Media Fact-Checkers Caught Pushing Falsehoods...


Let's go Brandon!
To begin with, they went into the State of the Union knowing they no longer have any credibility with the public, and they came out of it forced to lie or pound out a series of tedious nit-picks. Or, in the case of the far-left Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, had to pretend the sexual assault of migrant women isn’t as bad as Trump made it sound.

Here are the nine worst media fact checks of President Trump’s State of the Union speech:

The land of the liars, and JPP libs fall for it every time...
Lefties will dispute this thread based solely on the source, as if there is a lefty source out there who is willing to report on this subject.

No doubt about that, but Breitbart is merely consolidating what the liberal sources published. And all the links to the original sources are right in the article...
Duh? Breitbart is fake news. Try posting a website that deals in real news. If you can't find a few, then the story is probably bullshit.

LOL so predictable. Really, it's self preservation. You can't stand how cognitive dissonance makes you feel and you'll take the most simple effort to justify to yourself that you can ignore it. LOL fucking douche
Duh? Breitbart is fake news. Try posting a website that deals in real news. If you can't find a few, then the story is probably bullshit.

Lefties will dispute this thread based solely on the source, as if there is a lefty source out there who is willing to report on this subject.

You called it, and like clockwork she ignored that the original sources are linked in the article.
You called it, and like clockwork she ignored that the original sources are linked in the article.

This is why you can feel justified in dismissing their views. Fuck em. We know they remain willfully ignorant. Who cares what they think? I know I don't.

Trump lies- 8000+ so far.

You forgot the biggest lie of the night and the two biggest pieces of horseshit.

The lie? That the wall at El Paso caused the crime rate to drop. The lie is that crime in El Paso, as well as the entire country, has been dropping since 1993. The rest of the lie is that crime in El Paso INCREASED after the wall was built.

As for the other?

Biggest horseshit words of the night:

“the holy image of God.”


“We would be at war with North Korea if I weren’t President.”

Tossup :rofl2:
Trump lies- 8000+ so far.

You forgot the biggest lie of the night and the two biggest pieces of horseshit.

The lie? That the wall at El Paso caused the crime rate to drop. The lie is that crime in El Paso, as well as the entire country, has been dropping since 1993. The rest of the lie is that crime in El Paso INCREASED after the wall was built.

As for the other?

Biggest horseshit words of the night:

“the holy image of God.”


“We would be at war with North Korea if I weren’t President.”

Tossup :rofl2:

Looks like this lib fell for it 8000 times lol
Lefties will dispute this thread based solely on the source, as if there is a lefty source out there who is willing to report on this subject.

Zappa has disputed things because rawstory was the source yet uses rawstory as a source when he likes what it says.
LOL so predictable. Really, it's self preservation. You can't stand how cognitive dissonance makes you feel and you'll take the most simple effort to justify to yourself that you can ignore it. LOL fucking douche

No, it's actually just that Breitbart is a well-known fake news site.