You Know You Are A Liberal When....

red states rule

New member
I got this in an email, and I want to dedicate thius to all the tolerant liberals here - like the one who started the thread "Why conservatives are stupid" - and to MM who never stops showing his compassion and Christian side

You know you are a liberal when you spend all your money on a plasma TV and then DEMAND a conservative to pay your health care premium

You know your a liberal when you think its OK for a US President to kill US citizens in Waco Texas, but waterboarding a terrorists is an impeachable offense.

You know you're a liberal when you talk about "the plight of the poor" when you have lived your entire life in a lily white neighborhood.

You know you are a liberal when for every problem that arises, an automatic "raise taxes" response comes from your mouth.

You know you're a liberal when you are spreading the message of a cleaner planet in a private jet

You know you're a liberal when you shop at white Farmers Markets located in the ghetto every Saturday morning

You know you're a liberal when you are "moved" by the words of a politician.

You know you're a liberal when you are against capitol punishment for serial killer but are for abortion for an innocent baby.

When you are delighted when your local elementary school has the "tolerance" to have assemblies celebrating all the world "spiritual practices" but threaten to sue if the children sing a Christmas carol at the "holiday" assembly
Hmm going by your definitions I am not very liberal at all then.

There are still alot to go

Here are some more

You know your a liberal when one of your own gets a bashing for something they say, and you claim first amendment rights, but when someone says something that does not fit your ideals you try your hardest to shut them up.

You know your a liberal when you fly from town to town, speaking in large public venues using grid power coming from coal power plant, speaking of how we need to lower our carbon footprint by reducing our traveling.

You know you are a liberal when you say you love the constitution, and our rights, except that one, and maybe that one. ohh and that one, and definitely not that one

You know you are a liberal when all you want is HOPE and CHANGE!

You know you are a liberal when you don't see the hypocrisy in the following statement "I refuse to generalize or stereotype people who are a different race/religion/ethnicity/sexual orientation then myself --- quite unlike those knuckledragging, nascar loving, mullet wearing, bear drinking hillbilly neocons!!!"

You know you are a liberal when you want everyone's gun taken away (except yours).

You know you are a liberal when you want everyone to shut up and only talk PC speak (except it is okay for you to be intolerant toward those stupid rednecks who cling to their guns and religion).

You know you are a liberal when you will defend to the hilt women's rights here in the US, but play deaf, dumb and blind to the horrific plight of muslim women in middle east hellholes.

You know you are a liberal when you fall on your knees to a false messiah, just because he is a pretty boy and "talks nice".
Oh Boy! I like this game... my turn...

You know you're a conservative when you can believe that the nation should be ruled according to the Bible but conveniently forget the part about wealth being the most certain path AWAY from any Christian ideal of heaven.

You know you're a conservative when you believe that the poor are in that situation because they are lazy and then you thank God for all of your good fortunes (see above).

You know you're a conservative when you demand that a collection of cells in a woman's womb constitutes life and then, eighteen or nineteen years later, you send that same collection of cells off to kill and die for puerile and insane political or economic reasons.

You believe that a profit-driven and greed filled multinational corporation will behave decently enough to protect the environment, workers, and provide safe and healthful products but an elected and responsive government that protects consumers from those same corporations is too "inefficient".

You know you're a conservative when you think that PBS is a waste of public funds but allowing corporations to pay for the programs (and to limit what those programs can say) is somehow an intelligent alternative.

You know you're a conservative when you happily support even the most insane policy of the NRA while whining that the ACLU is going over board when it questions society's need for automatic weapons with ammo clips that hold a hundred Teflon coated, armor penetrating bullets.

You know you're a conservative when you believe that HIV and AIDS are God's punishments but ignore the hundreds of thousands of deaths that the sacred tobacco plant causes.

In fact, you know you're a conservative when you believe that HIV and AIDS are God's punishments but you die from coronary disease brought on by a life of fatty food and days spent as a couch potato.

You know you're a conservative when you believe that affirmative action for blacks or women is unconstitutional but the good ol' boy admission policies at places like Yale and Harvard are the right of the wealthy.

