You Might Be A Conservative If...


Verified User
November 10, 2011
By Bruce Lindner

1: You're irate over the president taking so many vacation days on the taxpayers dime (61 thus far), but you thought George W. Bush earned every minute of his leisure time (196 days at the same point in his presidency).

2: You're happy with your 40 hour work week, paid vacations and company-provided healthcare, but you're strongly anti-union, because those commies haven't done anything for you lately.

3: You strongly support the First Amendment and its guarantee of religious freedom to all, but you don't think Muslims have a right to build an Islamic Community Center in Manhattan.

4: You believe Ronald Reagan was a devout Christian, even though he hated going to church, but any president who spends twenty years going to the same Trinity United Church in Chicago must be a Muslim.

5: You believe when a Republican governor creates a healthcare package with an individual mandate for everyone in his state, that's a good idea. But when a Democratic president does it, suddenly its unconstitutional.

6: You're so enthused about demonstrating your Second Amendment rights, you can think of no finer place to brandish your pistol in public than at a presidential rally.

7: You believe Bill Clinton was responsible for Osama bin Ladens escape ten years ago, but thankfully George W. Bush caught up with him and killed him in Pakistan.8: You believe in putting American jobs first, except when president Obama rescued 1.5 million GM and Chrysler autoworkers, because that was socialism.

9: It angers you that you cant communicate with the Mexican busboy at your local Olive Garden, but when you took a vacation to San Francisco's Chinatown, you thought its quaint that so many Chinese-Americans are holding fast to their traditional language. Because that's America!

10: You deny that the lunatic who tried to murder Gaby Gifford's was a conservative, even though he targeted a Jewish, pro-choice, pro gay rights, Democratic Congresswoman.

11: You thought it was perfectly normal that every president in history had an untethered right to raise the debt ceiling when warranted, but when Obama asked the GOP held congress to do it, you thought it only natural that it be tied to cutting Social Security and Medicare.

12: When the new 112th Congress was sworn in, you swooned as they promised to focus on Jobs, jobs, jobs. But when they pivoted, and went after NPR, Planned Parenthood and gay rights, you cheered.

13: You accuse president Obama of raising your taxes to the highest point ever, even though they're lower today than at any time since 1950.

14: You believe the wealthiest Americans are job creators, and they are but it doesn't bother you that all the workers in those positions are in India, China and Malaysia, and they're doing the jobs that our fathers once did.

15: You believe gays are anti-American, because their lifestyle is a threat to the children unless they're married to Tea Party-backed presidential candidates from Minnesota.

16: You strongly defend individual freedom, but that freedom doesn't include a woman's right to decide her own healthcare needs.

17: You believe corporations are people too, and are deserving of the same rights as the rest of us. Just not the same obligations to pay personal income tax free of corporate loopholes, or penalties for massive criminal behavior and tax evasion. In these matters, corporations are deserving of special rights.

18: And since corporations are now people too, you must believe in their right to a drivers license, the right to marry, to adopt children, etc. These rights shall not be denied to Exxon, Halliburton and BP (but still immune from the right of the People to try, convict and sentence to death any corporation that conspires to commit a felony because at that point, they're suddenly not people again.)

19: You still believe Climate Change is a myth, and the recent record highs, lows, floods and droughts around the world coinciding with climate scientists predictions are all an amazing coincidence. Oh, and Al Gore is FAT!

20: You believe when George W. Bush took the national debt from $5 trillion to $11 trillion, it was necessary for him to do so to keep America safe. But when Barack Obama added to it by trying to rescue the country from a second Great Depression, he was deliberately trying to destroy America!

21: You believe America is a God fearing country, and that the Almighty protects those who believe just as you do. But its never crossed your mind that the majority of tornado's, hurricanes and floods all occur in the Bible Belt.

22: You believe that no matter who's in the White House, the office, if not the man himself is deserving of your respect. The only exceptions to this rule, are if his middle name sounds Muslim, and if hes not at least as white as that black guy who works down in the mail room at the office.
November 10, 2011
By Bruce Lindner

