Biden admits truth Finally amazing

Total numbers have nothing to do with it.

Mass shooters and psychopaths love assault style rifles and that's more than enough reason to ban them.

Just because a bunch of selfish, right-wing, macho idiot redneck gun-goobers, barrel-strokers and trigger-lickers don't like the idea of being told which guns they can and can't own with zero regard for putting public safety over and above their own selfish wants, doesn't mean jack shit.

When the govt says give them up, you'll give them up.

And that day is coming.

so public safety is your main concern , so cars should be limited to not being able to go faster then the speed limit . and all knifes should have rounded points and dull edges and hammers and clubs should be banned ,
Booze should also be banned to prevent drunk drivers and fatty foods and salt should be banned also as all of them are clearly public safety issues and harmful to the public.

not to mention that democrats recently decriminalized hard drugs in some states should they not be banned along with cigarettes as they are both clearly a threat to public safety would you not agree .
Total numbers have nothing to do with it.

Mass shooters and psychopaths love assault style rifles and that's more than enough reason to ban them.

Just because a bunch of selfish, right-wing, macho idiot redneck gun-goobers, barrel-strokers and trigger-lickers don't like the idea of being told which guns they can and can't own with zero regard for putting public safety over and above their own selfish wants, doesn't mean jack shit.

When the govt says give them up, you'll give them up.

And that day is coming.

That day won't come in my lifetime...or yours. Bank on it.
But if it does, there will be a hell of a lot of lawbreakers.
Are you willing to join the "charge" to confiscate MY guns?
Where is it written that you CAN'T use an AR-15?

Where is it written you can't use a Thompson sub machine gun?

The supreme court has already ruled that there are certain firearms that can be deemed illegal. You cannot own them. That does not mean you do not still have the right to keep and bear arms, just not that particular one. If a state or the Federal govt were to rule that the AR-15 (or guns like it) were declared illegal it would not mean citizens do not still have the right to keep and bear arms.

50 cal machine guns, mortars, grenades, Abrams tanks, ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads are arms too and you can't "keep and bear" one of them either.
MY my such a potty mouth , I dont pick and choose what laws I obey I try to follow them all but do occasionally speed.

why in the world would there be a need to register a gun with the ATF ?
I have restricted fire arms and devices that I had to request permission from the atf to buy and own and I paid for the tax stamps. but a ar 15b is just a semi automatic rifle that shoot a .22 cal round . its not classified as a short barreled rifle or a machine gun .

And no its not the governments job to determine its the peoples and the constitution

And the government, which is the people, have already determined that you can not own certain types of arms and if they decide the assault weapon or AR15 is to be one of them then the ones you own will be illegal. It is that simple and there will be nothing "unconstitutional" about it.
The vast majority of owners of Ar15 rifles are indeed law abiding citizens and far more people are killed years by knives then a ar15 .
You need to educate your self a bit and learn .

Again, analysis regarding the AR-15 — the so-called “weapon of choice” of mass shooters — produces less-than-impressive numbers. Between 2007 and 2018, 173 people were killed by mass shooters using an AR-15, according to a New York Times analysis — roughly, 15 per year.

Oct 08, 2019 · According to the FBI data, 1,515 were stabbed, cut, or maimed to death by a knife or other cutting instrument.

Stupid argument, knives are essential and everyone uses one every day, you can't make them illegal, you can outlaw assault weapons.
sadly you are wrong again you don't even know the difference between a assault rifle and a rifle.

How does a rifle classify as a 'assault' rifle?

An assault rifle , as opposed to the extremely flimsy and stupid US political term " assault weapon" is defined as a selective-fire rifle that fires an intermediate cartridge. It differs from a battle rifle which fores a full sized cartridge, and from a submachine gun that fires a pistol cartridge

A ar 15 is not selective fire .
youto have very limited knowledge of fire arms and how people die in America and I do not mean that as a insult to you just my opinion.
just think you could save over 1500 more lives a year by banning knifes then ar 15s what about clubs I wonder , figures showed that 467 people were killed with “blunt objects why thats several times as many also.
how many are killed with cars ,37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day. well thats thousand of times more people killed.

banning ar 15s would have little to no affect on people being killed in mass killings , people who were going to commit such acts would just fine another way .
you want to punish millions of gun owners why are law abiding citizens who have broken no laws .

And do you have any clue how many semi auto rifles there are in the states ? I don't know myself to honest but the numbers would run into at least 150 million . there are about 386 million guns total in the usa.

Guns are not the issue here but people are.

The stupid "what is an assault weapon" argument. It's real easy, any rifle that can fire rounds as fast as you can pull the trigger (semi automatic) and hold more that 5 rounds without reloading. I always found it odd that those who profess they know what they are talking about when discussing guns don't know what the fuck someone is talking about when they say "assault weapon".
sadly you are wrong again you don't even know the difference between a assault rifle and a rifle.

How does a rifle classify as a 'assault' rifle?

An assault rifle , as opposed to the extremely flimsy and stupid US political term " assault weapon" is defined as a selective-fire rifle that fires an intermediate cartridge. It differs from a battle rifle which fores a full sized cartridge, and from a submachine gun that fires a pistol cartridge

A ar 15 is not selective fire .
youto have very limited knowledge of fire arms and how people die in America and I do not mean that as a insult to you just my opinion.
just think you could save over 1500 more lives a year by banning knifes then ar 15s what about clubs I wonder , figures showed that 467 people were killed with “blunt objects why thats several times as many also.
how many are killed with cars ,37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day. well thats thousand of times more people killed.

banning ar 15s would have little to no affect on people being killed in mass killings , people who were going to commit such acts would just fine another way .
you want to punish millions of gun owners why are law abiding citizens who have broken no laws .

And do you have any clue how many semi auto rifles there are in the states ? I don't know myself to honest but the numbers would run into at least 150 million . there are about 386 million guns total in the usa.

Guns are not the issue here but people are.

The assault rifle does not have to be fully automatic or "selective fire". The 30 cal carbine that our forces used in WWII is an assault rifle and they were not selective fire.
The stupid "what is an assault weapon" argument. It's real easy, any rifle that can fire rounds as fast as you can pull the trigger (semi automatic) and hold more that 5 rounds without reloading. I always found it odd that those who profess they know what they are talking about when discussing guns don't know what the fuck someone is talking about when they say "assault weapon".

really its stupid , why because its true. A assault weapon is classified as a selective fire gun , you your calling a tube fed .22 that rifle a assault weapon . That is absurd .
If you use a weapon and innocent people get hurt, you should pay for the damage you caused. That is how auto insurance work. If you hurt someone by your bad actions, their pain and suffering is compensated. An auto is dangerous. So are guns. Guns are worse because they are designed to hurt or kill people.
Biased Faux News BS.

Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?

I know that even a broken clock is right two times a day.
Did Nomad actually write this, or does somebody else have his forum password?

I own eight firearms, most of the sporting variety although I don't hunt. Not one of them is a paramilitary type weapon,
and each is quite effective for home defense.

I had a military weapon a half-century ago and have no need to ever hold one again.
For what it's worth, it fired much smaller projectiles than most of my firearms that wouldn't be effected by reasonable firearms legislation.
Biased Faux News BS.

Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?
For exactly the same reason anyone here needs a computer, needs to protest or needs any other inalienable or Constitutional right.
Stupid argument, knives are essential and everyone uses one every day, you can't make them illegal, you can outlaw assault weapons.[/QUOTE

15 death a year out of 340,000,000 is nothing just.
you using this as a political talking point to advance what radicals want a unarmed public unable to defend its self. You know thats true,