You know you're a conservative when you think photos of naked humans are evil and pictures of two humans engaged in the act of sex sends you into spasms but filling the planet with real filth and pollution is justifiable as a cost of doing business.

You know you're a conservative when you want to ban any form of sex education in schools but then refuse to offer care, through welfare or food stamps, for the children conceived by uneducated kids .

You know you're a conservative when you believe that inflicting physical pain on a child teaches them respect or discipline or whatever but making white collar criminals pay for their sins is interfering with the capitalist system.

You know you're a conservative when you detest funding public schools but see nothing wrong with wasting tax dollars on vouchers to pay for an education at private or religious schools for wealthy families.

You know you're a conservative when you see no irony in demanding that other nations rise to an arbitrary level of human rights while America has the highest per capita prison population on Earth, more than Iran or Russia or China or any other country we are so quick to criticize.

You know you're a conservative when you think that a President that puts his weenie where it might not ought to be is worthy of impeachment but a President who send military weapons, including sophisticated anti-aircraft, shoulder-mounted missiles, deserved to be pardoned by his hand-picked water boy.

Finally, you know you're a conservative when you believe that greed, selfishness, hate, divisiveness, and the adoration of the wealthy is an acceptable life.

Red State... theres an old adage... something about glass houses and stones.
This list goes along with my the above post. It's a couple of yrs. old but still relevent.

You May be a Brainwashed Conservative if you...

... believe the 5 corporations who own almost all of the media in the U.S. are liberal.

... believe $300 billion of U.S. tax money, allocated for the war and reconstruction in Iraq is actually going to Iraq .

... are unaware Iraq had 650 million barrels of oil in reserve just before the war in Iraq .

... are unaware at least $8.8 billion is known to be missing in Iraqi oil revenue from the period the U.S. was in control of Iraq .

... are unaware 198 million in Iraqi dollars is missing from the Iraq treasury from the period the U.S. was in control of Iraq .

... are unaware that war is exceptionally profitable for a small number of investors.

... believe Halliburton's no-bid contracts have nothing to do with former CEO, now Vice President Dick Cheney.

... are unaware that the Iraq war is the biggest case of war profiteering in human history.

... believe Saddam Hussein or Iraq had anything to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden.

... are unaware the U.S. has killed more than 10,000 innocent women and children in Iraq with cluster bombs and depleted uranium munitions.

... believe depleted uranium weapons are not radioactive or deadly weapons of mass destruction (they are 12% less radioactive than nuclear weapons grade uranium and very deadly).

... believe wealthy, warmongers can also be true Christians.

... are unaware stem cell research threatens the pharmaceutical industry by curing and preventing diseases which drug companies profit from by treating with drugs.

... are unaware the pharmaceutical industry is based entirely on treatment and is threatened by cures and prevention.

... are unaware the Food and Drug Administration does NO testing of food or drugs. They only set guidelines and review the testing corporations do of their own products.

... are unaware the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act has been 're- estimated' to cost U.S. taxpayers $1.3 Trillion (not the original $243 billion or the 'adjusted' $400 billion), and only pharmaceutical corporations and HMOs benefit from the increase.

... are unaware the Boston Tea party was a protest against corporate corruption (East India Company).

... are unaware our founding fathers intentionally made sure that corporations had no power over people or our government.

... are unaware corporations have fought aggressively and systematically over the past 200 years to increase their power and influence over our government.

... are unaware U.S. corporations are now protected under the 14th amendment as a legal 'person.'

... are unaware the definition of fascism is: 'The marriage of corporation and state' -- Benito Mussolini.

... are unaware well known U.S. corporate interests attempted a military coup against Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

... are unaware most corrupt and wasteful government projects are run primarily by corporate contractors.

... are unaware 'less government' means paying corporate contractors three times what we pay government workers to do the same work.

... are unaware American corporations behave very differently in other countries.

... are unaware Enron and others were NOT investigated until they collapsed under the weight of their own greed.

... are unaware Bush's massive tax cuts were invested overseas to build sweat shops, factories and other facilities, where our jobs have been outsourced.

... are unaware outsourcing American jobs weakens labor unions and keeps wages low and corporate profits high .

... are unaware weak enforcement of immigration laws lowers wages in the U.S. and increases corporate profits.

