Now this is hilarious. Frankenstein is attacking its creator

From the BLM Website talking about shutting down last night's ACLU event. Yes, I know. I'm a racist because this event occurred.

Tonight, we shut down an event at William & Mary where Claire Gastañaga, executive director of the ACLU of Virginia, was speaking. In contrast to the ACLU, we want to reaffirm our position of zero tolerance for white supremacy no matter what form it decides to masquerade in.
From the William & Mary student newspaper where this all took place.

The ACLU discussion never occurred because protesters took over the stage within five minutes of Executive Director of the ACLU of Virginia Claire Guthrie Gastañaga’s entrance. Signs in hand, the protesters shouted chants such as “liberalism is white supremacy” and “the revolution will not uphold the constitution.”

(White) liberals have generally been huge supporters of the ACLU. Quite the conundrum they face here.

take a close look at the picture of those people protesting.

they make sure their faces aare covered and there is another thing about them too

can you spot it

they are not real BML people

the real BLM chapter at W&M have black members

why are NONE of those protestors black ?

because they are not real
Listening to "free speech" public radio KPFA talking about the event. Now why would this progressive very liberal station be discussing an event that didn't take place? And I guess it makes them racist as well now
that chapter of blm has members of all colors

Like all of them do

that protest shows an all white group hiding their faces

and then it becomes the darlings of the right.

why did only white people keeping their faces covered show up at that claimed BLM protest?

the group has people of all colors

something doesnt make much sense huh.

some one did this to give you righties a boner.

its worked