So, will “it be wild” on January 6th as Trump has promised?

Hello Dutch Uncle,

You know this starts with bad upbringing. Nobody is born a hater. And the difficult part is that it is cross-generational. They are brought up poorly and have no good example of how to be a good parent; so they bring their own kids up the same hateful way. It's a rolling national tragedy.

These people are sick in the mind. They are brought up to hate government, hate people who support government, hate minorities, blame others for their own problems and envision an America that simply does not exist. I feel pretty sorry for them that they are missing out on having a good life. It's tremendously sad, and of course, extremely corrosive for our society. This mental disease has always existed but the internet has given them a huge voice and audience that was never exposed to this garbage in the past.

Upbringing can be part of it. No doubt certain cultures are violent in nature be it "gangsta" or "militia".

OTOH, even well raised children with access to health care and a world class education can have mental issues. It's not against the law to be insane or think the Government is run by Jewish Lizard people.
Agreed on Trump, disagreed on "the majority of Conservatives". Normally I agree that "silence is consent", but Republicans have turned into such spineless cowards, their motto is "silence in public, work in private where Trump can't see."

Anyone who starts shit in the streets will be taken down. Count on it.

But it's not just silence. The majority of Conservatives voted for Trump, as well as vocally defending him.
[B “Ex-Pence aide turned Trump critic 'very concerned' about Jan. 6 violence” [/B]

”DC hotel frequented by Proud Boys to close Jan. 4-6”

“Be there, will be wild' | Pro-Trump protest expected on day Congress set to certify 2020 election results”

”Trump backers look to last-stand protest on January 6”

So are the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys “standing by,” ready to make it “wild?” We going to see Donny circling above in his helicopter? Are the Chuck Norris wannabes going to be openly waving their weapons like a third world banana republic giving even carrying a gun in DC is illegal?

This is one of the idiotic scenarios perpetuating on the right, that the violence will be out of control in DC and Trump will have to declare martial law and maintain power

Yet, store owners removed all the plywood off their doors and windows after Biden allegedly won.

Funny, how that worked.
But it's not just silence. The majority of Conservatives voted for Trump, as well as vocally defending him.

Ummm...change "Conservatives" to Republicans and I'll agree with you, but that's the nature of modern American politics: "My party, right or wrong" and "Party over country". Sad but true.
We will have to imprison the violent racists as they try to hurt people

In time they will all be back down in the sewers where they belong

It will involve stomping them into the gutters so we can kick them back into the sewers where they belong

But this time we will never let them crawl back out
We will have to imprison the violent racists as they try to hurt people

In time they will all be back down in the sewers where they belong

It will involve stomping them into the gutters so we can kick them back into the sewers where they belong

But this time we will never let them crawl back out

Is that an Afghan Kossack style hand knotted rug or Persian? Either way I like it.
We will have to imprison the violent racists as they try to hurt people

In time they will all be back down in the sewers where they belong

It will involve stomping them into the gutters so we can kick them back into the sewers where they belong

But this time we will never let them crawl back out

I'm good with that. Just to clarify, you mean all violent racists, regardless of political leanings?
Whatever floats your boat, Carp lol.

Darth Opie, you're the one running from his own posts. As I posted before, all you have to do is man up and repent. A mea culpa.

It's rare but even I've fucked up. It happens and I've always fessed up to it as the right thing to do. If I don't, please point out where so we can discuss it.

I didn't say he brought up Antifa. I said he was asked if he condemns Antifa and his answer was "Yes, I condemn all violence."
Biden condemned Antifa, but Trump didn't condemn the Proud Boys, because he knows that most Conservatives support terrorism.

Which is exactly what I said. He nor Harris have ever condemned Antifa by name. They silently applaud them.
Pretending the left is racist makes you a turd bonnet

Only if "turd bonnet" = realist. :)

The problem with the Left is that their own efforts, their own cures for racism are both institutionalizing and perpetuating racism. This makes them racists. I know their intent is to eradicate racism but the path to the mountaintop they've chosen is causing more problems than it's solving. Yes, the Right isn't any better because they don't care. They are much worse when it comes to disenfranchising voters. OTOH, while that often works out to be racially divided, it is primarily economic.

Remember when the only people who could vote were "landed" men? Male, often European descent, property owners? Those same male, often European descent, property owners still want it that way. Any racial aspects are either way down the list or they don't give a shit.

Only Trump gives a shit about trailer-renting, white trash welfare recipients as long as they fly a Rebel Flag and have a Trump sign on their pick up truck. Manipulating voting in order to return power propertied people disenfranchises all trailer park renters, or renters anywhere, equally. I disagree with it which is why I support our present system and dislike efforts to disenfranchise.

Motivations are important. Republicans are primarily motivated by avarice. They don't care who gets hurt as long as they get theirs. If there's profit in racism, they'll be racist. If there's no profit, they don't care. What they do care about is those, by power of the vote, seek to deprive or reduce the size of their bank account or profit margin. That's not racist. Racism is stupid and bad for business.

Using racism against those racists seeking to reduce their power and money is what "modern" American politics is all about.