1: You're irate over the president taking so many vacation days on the taxpayers dime (61 thus far), but you thought George W. Bush earned every minute of his leisure time (196 days at the same point in his presidency).
2: You're happy with your 40 hour work week, paid vacations and company-provided healthcare, but you're strongly anti-union, because those commies haven't done anything for you lately.
3: You strongly support the First Amendment and its guarantee of religious freedom to all, but you don't think Muslims have a right to build an Islamic munity Center in Manhattan.
4: You believe Ronald Reagan was a devout Christian, even though he hated going to church, but any president who spends twenty years going to the same Trinity United Church in Chicago must be a Muslim.
5: You believe when a Republican governor creates a healthcare package with an individual mandate for everyone in his state, that's a good idea. But when a Democratic president does it, suddenly its unconstitutional.
6: You're so enthused about demonstrating your Second Amendment rights, you can think of no finer place to brandish your pistol in public than at a presidential ally.
7: You believe Bill Clinton was responsible for Osama bin Ladens escape ten years ago, but thankfully George W. Bush caught up with him and killed him in Pakistan.8: You believe in putting American jobs first, except when president Obama rescued 1.5 million GM and Chrysler autoworkers, because that was socialism.
9: It angers you that you cant communicate with the Mexican busboy at your local Olive Garden, but when you took a vacation to San Francisco's Chinatown, you thought its quaint that so many Chinese-Americans are holding fast to their traditional language. Because that's America!
10: You deny that the lunatic who tried to murder Gaby Gifford's was a conservative, even though he targeted a Jewish, pro-choice, pro gay rights, Democratic Congresswoman.
11: You thought it was perfectly normal that every president in history had an untethered right to raise the debt ceiling when warranted, but when Obama asked the GOP held congress to do it, you thought it only natural that it be tied to cutting Social Security and Medicare.
12: When the new 112th Congress was sworn in, you swooned as they promised to focus on Jobs, jobs, jobs. But when they pivoted, and went after NPR, Planned Parenthood and gay rights, you cheered.
13: You accuse president Obama of raising your taxes to the highest point ever, even though they're lower today than at any time since 1950.
14: You believe the wealthiest Americans are job creators, and they are but it doesn't bother you that all the workers in those positions are in India, China and alaysia, and they're doing the jobs that our fathers once did.
15: You believe gays are anti-American, because their lifestyle is a threat to the children unless they're married to Tea Party-backed presidential candidates from Minnesota.
16: You strongly defend individual freedom, but that freedom doesn't include a woman's right to decide her own healthcare needs.
17: You believe corporations are people too, and are deserving of the same rights as the rest of us. Just not the same obligations to pay personal income tax free of corporate loopholes, or penalties for massive criminal behavior and tax evasion. In these matters, corporations are deserving of special rights.
18: And since corporations are now people too, you must believe in their right to a drivers license, the right to marry, to adopt children, etc. These rights shall not be denied to Exxon, Halliburton and BP (but still immune from the right of the People to try, convict and sentence to death any corporation that conspires to commit a felony because at that point, they're suddenly not people again.)
19: You still believe Climate Change is a myth, and the recent record highs, lows, floods and droughts around the world coinciding with climate scientists predictions are all an amazing coincidence. Oh, and Al Gore is FAT!
20: You believe when George W. Bush took the national debt from $5 trillion to $11 trillion, it was necessary for him to do so to keep America safe. But when Barack Obama added to it by trying to rescue the country from a second Great Depression, he was deliberately trying to destroy America!
21: You believe America is a God fearing country, and that the Almighty protects those who believe just as you do. But its never crossed your mind that the majority of tornado's, hurricanes and floods all occur in the Bible Belt.
22: You believe that no matter who's in the White House, the office, if not the man himself is deserving of your respect. The only exceptions to this rule, are if his middle name sounds Muslim, and if hes not at least as white as that black guy who works down in the mail room at the office

You might be a Conservative if: It never occurred to you to
be offended by the phrase, 'One nation, under God..'

You might be a Conservative if: You've never protested about seeing

the 10 Commandments posted in public places.

You might be a Conservative if: You still say ' Christmas'

instead of 'Winter Festival.'

You might be a Conservative if: You bow your head when

someone prays.

You might be a Conservative if: You stand and place your

hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem

You might be a Conservative if: You treat our armed forces

veterans with great respect, and always have.

You might be a Conservative if: You've never burned an

American flag, nor intend to.

You might be a Conservative if: You know what you believe

and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.

You might be a Conservative if: You respect your elders and

raised your kids to do the same.

You might be a Conservative if: You'd give your last dollar to

a friend.

You might be a Conservative if: You believe in God & Jesus

and believe that others have the right to believe in which

ever God they believe in as long as their God does not

tell them to kill anyone who does not believe the same as
they do !
If you think the way to fix the economy is to cut federal jobs, YOU MIGHT ME A CONSERVATIVE!

If you think that 1st Amendment provides freedom of religion, not protection from religion, YOU MIGHT BE A CONSERVATIVE.

If you think cutting social security, medicare, medicade, and welfare is GOOD for the starving masses caused by republican-owned big business, YOU MIGHT BE A CONSERVATIVE.

If claim to support liberty while working to systematically outlaw a woman's right to control her own body, YOU MIGHT BE A REPUBLICAN.... AND/OR A HYPOCRITE.

If you object to general welfare, but have no problem handing taxpayer money over to big business special interests, YOU MIGHT BE A CONSERVATIVE.
Technically, a Republican such as Romney going along with #5 is making a strong case for traditional constitutional arguments. There's really no reason why a state cannot implement RomneyCare, but ObamaCare is at the federal level, and possibly unconstitutional (with the mandate, it probably is). Its called federalism.