Controlled Opposition
Note my apathy
Bite a dead mules cock you phoney
evince is a Russian bot.
Bite a dead mules cock you phoney
because Putin told you to think that
evince is a Russian bot.
Do you really think Russians are that ludicrous?
No and I don't think they are desperate enough to need her. Still, it is fun mocking her.
I know GW and Obama were hated but never in history has there been so much hatred aimed at a president.
Never in history has there been a president so worthy of being hated, Grump.
Before we even get to Trump, we need to understand that Democrats and Republicans are no longer political opponents. We don't have enough common ground to be political opponents anymore. Since the Gingrich Contract on America, we've been ideological enemies. There will be no "working together" because our goals are in conflict.
On top of our irreconcilable ideological differences, now add Trump--a vile creature by any reasonable standard. If a man can look at Trump's face and not want to punch it or worse, can he really be called a man? I say no. Not loathing Trump with passion indicates an absence of decent human attributes.
The man is a racist. A misogynist. A xenophobe. A con man. A liar. A traitor. Possibly the most disgusting mass of protoplasm most of us have witnessed in our lifetimes. And 63,000,000 Americans still voted for him to be president.
We may very well not recover from this.
So that's why so many of us hate Trump. I don't understand how anybody doesn't hate everybody who voted for him as well. I've withdrawn recognition of human status from all of you. Permanently. There's no redemption for what you've done.
I know where you live.
In "Deliverence" country with the rest of the assholes.
Please stay there, idiot.
Please, come and find me.
Forget what Trump has said about grabbing women and your personal general dislike of the man. But why is there such deep seated hatred that Trump haters would rather see this country harmed rather than work with him. Is it so important that Trump fail you Trump haters would rather see the USA harmed than him succeed? I know GW and Obama were hated but never in history has there been so much hatred aimed at a president.
Please give honest answers not the left wing talking points.
Trumps policies are disastrous. His destruction of the work of government agencies if terrifying. A generation of fighting to clean up the environment just swept aside chasing corporate profits. People who breathe are upset.
He is adding a couple trillion to the debt. Some of us think that is bad. The reubs used to think it was. Now if Donald does it, it is great, greatest thing in history.
Trump has alienated our longtime allies and cozied up in a weaker position to Putin. Sorry, but that bothers leftys. He is helping fracture NATO. That organization was founded by America to set up a defense against Russian aggression. Trump is against Europe and pro Russia, We have trouble with that. We really don't accept that Britain, Canada, and European nation are our foes, but Russia is our friend.
The Repugs who screamed about their love of free trade, are now against it. They are pro tariffs. I guess Dems are evil for backing the policies that actually defined the Repub platform for generations.
Trump has lowered the discourse in American politics. The Nazis, bigots, haters and white power crazies are emboldened to be aggressive and violent. Dems are against that.
I don't hate Trump. I find him unqualified and disgusting.
This is America's version of the Arab Spring.
Did you really write that? The only people? i did not know that.
Trump did not release his taxes. that would clear up so many problems.
Trump also bitched at Hillary for not having enough press conferences., in his extremly uneducated and poorly thought out opinion. How many has Trump had? Waiting for the first one in nearly 2 years.
We did not know he would take over the Republican party without a battle.
plaid skirt wearing hillbilly boy
Tartan: From Fraud to Fact