Why is there so much vitriol aimed at Trump.

Here's the post again:

Do I need to explain paragraph and sentence structure to you? No. Because you know what you did. You tried to say up here that "Even Donna Brazil" said that the hacks weren't the Russians. No comma in your sentence. No semicolon. No periods. You flat out made a false statement about what Donna Brazil said.

You mentioned the Russian hack and the DNC corruption in the same statement that you attributed to Assange. Then you said Brazil said the same thing.

Language isn't your friend...maybe because Russian is your real native language.

MORON: exposed the DNC as rotten and corrupt. Even Donna Brazil said it. Referring to the DNC as rotten and corrupt you incoherent dullard on steroids.

Grow a fucking brain you pathological lying dumbfuck.
Trump: "Because of Russia"

Trump said not to believe what your own eyes and ears are telling you...and you seem to be sucking that up either because it's your job, or because you simply don't know any better.

Because Comey was investigating Russia's hacks into the election.

How was Comey undermining the Russia investigation?

Double standards = whatabouting

So you're calling the girls who witnessed him watch them undress liars?

That's a massive pile of crap opinion piece you dullard. Good lord, liberals are the dumbest most gullible asshats on the planet.

You're going to have to do much better than that. Want opinion pieces? Do STFU, seriously.

The Clinton Foundation Sure Benefited From Relationships With The Russians

Hillary's Russia Connection

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Putin hates Hillary and that fact is no secret. And it never has been.
A liar requires a great memory.

They are handicapped in that department!
On that we agree-if people would only tell the truth, but the key is being able to understand why they do lie...and just move on......The biggest liars around here aren't conservatives, though...not by a long shot.
Have a great day- how was the cruise?
On that we agree-if people would only tell the truth, but the key is being able to understand why they do lie...and just move on......The biggest liars around here aren't conservatives, though...not by a long shot.
Have a great day- how was the cruise?

You're the biggest day after day liar on the forum!hypocrite!
One would think that those who have finished high school would agree..

so you mean you have to go to college to understand it correctly?......I disagree.....I think MOST of those who agree with you graduated from high school, but the rest agree with the college graduates who think your response is shallow and irrelevant to the issue at hand.......
Forget what Trump has said about grabbing women and your personal general dislike of the man. But why is there such deep seated hatred that Trump haters would rather see this country harmed rather than work with him. Is it so important that Trump fail you Trump haters would rather see the USA harmed than him succeed? I know GW and Obama were hated but never in history has there been so much hatred aimed at a president.

Please give honest answers not the left wing talking points.

for me it is really very simple. When trump went birther he was out to appeal to uneducated racist neanderthals. trump is scum.