You know what it doesn't say in the Constitution?


Verified User
Give up your rights to appease some crybaby liberals, and bow down to an authoritarian government/administration.
Since when did either you or trump care about the Constitution?

The post isn't about how much both Trump and I believe in and adhere to everything in the Constitution, no, its about how liberals, leftists, progressives, commies and especially this dem administration use their unconstitutional power to censor we Constitutional loving pro Americans, you know, those of us who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN by first voting out these unconstitutional idiots that are currently destroying our nation in every way imaginable.
The post isn't about how much both Trump and I believe in and adhere to everything in the Constitution, no, its about how liberals, leftists, progressives, commies and especially this dem administration use their unconstitutional power to censor we Constitutional loving pro Americans, you know, those of us who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN by first voting out these unconstitutional idiots that are currently destroying our nation in every way imaginable.

What is being destroyed, handjob?
Our federal agencies are being used to attack a political party.

Yeah, one would think that every liberal/leftist would understand just how much the dems use these federal agencies to attack the opposing Republican party,
but they do understand it and are totally content with doing so by unconstitutionally attacking we Republicans and the American citizens in general (like mothers
of school aged children) and any or everyone on social media sites that have an opposing vision/voice to their disastrous ideological/censorship agendas.

How about we hire millions more armed IRS agents to go after we Republicans and or go after low and middle income taxpayers while the biden crime syndicate
family goes untouched/protected for their criminal dealings with our foreign enemies that have netted that family up to some $40 million.
Nope but the federal agencies allowed him to walk

Is that what you think? The agencies investigated him for 4 years. The judge has not sentenced him yet. They have a plea agreement that the juge can ignore. But Hunter was given stronger punishment than the average person who did what he did.
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So, my dear you dont like court decisions. You prefer to install people who will do everything you want regardless of our laws! Your idea of a democracy?

Herr Leaksensmears Garland isn't the courts. He is a petty, fascist thug who has shit all over the American system of justice in order to tamper with the 2024 presidential election.

In order to protect his boss, Quid Pro, he attempts to jail the opposition candidate. Straight out of Nazi Germany.

As for the actual courts, it's you fascists demanding that they be destroyed, because they blocked Bought and Paid For's scheme to buy votes by having taxpayers pick up the tag for student loans.