Our corporate partners are cracking down on dangerous disinformation


Nemo me impune lacessit
YouTube Suspends OANN

  • YouTube barred One America News Network from posting new videos and livestreaming after the right-leaning organization uploaded a fake cure for the corona virus.
  • YouTube also demonetized the organization's channel, meaning it can't make money from YouTube ads.
  • Tuesday's move marks YouTube's largest crackdown against OANN.
"After careful review, we removed a video from OANN and issued a strike on the channel for violating our COVID-19 misinformation policy, which prohibits content claiming there's a guaranteed cure," a YouTube spokesperson told CNBC.

"Additionally, due to repeated violations of our Covid-19 misinformation policy and other channel monetization policies, we've suspended the channel from the YouTube Partner Program and as a result, its monetization on YouTube.

YouTube has been criticized for allowing OANN to spread misinformation, such as false claims that Donald Trump won the presidential election.

We salute YouTube and Google for making the right decision and look forward to a better Internet experience for all.

Teflon Don. You give yourself away by the halting and forced narrative you give. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT!. Picturing you with vomit in your mouth as you parrot a talking point is internet gold.

:party::cheer::usflag::cheer::party: Biden Won!
So, what BTT is telling you is the Democrats and their Progressive Leftist wing are doing what Progressive Leftists always do. They go all authoritarian dicktator on society and when people object using their free speech, the Progressive Leftists send them to the gulag at gunpoint--right after they confiscate all the privately owned firearms.

So nice that BTT is thrilled to be moving towards a dicktatorship in the US... But he should be careful, because at some point he will end up in the Gulag for being too energetic in pushing the party's line...
Oh, by the way, this is a dicktator-- and what Democrats apparently aspire to be...
