Zetia and Vytorin does not work


Villified User
Cholesterol Drug Not Effective in Study
The New York Times
Posted: 2008-01-15 10:54:23

(Jan. 15) - A clinical trial of a widely used cholesterol drug has raised questions both about the medicine’s effectiveness and about the behavior of the pharmaceutical companies that conducted the study, cardiologists said Monday.

Merck and Schering-Plough, which make the drug, Zetia, and a pill that contains it, Vytorin, said Monday morning that Zetia had failed to benefit patients in a two-year trial that ended in April 2006.

The popular cholesterol drug Zetia did not beneift patients in a two-year clinical trial. Merck and Schering-Plough, the makers of the drug, which many patients take in a pill that contains it, Vytorin, said it failed to prevent the buildup of harmful plaque in arteries.

Merck and Schering repeatedly missed their own deadlines for reporting the results, leading cardiologists around the world to wonder what the study would show. At the same time, millions of patients have continued taking Zetia and Vytorin.

The drug companies blamed the complexity of the data for the delay. Now, barely a month after news articles noted the delay and Congress pressured the companies to disclose the study’s findings, the results are out.

In a press release, Merck and Schering said that not only did Zetia fail to slow the accumulation of fatty plaque in the arteries, it actually seemed to contribute to plaque formation — although by such a small amount that the finding could have been a result of chance.

Dr. Steven E. Nissen, the chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, said the results were “shocking.”

“This is as bad a result for the drug as anybody could have feared,” said Dr. Nissen, a widely published researcher and senior consulting editor to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Millions of patients may be taking a drug that does not benefit them, raising their risk of heart attacks and exposing them to potential side effects, he said. Patients should not be given prescriptions for Zetia unless all other cholesterol drugs have failed, he said.

Both companies’ shares fell Monday. Sales of the two drugs were $5 billion in 2007, and they are important contributors to Merck’s and Schering’s profits

Damn drug company has ripped us off for billions. Yep let the industries regulate themselves...
I wanna refund!
I will be joining a class action suit that I am sure some trial lawyer will start up.
Just get a bit older there youngin. your ignorance on cholestrol and such is showing.

I will love watching Merck and Schering-Plough stock drop.
damn people are into me for about 3k, much of which from when I was living check to check and paying 125 per month for the damn trashy medicine.
Sit on the results for nearly 2 years....
Not exactly. It works to lower cholesterol levels. What they found is that it doesn't decrease thickness/hardness of the arterial walls. Cholesterol causes the thickness. So while not reversing the damage already done, it is supposedly a good group of drugs to help prevent the thickening/hardening in the first place.
but not as good as the alternative it appears and might even slightly ingcrease plaque which causes heart attacks and strokes. and one point to remember this study was done by the manufacturer. so I suspect the test data has been massaged a bit.
we need an independent study.

$125 copay for Vytorin and $15 copay for the alternative....
Umm 10 lbs would put me on the low end of weight for my build and height.

All of us are not jelly belly accountants.
I'd bet serious money your body fat is higher and you have less muscle.
bowling is not weight lifting
shows how much you know, the DR a few months ago told me my body fat ratio was outstanding.

My back precludes weight lifting. I am going for surgery soon, afterwards I will trip the metal detectors and have to explain....I do generally walk at minimum a mile each day. about once a month i will hike about 5-10 miles.

but I would not expect a tennis bunny like you to understand.
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thanks I want my money back!

Funny thing I called my DR and they have an option on their phone system about Zetia questions :)
I figure this mess will wind up costing us a few more billion nation wide to straighten out. Imagine drug companies increasing a DR's workload/costs.

I wonder how long till the class action suit.
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they do, but let me guess
you don't exercise and it wouldn't kill you to drop 10lbs.?

You're such an emo bitch. People could excersise all they want and still have high cholestrol. A cohlestrol lowering drug could never hurt. Who wants to bet that Tops is through the roof, and wants him to keep it that way?
You're such an emo bitch. People could excersise all they want and still have high cholestrol. A cohlestrol lowering drug could never hurt. Who wants to bet that Tops is through the roof, and wants him to keep it that way?

Hmm with all that money, I wonder if his wifey is feedin him lots of lard ?

I'll bet he has good life insurance as well...