MSNBC Host To Rick Santorum: What Are You Doing About ‘White Men With Guns’?

So tell us what YOU want to do. Why is that so hard for you?

Why are you against confiscating guns. Please articulate it for me.

I said before what I want and you clowns just insulted me.

First, stop glorifying violence in this country. Stop with the "might makes right." Stop pretending that the only solution to gun violence is more guns. Stop the gun swaggering. Stop thinking that the only way to end violence is with more violence. Better background checks. Sensible regulations. Safety training courses. No concealed carry permits to people arrested for domestic violence. No assault weapons. No guns to people on the terror watch list. Close the gun show loophole.
I said before what I want and you clowns just insulted me.

First, stop glorifying violence in this country. Stop with the "might makes right." Stop pretending that the only solution to gun violence is more guns. Stop the gun swaggering. Stop thinking that the only way to end violence is with more violence. Better background checks. Sensible regulations. Safety training courses. No concealed carry permits to people arrested for domestic violence. No assault weapons. No guns to people on the terror watch list. Close the gun show loophole.

I couldn't stop laughing when I read this childish tripe.

The first five sentences were pure gobbledygook. So let's look at the rest

1) what do you mean better background checks? What isn't being checked that you think should be?

2) Define these "sensible" regulations you don't think we have

3) There are already safety training courses. Don't you know that?

4) Why does being just arrested for domestic violence mean you can't have a CCW? Can you explain your reasoning?

5) Define "assault" weapon. What do you consider an "assault weapon"? This matters

6) Ahhhhh the old terror watch list again. Well you do know that most of the people on the terror watch list aren't in the US right? Kind of a moot point, but it sure sounds swell to say doesn't it? Makes ya feel like you are standing up for somethin doesn't it?

7) What is this "loophole" you think exists at gun shows?
I couldn't stop laughing when I read this childish tripe.

The first five sentences were pure gobbledygook. So let's look at the rest

1) what do you mean better background checks? What isn't being checked that you think should be?

2) Define these "sensible" regulations you don't think we have

3) There are already safety training courses. Don't you know that?

4) Why does being just arrested for domestic violence mean you can't have a CCW? Can you explain your reasoning?

5) Define "assault" weapon. What do you consider an "assault weapon"? This matters

6) Ahhhhh the old terror watch list again. Well you do know that most of the people on the terror watch list aren't in the US right? Kind of a moot point, but it sure sounds swell to say doesn't it? Makes ya feel like you are standing up for somethin doesn't it?

7) What is this "loophole" you think exists at gun shows?

If a dickless nutjob like ILA can buy a gun ... The regulations are far too lax...
I couldn't stop laughing when I read this childish tripe.

The first five sentences were pure gobbledygook. So let's look at the rest

1) what do you mean better background checks? What isn't being checked that you think should be?

2) Define these "sensible" regulations you don't think we have

3) There are already safety training courses. Don't you know that?

4) Why does being just arrested for domestic violence mean you can't have a CCW? Can you explain your reasoning?

5) Define "assault" weapon. What do you consider an "assault weapon"? This matters

6) Ahhhhh the old terror watch list again. Well you do know that most of the people on the terror watch list aren't in the US right? Kind of a moot point, but it sure sounds swell to say doesn't it? Makes ya feel like you are standing up for somethin doesn't it?

7) What is this "loophole" you think exists at gun shows?

So you weren't serious, you just wanted another chance to sneer.

You'll have to find another person to play your stupid games. I'm done with this.
Other countries have curbed if not stopped it. I'm ashamed of this country. So violent compared to other Western nations.

Homicide rates in the U.S. and peer countries by weapon type, 2013


Remove urban gang violence and stats go way way way down. You Ned to take your message to liberal urban areas.
So you weren't serious, you just wanted another chance to sneer.

You'll have to find another person to play your stupid games. I'm done with this.

Just as I suspected. You are full of nothing but talking points. I didn't think you could add any depth to the discussion.

Since you are done, let me leave you with this. Your side has lost the gun debate. It is settled. Stop being a petulant little child, grow up and deal with it.
I said before what I want and you clowns just insulted me.

First, stop glorifying violence in this country.
Stop with the "might makes right."
Stop pretending that the only solution to gun violence is more guns.
Stop the gun swaggering.
Stop thinking that the only way to end violence is with more violence.
Better background checks.
Sensible regulations.
Safety training courses.
No concealed carry permits to people arrested for domestic violence.
No assault weapons.
No guns to people on the terror watch list.
Close the gun show loophole.

1 - You need to tell that to the MSM.
2 - You need to clarify this one.
3 - What would you have people use to defend themselves?
4 - "...swaggering..."??
5 - You might want to provide examples of your conjecture.
6 - Care to explain what you mean by "better"?
7 - Such as??
8 - All ready available.
9 - They're already required to not be in possession of any weapons, so I'm not sure what your saying.
10 - What's an assault weapon??
11 - But under today's guidelines, anyone can just be put on a watch list with no justification; other then a feeling.
12 - There is no Gun Show loophole.
1 - You need to tell that to the MSM.
2 - You need to clarify this one.
3 - What would you have people use to defend themselves?
4 - "...swaggering..."??
5 - You might want to provide examples of your conjecture.
6 - Care to explain what you mean by "better"?
7 - Such as??
8 - All ready available.
9 - They're already required to not be in possession of any weapons, so I'm not sure what your saying.
10 - What's an assault weapon??
11 - But under today's guidelines, anyone can just be put on a watch list with no justification; other then a feeling.
12 - There is no Gun Show loophole.

KKKhristiefan is gonna be mad that you asked her logical questions
1 - You need to tell that to the MSM.
2 - You need to clarify this one.
3 - What would you have people use to defend themselves?
4 - "...swaggering..."??
5 - You might want to provide examples of your conjecture.
6 - Care to explain what you mean by "better"?
7 - Such as??
8 - All ready available.
9 - They're already required to not be in possession of any weapons, so I'm not sure what your saying.
10 - What's an assault weapon??
11 - But under today's guidelines, anyone can just be put on a watch list with no justification; other then a feeling.
12 - There is no Gun Show loophole.

Well done US.