You Have a Choice. (My Best Yet)


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Your Choice is simple. It is: Are you going to believe that Barack Obama is A.) The man who gets onstage, and delivers soaring, motivational, Tony Robbins-Type Speeches about "Hope and Change", and other things, that are impossible to measure? Or is Barack Obama B.) The man, who for Twenty Years, has had NOTHING but Fringe Radical Ultra-Leftist Associations and Freindships, like "The Chicago Pastor Gang"- Wright, Phlagel, Meeks, and others, spewing HATE from the Pulpit, and Radical Militant Terrorists, like William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Rashid Khalidi? THESE are the types of People Barack and Michelle Obama have SURROUNDED THEMSELVES WITH, for over TWENTY YEARS!

Republicans, and Conservatives, DID NOT PICK HIS FRIENDS, Barack and Michelle did.
So the question is:What do YOU believe, as a Rational, Intelligent Voter? What you can SEE, READ, and HEAR, with your OWN senses, in Historical FACTS, photographs, Newspaper accounts, video and Audio Clips, both Present and Past, OR:
Will you IGNORE your SENSES, and believe what Mr. Obama's CAMPAIGN SPEECHES TELL YOU, starting just a mere 8 months or so, ago?
I think, by NOW, everyone KNOWS, in their Hearts, what the TRUTH about Mr. Obama IS.
Whether they choose to BELIEVE that truth is ANOTHER matter. I'm sure there will be many, who choose to IGNORE what their Eyes and Ears, Hearts and Minds TELL them, and vote for either a letter, like "D", or a Skin Color, or some OTHER Ridiculous reason, instead of WHO is the Better Man, who has More INTEGRITY, CHARACHTER, and HONESTY.

:hand: :hand: :hand:
Your Choice is simple. It is: Are you going to believe that Barack Obama is A.) The man who gets onstage, and delivers soaring, motivational, Tony Robbins-Type Speeches...

Screw You for insulting Tony Robbins that way!