Everything Trump Has Promised to Do on His First Day as President


It'll be a busy day.

The first day in office is a hectic one for new presidents. It doesn't start until the late morning, and they spend hours at a formal ceremony, with hours of obligations to follow on the party circuit that night. But that doesn't stop presidential candidates from making bold promises about how much they'll accomplish that day. Here's everything Donald Trump has promised to do on his first day in office (or, in a few cases, things his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, has promised Trump will do):

Amazing huh? The republican wet dreams are coming true, among them are:

Build the Wall - who will pay
Deport illegals
Temporarily ban Muslims
Tariff Ford and other foreign made vehicles
Repeal the ACA
Defund Planned Parenthood
Repeal Roe v Wade
Eliminate several government agencies, EPA education etc
Lower taxes - aka trickle down or like Donald pay no taxes lol
Deny marriage equality
Bring back torture, waterboarding
Defund NPR
Limit Media access and control it

Does anyone find it ironic that the man who will now travel on your taxes pays none. LOL

He swore he would do these things THE FIRST DAY. So the lying liar better drink a lot of Red Bull, with all that work to accomplish.

The FIRST day... "Believe me!"

Does anyone find it ironic that the man who will now travel on your taxes pays none. LOL

Let's see if he practices the transparency he excoriated Hillary about. I say "no way Jose", lol.

"Now he'll have to decide whether he'll defy the presidential custom of releasing his tax returns each of the four years when he serves as president.

He'll also have to decide whether to exert influence regarding his personal tax issues at the IRS, which is part of the US Department of Treasury he will oversee."
Trump will have a busy first day alright....that list will take at least 8 hours to get the ball rolling on all issues.....with a hour off for lunch.
Other then he is a communist piece of shit that lets millions of Mexicans get fully free healthcare, while forcing poor Americans to pay, and fining those who can not afford to pay because they have children to feed, well other than that he is pretty cool for an American hating scumbag who has no compassion for poor Americans
Other then he is a communist piece of shit that lets millions of Mexicans get fully free healthcare, while forcing poor Americans to pay, and fining those who can not afford to pay because they have children to feed, well other than that he is pretty cool for an American hating scumbag who has no compassion for poor Americans

That you think trump has compassion for poor Americans is laughable. That you think trump has compassion, period, is mind-boggling.
I know that the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King and the leader of the black panthers both voted for Trump, and that you are a loser.

Here's another trump gem:

Donald Trump is suggesting that if he wins the presidential election, he is going to imprison Hillary Clinton, because, “everyone knows she’s guilty.”

During an interview on CBS’s Face The Nation, Trump said, “I would have my attorney general look at it because everyone knows that she’s guilty. Now I would say this, she’s guilty but I would let my attorney general make that determination. Maybe they would disagree.”

Trump would have his attorney general look at it, but everyone knows she’s guilty suggest some North Korea style “justice,” will be coming Hillary Clinton’s way if Trump wins the election. These are the kinds of statements that confirm that Trump doesn’t want to be president. He wants to be a dictator. Presidents do not interfere with investigations by publicly proclaiming guilt and innocence. Does anyone think that Attorney General Ted Cruz, for example, would go against Donald Trump? A Trump cabinet will be full of know-nothings and yes people. Donald Trump isn’t going to surround himself with competent people with an interest in governing.

The fact that Trump would entertain the idea of bringing criminal charges against his opponent in the presidential election after he wins shows that the United States will become a third rate banana republic overnight if Donald Trump is the next president.

And I know that Alveda King and the black panther party are celebrating Trumps victory today...................

Try again moron, America has decided that Clinton is the racist and the fool both.

You are in denial.........................
More evidence of Clinton foundation fraud and pay to play is going to be released. You are speaking about the Clinton problem as though no more evidence of crimes will be forthcoming, this is your delusive dream. The cool thing is that if Obama pardons Clinton for espionage, he will be helping the spy, which under the law makes him guilty of espionage as well, as all one has to do to be guilty of espionage is help someone get away. So if he pardons Clinton he could be immediately arrested by President Trump.

Check the constitution......................and the law https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-37
It'll be a busy day.

The first day in office is a hectic one for new presidents. It doesn't start until the late morning, and they spend hours at a formal ceremony, with hours of obligations to follow on the party circuit that night. But that doesn't stop presidential candidates from making bold promises about how much they'll accomplish that day. Here's everything Donald Trump has promised to do on his first day in office (or, in a few cases, things his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, has promised Trump will do):


And 70 days away....in the meantime lets enjoy the DEMOCRAT SHOW going on in our streets....as they celebrate our free election system. :) Popcorn?
More trump trashing the First Amendment.

"A Trump administration, he said, would consult with the military veterans’ group to promote “pride and patriotism” in schools – “teaching respect” for the US flag and pledge of allegiance.

“That flag deserves respect, and I will work with American Legion to help to strengthen respect for our flag,” said Trump. “You see what’s happening. It’s very, very sad. And, by the way, we want young Americans to recite the pledge of allegiance.

“One country, under one constitution, saluting one American flag ... always saluting,”
he added.
