You should be so proud Conservatives! Powerful support for your beliefs!


New member
You should be so proud Conservatives! Powerful groups fully support your beliefs; the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and of course, the ultra-conservatives...Al Qaeda:


"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and, most likely, without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

Azzam al-Amriki, aka Adam Gadahn, urges "lone wolf" terrorists to exploit weaknesses in gun laws, saying these gaps present a "golden opportunity" to do "major damage to the enemies of Islam, waging war on their religion, sacred places, and things, and brethren"

Al Qaeda Instructs Followers to Exploit Weak U.S. Gun Laws
How many muslime terrorist attacks have occurred with fully automatic assault rifles in the United States?


How desperate are libtards that they use muslime terrorists to further their goals. Of course the muslimes would like to see us unarmed. You are a dupe to their aims
How many muslime terrorist attacks have occurred with fully automatic assault rifles in the United States?


How desperate are libtards that they use muslime terrorists to further their goals. Of course the muslimes would like to see us unarmed. You are a dupe to their aims

It is so heartwarming to see that you and Azzam al-Amriki agree. Who said conservatives can't be cooperative?

And, as the old truth-isms say: Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together. a.k.a. Birds of a feather flock together.
Ironic that he and terrorists are united in their fear of the US government...brothers-in-arms?
It is so heartwarming to see that you and Azzam al-Amriki agree. Who said conservatives can't be cooperative?

And, as the old truth-isms say: Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together. a.k.a. Birds of a feather flock together.

Guns aren't easy to get. Stop lying
Given the state laws in NJ and CT, it seems the gun-control regime desired by many was already in place. Or are you looking to completely take away everyone's guns?
Would this differ in any way that what you do on this board to the right?

Show me were a liberal posted anything as sick, egregious and evil minded as THIS?


I Love America
Southern Pride

The left cheers for events like yesterday

They know they have been getting their asses kicked on the issue of gun control for years and they have been seething about it. The sit around waiting for events like yesterday. They hope and dream for them to happen so they can try to disarm the population "for their own safety of course". The fact that it is children makes the left even more giddy because the left has used children to further their statist totalitarian agenda for years.

Everything must be done for the children.
Show me were a liberal posted anything as sick, egregious and evil minded as THIS?


I Love America
Southern Pride

The left cheers for events like yesterday

They know they have been getting their asses kicked on the issue of gun control for years and they have been seething about it. The sit around waiting for events like yesterday. They hope and dream for them to happen so they can try to disarm the population "for their own safety of course". The fact that it is children makes the left even more giddy because the left has used children to further their statist totalitarian agenda for years.

Everything must be done for the children.

Desh wrote 'what you do on a daily basis to the left'. You are pointing to a single incident. Desh said on a daily basis. That is what I responded to. If you pay much attention to Desh's posts you would understand where my comment came from.
You should be so proud Conservatives! Powerful groups fully support your beliefs; the NRA, Republicans, conservatives and of course, the ultra-conservatives...Al Qaeda:


"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and, most likely, without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

Azzam al-Amriki, aka Adam Gadahn, urges "lone wolf" terrorists to exploit weaknesses in gun laws, saying these gaps present a "golden opportunity" to do "major damage to the enemies of Islam, waging war on their religion, sacred places, and things, and brethren"

Al Qaeda Instructs Followers to Exploit Weak U.S. Gun Laws

Clearly, Azzam doesn't know what he's talking about.
Guns aren't easy to get. Stop lying

Here's a quote from someone on my forum whom I respect. Unlike you.
Mental Health is a huge problem in this country. We have shit for any meaningful attempts to address it. We, by and large, deal with it in one of two ways. We wait until the person acts out in a violent, harmful or destructive manner and then act accordingly (usually throwing them in jail, only to be released shortly there after back onto the streets or to the their homes or family with no mention they seek a mental health assessment)...or...the person themselves has to be "self aware" that they need some kind of mental health attention and then they seek help accordingly, IF (as with the above)...they can afford it.

We've attached the plague stigma to mental health and as a result...we, as a society, pop pills (again for those that can afford it) and call it a day. We treat our veterans like shit, with horrible mental health follow up after traumatic events (brought on by this Cock of Steel attitude where admitting that your buddies brains being blow across your face, months of shell fire and bombs make your asshole flinch when you hear bubble wrap being popped, or a 1000 other things, have fucked you up beyond recognition). The same is pervasive in civilian life as well. We stigmatize parents who have children with mental/emotional issues. "Oh, little Johnny's just eccentric for his age." Not only have parents and potential parents grown up themselves completely devoid of being able to detect (or even acknowledge) little Johnny has issues, because of bullshit stigma...we find it appalling and become angry that someone might dare tell us our baby might need some help. It's atrocious how we treat the mentally/emotionally ill.

This, however, is merely a component of the overall. Gun shows are a joke. I've been to quite a few in my time (with my ex step-dad) working the tables...and while you might have sellers who take sales very seriously, you have a goodly portion who could give a fuck less...a sales, a sales, a sale. No real oversight (or any at all most of the time). Third party sales from guns shops are more common than you'd imagine and would blow your mind. Fear and angst is prominent as hell. You can draw a straight line from talking about Lima beans to communist, marxist, black helicopters, Godless heathens in the same conversation. I know...because I've listened to and had many...which is hard to wrap your head around when your 17-20 years old...and if you're easily influenced...I can see where your sucked right in. Gawd help you if you're listening to this fear mongering bullshit from the time you're a kid.

One thing, we won't admit to, is that I'd wager a very sizable portion of our legally owning gun community are ideologues motivated by irrational fear. They don't own a gun because they might need to protect themselves, their home, from the *Government*, their children/loved one, one day...they KNOW they will. It's predetermined...only the date is fuzzy.

The NRA use to be a organization you could respect. It's primary concern was teaching the responsible use of firearms. It use to denounce acts of violence with guns and the horrible consequences of irresponsibility. They were deadly weapons and not toys, that demanded your utmost respect at all times, even when shooting cans off a log. That message, that mission statement is long, long gone. Now they're apologists and detractors. Now guns can do no wrong and are absolutely not a component of any misfortune, crime, suicide, or horrific event where they're's solely on the human who pulled the trigger. However, if they're a component of saving a life or used in successful defense...all due attention is bestowed upon the ESSENTIAL and real hero of the day...the firearm. A good, with no evil. Light where no darkness intrudes. They've become more or less a fundamentalist religion. Nothings contradictory. There's only one side of the story, despite reality.

We need REAL at the table when we all finally have this discussion. I hope the NRA, in it's present not included. There are MUCH more realistic and responsible gun owners/enthusiasts who should represent the gun community.