... are unaware 'Free Trade' means 'Slave Wages' to poor people in Honduras, Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, El Salvador, Guatemala, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and others.

... believe America is hated all over the world because of our freedom.

... believe the massive U.S. national debt (now $7,786,000,000,000) created by Republican presidents Reagan, Bush and Bush does not seriously threaten the future of our children and grandchildren.

... are unaware massive national debt ensures the expansion of poverty, which keeps wages low, which increases corporate profits.

... are unaware widespread poverty keeps wages low and corporate profits high.

... are unaware weak gun control laws perpetuate violence in poor neighborhoods which expands poverty, reduces wages and increases corporate profits.

... are unaware abortions go down only when we reduce poverty, expand healthcare and improve education.

... are unaware that making abortion illegal expands poverty which reduces wages and increases corporate profits.

... believe the Michael Jackson trial deserved more news coverage than the genocide of 400,000 people in Darfur , Sudan.

... believe Social Security is the biggest priority in America .

... are unaware privatizing Social Security would be a massive give away to experienced Wall Street investors that would also destabilize Social Security.

... are unaware that NOT funding 'No Child Left Behind' is dismantling funding for schools in poor neighborhoods, which expands poverty, lowers wages and increases corporate profits.

... are unaware the Healthy Forests Initiative has led to massive clear cutting of prime lumber and almost none of the forest fire prevention that it was sold on.

... are unaware the Clear Skies Initiative has increased pollution.

... are unaware Tort Reform will absolve corporations of massive negligent liabilities for things like asbestos exposure, pollution, mercury poisoning, hazardous waste, mad cow disease and all sorts of dangerous products and practices.

... are unaware mercury pollution (mostly from coal fired power plants and medical vaccines) has caused an epidemic of Autism, ADD and ADHD in the U.S.

... are unaware the Bush administration is dismantling three decades of US environmental protection.

... believe global warming is a rumor or conspiracy.

... are unaware 'Global Warming' is causing colder weather because the melting ice caps are cooling the gulf stream.

... believe the science of evolution is less valid than literal fundamentalist interpretation of creationism.

... believe the UN scandals could have taken place without the largest, most influential member and host nation being involved.

... believe making a war monger ambassador to the UN will help prevent more wars.

... are unaware that expanding equal rights to any segment of the population (including gay people) also expands economic opportunity and puts pressure on wages, which would reduce corporate profits.

If you believe Fox News is fair and balanced, you have been brainwashed by corporate owned media.

Your turn.....
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You really should site your source - and in typical liberal style you have to change the subject instead of trying to defend your positions
Do you really need sources for this dribble?

Defend my position! Just look at what your so called 'compassionate conservative, free market, capitalism is God, trickle down ' ideology has done to this country over the last 30 yrs. Enough said?
No I have not changed the subject, now-a-days, if you work for a living and still believe that benevolent conservatism is in your best interest then you are truly brainwashed.
Do you really need sources for this dribble?

Defend my position! Just look at what your so called 'compassionate conservative, free market, capitalism is God, trickle down ' ideology has done to this country over the last 30 yrs. Enough said?
No I have not changed the subject, now-a-days, if you work for a living and still believe that benevolent conservatism is in your best interest then you are truly brainwashed.


Sorry USC, I will not Quit Fucking Talking. I believe it's time for the neocons to realize the situation their ideology has produced and to put country before party. I know it will be tough for them because they don't believe in society, but don't come on here telling liberals how fucked they are when most of the problems we face today were caused by them.
Sorry USC, I will not Quit Fucking Talking. I believe it's time for the neocons to realize the situation their ideology has produced and to put country before party. I know it will be tough for them because they don't believe in society, but don't come on here telling liberals how fucked they are when most of the problems we face today were caused by them.
QFT means "Quoted for Truth"...
you changed the topic, i don't know how you can you did not

topic: liberals

you: changed to conservatives

i guess you can't defend even one of the rsr's examples so you immediately engage in logical fallacies by committing the ad hominem
I got this in an email, and I want to dedicate thius to all the tolerant liberals here - like the one who started the thread "Why conservatives are stupid" - and to MM who never stops showing his compassion and Christian side


You know you are a liberal when you spend all your money on a plasma TV and then DEMAND a conservative to pay your health care premium

And I'll help you out with yours. We'll all help each other out - because healthcare is a human right, no matter how much you make. And universal healthcare is the cheapest way to go about that.

