You'd never know it

But Darla, the important issue is what John McCain thinks about Iraq after troops are no longer being killed, not the fact that troops are being killed in Iraq right now.
It would be so easy to insert some sort of sarcastic, goofy comment about how Wright is so much more important here, but this really has hit such a surreal level for me. I want to take every pundit I see on TV, grab their collar and do one of those cartoonish slaps back & forth on their face, grab their cheeks with one hand so that they have one of those mushed-up lip faces, and forcibly turn their head from the monitor showing Wright to the monitor showing Iraq, the economy, food riots & the rest, screaming in their ear "what's the matter with you? Can you please pay attention!"

It's gotten positively dreamy, and not in a good way. If the economy was growing like crazy, we were at peace, someone just found a new, clean way to fuel cars & everyone could afford healthcare, I could maybe - MAYBE - see why the odd story on Wright would be acceptable. As it is, it's somewhere between tragic, totally disillusioning & otherworldly.
Wow all this after the Surge worked? You would think that the enemy would KNOW the surge worked and quit trying to make it look like the surge didn't work. You wanna know what REALLY pisses me off. The amount of hand wringing the fucking right wing did in this country when two helicopters were shot down in Somalia and a soldier was drug through the streets there. They weren't NEAR as pissed off at the fuckheads that did that shit as they were Bill Clinton. Oh Mad Jeezus, he's gotten us into something we shouldn't have gotten into. Now when you want to mention the dead in Iraq and what a goatscrew this is you get told we HAD to go there and we HAVE to pay this price. I have said repeatedly, all things being equal, if this "war" had been started by a democrat you republicans would be screaming your heads off.
I did....?????????????????????

This from the man that shot himself in the foot to get out of Nam after 6 months!

damn that is news to me...maybe I should go for more than a 20% disability pension from the VA...and did you claim your STD's from Panama?
Whatever Slushy! Go back to watching the Duke Boys and drinking your shitty watered down beer and let the not so senile discuss politics.
Yeah right...!

Whatever Slushy! Go back to watching the Duke Boys and drinking your shitty watered down beer and let the not so senile discuss politics.

You were wrong about 'Immigration Law'...and had to check with your associate...and you are also wrong about me...I am are a fraud!
How did you know I drink cheap watered down beer? But you are wrong, I only watch them Duke Boys when I feel like rubbin' one out. That Bo and Luke Duke are some hotties!
Well I just had a feeling you were a Black Lable or Falstaff kind of guy. But I would have never guessed you beat off to the Dukes of Hazzard.
There is no lawyer in the world that knows the law in all areas, That is why we have computerized research and legal texts. Anyone that says they know ALL the law is a liar. I am no fraud. I am a competent attorney that goes to people that practice in that area and get their read on things.
from what is on television, and even what is discussed here.

Troop Deaths in Iraq Hit 7-Month High
Posted: 2008-04-30 15:16:08
Filed Under: Iraq News
BAGHDAD (April 30) - The killings of five U.S. soldiers in separate attacks in Baghdad pushed the American death toll for April up to 49, making it the deadliest month since September.

President John McMaverick = 100 more years of this shit.