O "- or another all- round corrupt, criminal, ass-hole like Brandon ( I mean, I'm sorry to say this, but you guys just can't be trusted - just look who you have now as the Dummycrat candidate for the Nov 5th Presidential election - "HEELS UP HARRIS" - yes, that's right !! How the fuck did "We the People" allow an "Eight-Ball" like, Kamala, to manage to get that far up the political ladder in the USA ? The mind boggles !

Anyway, I won't harp on about this, I'll just say that I think you guys need to think a bit more carefully about who you allow to choose your political representatives and leaders in the future :D:D

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
You're absolutely right. My greatest concern is what will the post trump era Republican party look like whenever that comes to pass. Sadly what i think we will end up with is a party of pussified politics who would rather be popular than do the right thing.