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This part of the ex-Surgeon General's testimony, because the damned liberal media hasn't highlighted it, but it's quite a tale.

"You've heard, of course, of the Special Olympics, the sporting event that provides an opportunity for developmentally disabled youngsters to experience the highs and lows of athletic competition.

Founded in 1962 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver in part as tribute to her developmentally disabled sister, Rosemary, the Special Olympics has grown to an event now held in 150 countries, with some two million athletes participating.

They're about as controversial as motherhood. So who could possibly be against them?

A "senior person" in George Bush's White House, that's who.

Yesterday, Richard Carmona, the former surgeon general of the United States (the nation's top public-health official), testified before a House of Representatives committee about the political influence he'd been subject to from the Bush White House during his tenure.

Much of what he had to say, though appalling, is pretty old-hat by now. The administration prevented him from speaking publicly - from a scientific perspective - on issues like stem-cell research, climate change, sex education and so on.

But one anecdote should make every American, every decent person anywhere, sick to his stomach. Carmona was due to attend the Special Olympics one year - today's New York Times, which reported the anecdote, didn't say which - when the White House stepped in to say nyet.

Why couldn't he attend? Because of the games' association with a certain "prominent family."

Carmona: "I was specifically told by a senior person, 'Why would you want to help those people?'" (Let's be charitable and assume that by "those people," the official meant the family and not the disabled children.) When asked after the hearing whether that "prominent family" was the Kennedys, Carmona replied, "You said it. I didn't."

Take a breath and contemplate this. The nation's top health officer wanted to go to a completely non-political event and pin a few medals on the proud chests of disabled kids. And he was barred from doing so because showing up would have constituted lending aid and comfort to the Kennedys.

Now, I understand that we have bigger things to worry about with these mad hatters currently running my country. Soldiers and civilians are dying in Iraq - and in Afghanistan, where we've stepped up air strikes. The administration laughs at the constitution. The attorney general is an intellectual thug. Dick Cheney thinks he's the state.

I also understand that, as world governments go, we're still in comparatively good shape, even with this bunch. No state-sponsored domestic mass murders. No abolition of the press. No rounding up of suspects without their knowing what they're being charged wi - well, uh, like I said, no mass murders.

So it's not of world-historical importance. But I honestly think this is the single worst thing I've ever heard or read about the Bush administration. Dismissing severely disabled children as political partisans!
Enough. I'm just going to plug my ears until 2009. It's too much lower can my view of this admin get?

I'm sure Bill O'Reilly will jump right on this...
Every time you think you've heard it all, they one-down themselves, I guess you could say. I mean, I wouldn't call it one-upping yourself.
There is no corner of this government they have not tried to politisize.

They are the ultimate partisans and care nothing for the government intended by our founders.

Wait until they are out of office and you will here TONS of things more which make you want to retch.

The Rs will then claim both side do it.

So again the Rs will have slimed out and then tainted the dems as if they did it instead of themselfs.

What kills me is people always eat it up as if its true?
There is no corner of this government they have not tried to politisize.

They are the ultimate partisans and care nothing for the government intended by our founders.

Wait until they are out of office and you will here TONS of things more which make you want to retch.

The Rs will then claim both side do it.

So again the Rs will have slimed out and then tainted the dems as if they did it instead of themselfs.

What kills me is people always eat it up as if its true?

Great synopsis of the whole thing Desh. That is exactly what they do, and then say afterwards.
"I was specifically told by a senior person, 'Why would you want to help those people?'"

Everything is about politics and power to these people. Sickening.
Founded in 1962 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver in part as tribute to her developmentally disabled sister, Rosemary, the Special Olympics has grown to an event now held in 150 countries, with some two million athletes participating.

She was mildly developmentally disabled, and then old man Kennedy had her lobotomized and turned her into a complete vegetable.
There is no corner of this government they have not tried to politisize.

They are the ultimate partisans and care nothing for the government intended by our founders.

Wait until they are out of office and you will here TONS of things more which make you want to retch.

The Rs will then claim both side do it.

So again the Rs will have slimed out and then tainted the dems as if they did it instead of themselfs.

What kills me is people always eat it up as if its true?

Republicans are responsible for their own behavior. It doesn't matter what others do. If Republicans act irresponsibly, illegally etc. that is on them and people are right to be outraged.

I guess this is where partisanship comes into play. Many people (on both sides) rightly get outraged when the "other side" does something unethical etc. It's when its "their side" that does something the outrage and rightousness tends to leave.

I'm all for you throwing stones at Republicans when they deserve it. Those who treat "both sides" equally stand the highest imo.
She was mildly developmentally disabled, and then old man Kennedy had her lobotomized and turned her into a complete vegetable.
Correct, the old man had her lobotomized and sterilized. A former co-worker of mine was a nurse at St. Colleta's.
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What I would like to know is why he doesn't name this "senior person". He is not a reporter protecting a source. Tell us who it is.

Also, could someone let me know if this is even possible? Can the President tell the surgeon general what private events they can/cannot attend?
What I would like to know is why he doesn't name this "senior person". He is not a reporter protecting a source. Tell us who it is.

Also, could someone let me know if this is even possible? Can the President tell the surgeon general what private events they can/cannot attend?
The official scientist of Oregon is also limited in speech. He disagrees with anthropomorphic global warming data, but cannot speak on it.
The official scientist of Oregon is also limited in speech. He disagrees with anthropomorphic global warming data, but cannot speak on it.

Oh, well that makes the highest medical authority in the land being unable to talk about anything the religious right has deemed "OFF LIMITS IF YOU WANT TO POLITICALLY LIVE" ok.

Thanks for putting it in perspective for us.
What I would like to know is why he doesn't name this "senior person". He is not a reporter protecting a source. Tell us who it is.

Also, could someone let me know if this is even possible? Can the President tell the surgeon general what private events they can/cannot attend?

No, he can't. The guy's entire testimony was a crock. I think he is going to be charged with perjury on Tuesday.
What I would like to know is why he doesn't name this "senior person". He is not a reporter protecting a source. Tell us who it is.

Also, could someone let me know if this is even possible? Can the President tell the surgeon general what private events they can/cannot attend?

What about this story is inconsistent with the m.o. of this administration?

When did Superfreak become such an unabashed apologist?
No, he can't. The guy's entire testimony was a crock. I think he is going to be charged with perjury on Tuesday.

That is kind of what I was thinking as this whole thing smelled insanely bad. But I knew if I said the guy was full of shit I would have to hear all about being a bush enabler or something along those lines. :rolleyes:
That is kind of what I was thinking as this whole thing smelled insanely bad. But I knew if I said the guy was full of shit I would have to hear all about being a bush enabler or something along those lines. :rolleyes:

Yeah, ok, well, I'll let you know when he's charged with the perjury. Such a blatant case of it, every word out of his mouth a lie, and under oath, It'll be soon.