Your government at work?


Pocket lint


You guys have git MUCH bigger issues to worry about right now than NDA agents spying on the public.

If you don't stop the influx of illegal aliens through the open Southern Border FAST, you could lost your whole republic in short order.

Obama is the man behind the whole crisis. He using a tactic from a Marxist manifesto called the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" (Google it) and IT'S WORKING.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Metadata is nothing more than a record of a communication you made. It doesn't show the actual discussion.

I can understand why you would worry. The Jan. 6 terrorist attack entailed quite a few communications with the White House.

Figures a Stalinist like you thinks the government has the right to track the communications of American citizens.
Pardons are for guilty people. If Stone were innocent, he should have rejected the pardon. He accepted the pardon, so no longer legally contends he is innocent.

He doesn't have to contend anything. Until you maggots came along people were presumed innocent until the people bring accusations could prove otherwise. That system was too cumbersome for leftists who hate their political rival.
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He doesn't have to contend anything. Until you maggots came along people were presumed innocent until the people bring accusations could prove otherwise. That system was too cumbersome for leftists who hate their political rival.

No, the pardon system has always meant you are admitting guilt.