Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Hello Dutch Uncle,
You know this starts with bad upbringing. Nobody is born a hater. And the difficult part is that it is cross-generational. They are brought up poorly and have no good example of how to be a good parent; so they bring their own kids up the same hateful way. It's a rolling national tragedy.
These people are sick in the mind. They are brought up to hate government, hate people who support government, hate minorities, blame others for their own problems and envision an America that simply does not exist. I feel pretty sorry for them that they are missing out on having a good life. It's tremendously sad, and of course, extremely corrosive for our society. This mental disease has always existed but the internet has given them a huge voice and audience that was never exposed to this garbage in the past.
Upbringing can be part of it. No doubt certain cultures are violent in nature be it "gangsta" or "militia".
OTOH, even well raised children with access to health care and a world class education can have mental issues. It's not against the law to be insane or think the Government is run by Jewish Lizard people.