White People, Say ‘Bye-Bye’ to Power

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Hear that? It’s the death rattle of American racism. White people can gerrymander all they want, but they’ll soon be the minority. As long as people keep voting, Whites with power are going to fall. Sadly, racism in the U.S. will probably get worse before it gets better. Every day something horrifying and offensive gets said, or another innocent Black male is shot. But non-White and mixed-race numbers are only going to grow — and they’re going to head to the polls. Buckle up.

Hear that? It’s the death rattle of American racism. White people can gerrymander all they want, but they’ll soon be the minority. As long as people keep voting, Whites with power are going to fall. Sadly, racism in the U.S. will probably get worse before it gets better. Every day something horrifying and offensive gets said, or another innocent Black male is shot. But non-White and mixed-race numbers are only going to grow — and they’re going to head to the polls. Buckle up.


most white people are not republicans

don't be a racist

be a fuck globally backer

Guno is like a climatologist. Nothing changes from day to day. Boring.

Guno ... a Jewish Supremacist. Embarrassing really.

His God told him he was "One of the Chosen People". Plus, the same God told him he can't have a bacon sandwich ... and guno believed him. (Must suck to be an Orthodox Jew)
Hear that? It’s the death rattle of American racism. White people can gerrymander all they want, but they’ll soon be the minority. As long as people keep voting, Whites with power are going to fall. Sadly, racism in the U.S. will probably get worse before it gets better. Every day something horrifying and offensive gets said, or another innocent Black male is shot. But non-White and mixed-race numbers are only going to grow — and they’re going to head to the polls. Buckle up.


Who is going to support those lazy bastards financially since very few of them can support themselves?
You, like you always say cornpone, you support all the black folks.

According to guno, I and those that currently subsidize the freeloading blacks will be gone. Can they support themselves? If they can then, why don't they do it now? If they can't, who is going to be their money source?
According to guno, I and those that currently subsidize the freeloading blacks will be gone. Can they support themselves? If they can then, why don't they do it now? If they can't, who is going to be their money source?

poor squirrel eater