I don't think Trump is really aware of anything.. If he doesn't have dementia, I'll eat my hat.
You might want to get yourself checked.

I don't think Trump is really aware of anything.. If he doesn't have dementia, I'll eat my hat.
The damage left in January, 2017 and the voters prevented more like Hillary from coming in.
Sore loser. Get over it. You lost, get to the back of the bus.
Racist asshole.
Forget what Trump has said about grabbing women
But why is there such deep seated hatred that Trump haters would rather see this country harmed rather than work with him.
Is it so important that Trump fail you Trump haters would rather see the USA harmed than him succeed?
Only Putin himself hates Clinton more than you do, racist.
I know GW and Obama were hated but never in history has there been so much hatred aimed at a president.
Gonna stop you right there because this is literally the first thing you said and it serves as a perfect reason to hurl vitriol at Trump.
Trump doesn't want to help the US; he wants to help Russia.
Don is merely a predictable symptom of a failed and corrupt political/economic system.
Why didn't you hurl any vitriol at BillyBob Clinton for all the pussy and interns he he grabbed? SYFU hypocrite; seriously.
There you go again with the outright lies and buillshit. Is that all you have? Lies and bullshit, and hypocritical nonsense?
Trump is harming the US;
Wages are declining
Insurance premiums are skyrocketing
The market is flat
Trade Wars are costing corporations money and profits
Nazis are marching in the streets
Companies are still outsourcing jobs
The deficit is back to $1T
Our European Allies cannot "count on us".
The level of hatred you racist nobodies had for Obama will always stand as the gold standard for irreconcilable partisan hatred.
Go fuck yourself.