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I heard an audio clip of Obama, from last week, at a "Town Hall Meeting". It was from his OWN Head, without Teleprompter. I have the transcript, of part of it:

Obama,talking about one of his Socialization Plans, doesnt really matter Which one:
" And they say, if, uh...... if we do that,uh...... it will COST too much! Well, uh,....I say,............uh,........I say, it'll cost, wait a minute,.........I say it'll cost............uh,......In ten tears,.... uh,.... I say, it'll cost about,...........In ten years, I say,uh, .... it'll cost about... it'll cost about
the same as.........wait a minute, here, I have to tell you, I haven't slept much.........
Is THAT the EXCUSE he's going to USE, when Iraq is the Center of World War III, after he pulls all the troops out?

Is THAT the EXCUSE he's going to USE, a couple of years down the road, when Iran is Testing Nukes in their desert, and
Iran saying, "Tough shit, Obama, if you don't like it. What are YOU going to DO about it? Bomb us? Not a Pacifist, Ultra-Left Wing Liberal like YOU, who did NOTHING of value in YOUR career, except call Pres. Bush, and John McCain, a "bully"! How could you FACE your Leftover 60's Hippie Radical Supporteres, and the Very Young, who are TOO NAIVE to know how the World REALLY works!

But don't listen to ME. Listen to a Smart Journalist.

Obama Unplugged
by Dean Barnett
02/12/2008 12:00:00 AM

USUALLY WHEN BARACK OBAMA gives a major speech, the overdone hosannas from the liberal commentariat follow as surely as night follows day. The American Prospect's Ezra Klein wrote of Obama's post-Iowa victory speech, "I've been blessed to hear many great orations. I was in the audience when Howard Dean gave his famous address challenging the Democratic Party to rediscover courage and return to principle . . . But none achieve(d) quite what Obama, at his best, creates. . . . Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. They enmesh you in a grander moment."

It would be unfair to say this childish lefty gushing has been without cause. Obama is indeed a magnificent speaker. A few days after his Iowa address, I emailed a friend of mine and called it the finest political speech I had ever heard. Then again, I cannot claim to have been in the audience for Howard Dean's "famous address."

In spite of Obama's obvious strengths in this area, questions linger regarding Obama's gifted speechifying. Do his speeches give us a glimpse at a very special man with a unique vision? Or are we merely witnessing a political one-trick pony? Yes, Obama can turn a phrase better and do more with a Teleprompter than any other modern era politician. But does his special skill set here actually mean anything, or is it instead the political equivalent of a dog walking on its hind legs--unusual and riveting, but not especially
significant? Regardless, the liberal commentators have gushed their praise nearly every time Obama has opened his mouth before a Teleprompter the past few months

It was thus interesting to see Obama climb to the stage at Virginia's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Saturday night. As he strode to the podium, Obama clutched in his hands a pile of 3 by 5 index cards. The index cards meant only one thing--no Teleprompter.

Shorn of his Teleprompter, we saw a different Obama. His delivery was halting and unsure. He looked down at his obviously copious notes every few seconds throughout the speech. Unlike the typical Obama oration where the words flow with unparalleled fluidity, he stumbled over his phrasing repeatedly.

The prepared text for his remarks, as released on his website, sounded a lot like a typical Obama speech. All the Obama dramatis personae that we've come to know so well were there--the hapless family that had to put a "for sale" sign on its front lawn, the factory forced to shutter its doors and, of course, the mother who declares bankruptcy because "she cannot pay her child's medical bills."

The tone was also vintage Obama. The prepared text reached out to all Americans, including (gasp!) Republicans. It also evidenced Obama's signature lack of anger. While his colleagues have happily demagogued complex issues and demonized the Bush administration, Obama always has taken pains to strike a loftier tone.

But Saturday night's stem-winder turned out quite differently from the typical Obama speech. With no Teleprompter signaling the prepared text, Obama failed to deliver the speech in his characteristically flawless fashion. He had to rely on notes. And his memory. And he improvised.
speaking of which, I've decided I'm going to need dedicated housekeeper when Obama reinstitutes slavery.

Anyone interested while its still optional for you?
The gall of someone to complain about Obama being worn out on the trail when they are the ones who voted for the "desider" and his "stratergery".
And what I wrote about Obama's "speech", last week in Virginia, is EXACTLY how it sounded. I wish you ALL could HEAR it, but I'm SURE the Mainstream Obama Media will NEVER play it, but I bet it will be on the Internet soon. Obama continued:

And, uh,........we should.........I mean, if you have a child with asthma...........If you have a child, you don't want to take her to..........uh, take her to Emergency Room,.....uh,.....take her to Emergency Room, and, uh,....... you dont want to take her to Emergency Room and the COST, uh, it will COST, to take up a bed, when you can just give her a Breathalyzer,.........uh, wait a minute, I mean, uh, a, uh, an Inhalator, THATS what I mean......

The word is INHALER, Mr. Obama, a VERY COMMON little everyday device, carried by Millions.


But not Obama. Not "The Liberal Golden Boy", who CANT STRING 3 WORDS TOGETHER, WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER! Not The Empty Suit, the Product of the MOST CORRUPT Political Machine in America, the Chicago Daley Democrat Machine! Not the 186-day Senate-Experienced Candidate, who ANNOUNCED, at that time. Not the man who has 20-year associations with Racist "Pastors", and Terrorist Pentagon Bombers!

Oh, NO! We, in the Media, CAN'T make HIM look bad! We will only tell you, the Public, what we HAVE to, because OTHER SOURCES, like the Internet, youtube, etc., will "OUT US", as the Crooked, Biased, JOKE that we ARE!

And we CAN'T let America SEE what a TRULY NAIVE, DANGEROUS man, this guy would BE, if he EVER got in the Oval Office, for Foreign Affairs, our Enemies, AND for Our American Economy, to say NOTHING of the RADICAL FRINGE JUDGES HE WOULD APPOINT, the kind of Judges you READ about, like in the 9th Circus, who think Pedophilia, Sexual Predator Men luring little boys at playgrounds is a "LIFESTYLE", and that somehow, The CONSTITUTION, and the ACLU, say it's OK, for them to PREY on Young Boys and Girls, as long as the Child "consents".

There ARE Judges who THINK this way, as well as ACLU Lawyers, and you KNOW it. Fortunately for America, we have NEVER had a President who is SO FAR LEFT, that he would APPOINT THEM to anything important. I say, we haven't had a President who is SO FAR LEFT, YET.
And what I wrote about Obama's "speech", last week in Virginia, is EXACTLY how it sounded. I wish you ALL could HEAR it, but I'm SURE the Mainstream Obama Media will NEVER play it, but I bet it will be on the Internet soon. Obama continued:

I'm losing my touch. I only got up to here.

I created a thread to answer the questions you asked me, some of which covers your questions in this thread .. but you didn't respond.

Did you miss it?