You pay so Biden Wins!


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Biden wants you to pay for the education of the rioting know-nothing anti-Semitic students who hate America and Jews and embrace Hamas.

He needs their votes and believes excusing their education debt, which SCOTUS has ruled he cannot do, is the way to victory. His contempt for
the justices and the Constitution is unparalleled in the history of presidential behavior.

We already have large parts of society dependent upon welfare, we have the theft of goods from privately-owned stores soaring, we have
rapists and heinous criminals being set free without bail, and now Biden wants to add another category of irresponsibility to our nation's
decline, all because he places re-election above national interest.:palm:
Biden wants you to pay for the education of the rioting know-nothing anti-Semitic students who hate America and Jews and embrace Hamas.

He needs their votes and believes excusing their education debt, which SCOTUS has ruled he cannot do, is the way to victory. His contempt for
the justices and the Constitution is unparalleled in the history of presidential behavior.

We already have large parts of society dependent upon welfare, we have the theft of goods from privately-owned stores soaring, we have
rapists and heinous criminals being set free without bail, and now Biden wants to add another category of irresponsibility to our nation's
decline, all because he places re-election above national interest.:palm:
Don't forget he's emptying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an attempt to bring down gas prices and doesn't plan on refilling it. Guess he hopes he'll be dead or out of office after a second term before it runs out of oil to use for political leverage...
Are you referring to students who support and relish Hamas's attempt to create genocide on the state of Israel?
Those would be the students that would be given a free pass on their student debt by having the taxpayers pay for their loans.
A college mortgage would damage a for grads chances to establish themselves possibly for decades. It also takes money out of their pockets that would help the economy.
Biden is forgiving loans for people who have paid their loans for a long time. Many have paid for decades and still owe a balance larger than the original loan.
A college mortgage would damage a for grads chances to establish themselves possibly for decades. It also takes money out of their pockets that would help the economy.
Biden is forgiving loans for people who have paid their loans for a long time. Many have paid for decades and still owe a balance larger than the original loan.
So what? Why should anyone else, particularly the public as a whole, taxpayers, and those that never go to college, be paying for some androgenous asswipe with a man bun and wearing yoga pants to get a degree in prehistoric trans-Siberian literature?
So what? Why should anyone else, particularly the public as a whole, taxpayers, and those that never go to college, be paying for some androgenous asswipe with a man bun and wearing yoga pants to get a degree in prehistoric trans-Siberian literature?
Holy strawman!
While my specific example was hyperbole, the concept isn't. Why should the public pay for you to go to college?
Most advanced nations have free or very cheap college education. An educated populace is a boon to the nation. It provides opportunities for many who cannot financially obtain it. That makes the country miss many people who could have done something big, new, or important.
You distill everything into what it might cost you, even when it doesn't cost you a dime. Are you against public education?
Most advanced nations have free or very cheap college education. An educated populace is a boon to the nation. It provides opportunities for many who cannot financially obtain it. That makes the country miss many people who could have done something big, new, or important.
You distill everything into what it might cost you, even when it doesn't cost you a dime. Are you against public education?
Tu Quoque fallacy. The US has far more universities than just about any nation on the planet per capita. An educated populace only goes so far. It has to be combined with an industrious and productive one to make that worthwhile.

As a thought experiment, at the extreme, if you had a nation consisting nearly 100% of lawyers, philosophers, artists, and educators with advanced degrees would they be more productive than a nation of tradesmen, laborers, and engineers, few of whom ever went to college?

I'm not against public education, but rather against an education system that amounts to government indoctrination. I'm also against one that prioritizes a college education over one that produces productive, informed people.

Not everyone is college material. Not everyone is cut out to become a tradesman. Our current public education system heavily prioritizes the first over the second and we're still only producing about 30% college graduates like we did 50 or 75 years ago. The system isn't working because the people running it are Progressive ideologues for the most part grasping for a utopia we'll never see.