You know your a liberal when you think its OK for a US President to kill US citizens in Waco Texas, but waterboarding a terrorists is an impeachable offense.

I disagree with both.

You know you're a liberal when you talk about "the plight of the poor" when you have lived your entire life in a lily white neighborhood.

I believe in helping out the poor so they won't fuck up my lily white neighborhood.

You know you are a liberal when for every problem that arises, an automatic "raise taxes" response comes from your mouth.

It's true! :clink:

You know you're a liberal when you are spreading the message of a cleaner planet in a private jet

Actually I just call for carbon taxes on the internet. I know very well that my individual action is going to do jack shit, and I have enough common sense to realize that other people know that plain and obvious fact.

You know you're a liberal when you shop at white Farmers Markets located in the ghetto every Saturday morning

I don't.

You know you're a liberal when you are "moved" by the words of a politician.

I'm never moved.

You know you're a liberal when you are against capitol punishment for serial killer but are for abortion for an innocent baby.

It's true! :clink:

Eat babies!


When you are delighted when your local elementary school has the "tolerance" to have assemblies celebrating all the world "spiritual practices" but threaten to sue if the children sing a Christmas carol at the "holiday" assembly

My only regret is that I didn't sue for more money.
you changed the topic, i don't know how you can you did not

topic: liberals

you: changed to conservatives

i guess you can't defend even one of the rsr's examples so you immediately engage in logical fallacies by committing the ad hominem

I can't DEFEND any of his examples because most of them are from some radical right wing propaganda site like Hannity or Limbaugh. Most are generalizations that have nothing to do with reality. But if I must...

You know you are a liberal when you spend all your money on a plasma TV and then DEMAND a conservative to pay your health care premium
No one is Demanding anything. Especially from conservatives. This is an example of Reagans Welfare Queen bullshit, which has been disproved time and time again.

You know your a liberal when you think its OK for a US President to kill US citizens in Waco Texas, but waterboarding a terrorists is an impeachable offense.
Both are crimes that should be handled in the courts. Waterboarding is a war crime and the people who authorized it should be in jail, same with whoever ordered the tank into the compound at Wako

You know you're a liberal when you talk about "the plight of the poor" when you have lived your entire life in a lily white neighborhood.
Read what Jesus said about the poor.

You know you are a liberal when for every problem that arises, an automatic "raise taxes" response comes from your mouth.
Automatic? More bs.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, former Justice of the United States Supreme Court, said, "Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society." In some respects, a "civilized society" is the rationale for government in the first place. The signers of the Declaration of Independence set out to establish a new form of government for the "protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". To this end, the framers of our constitution enumerated the proper fiscal functions of government as "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States". Taxes are simply the preferred method for paying for these governmental functions...

But since conservatives do not believe in society or democracy I don't think you would be able to understand what all this means.

You know you're a liberal when you are spreading the message of a cleaner planet in a private jet
Too stupid to even comment on.

You know you're a liberal when you shop at white Farmers Markets located in the ghetto every Saturday morning
WTF does this mean?

You know you're a liberal when you are "moved" by the words of a politician.
Better to be moved by the words of a great orator than to be led blindfolded by some alcoholic, bumbling corporate puppet.

You know you're a liberal when you are against capitol punishment for serial killer but are for abortion for an innocent baby.
Personally I am for the Death Penalty in certain cases, but against the Forced Birth put forward by Anti-Choice conservatives, its her body and choice not yours. Abortions should be legal and rare.

When you are delighted when your local elementary school has the "tolerance" to have assemblies celebrating all the world "spiritual practices" but threaten to sue if the children sing a Christmas carol at the "holiday" assembly
Ahhh... the war on Christmas... been watching O'Really? again?

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ive been leaning liberal lately, but after going over the original posters list, I can't help but be convinced of how true all those statements are. Liberals really do pave the path to hell and we need to be vigilant of liberal scum like watermark - the enemy within.