Double Masking Works

Dr. Fauci Made the Coronavirus Pandemic Worse by Lying About Masks

Simply put, Fauci lied about whether masks were helpful in slowing the spread of the virus.

Fauci didn’t just fail to promote masks early on, he actively discouraged the use of masks, saying they didn’t work.

“There is no reason for anyone right now in the United States, with regard to coronavirus, to wear a mask,” Fauci told Spectrum News DC on February 14.

And there still isn't. Masks do not stop a virus.
he didnt lie, you are misrepresenting what he said. making the jump from covering your mouth to wearing a mask was too much for you? You are a meth guy arent honest there are treatments.

He lied. You also lie. Semantics fallacy. Insult fallacies.
Fauci Says You Need One of These at Home to Avoid COVID

Anthony Fauci, MD, endorsed purchasing one product to stop COVID from spreading indoors. He recommended high-efficiency particulate air systems—also known as HEPA filters—which remove COVID particles from the air.

Why not 2 HEPA filters on your AC vent? Common sense would be 2 better than 1

HEPA filters do not stop a virus either. Marketing from HEPA filter companies often say they do, but they don't. If they were capable of it, the filter would prevent the unit from operating probably and possibly cause a fire hazard.
You are a fucking idiot

Putting two air filters on a central AC system will only have the net effect of producing a higher utility bill and reducing the lifespan of your unit.

Indeed, that too may cause a fire. Building and HVAC codes are very specific about this.
I see no *real life* evidence that a pandemic can be halted or even significantly mitigated with any degree of mask obedience. Look around you. Do you see numbers dropping where they have high mask compliance? Here in WV our numbers jumped up AFTER the mask mandate.

If they told you to wear 4 masks would you do it? And why not just junk the cheap fabric masks and get an N-95? That at least makes some sense.

Makes no sense. The N95 specification is pretty clear. Masks do not stop a virus. The holes in them are far too big.
The best thing that works is double or triple duct tape around ones mouth and nose. Maybe Katzgar can give that a shot.

I've heard that prolonged submersion in sea water at least 25 fathoms deep will keep someone safe from COVID cooties in perpetuity, Cap'n.
I want the time it takes to read your posts back. I wonder if I can sue?

Please accept this Katzgar doll as reparations for your suffering.
