as sane Americans get vaccinated and teabillies refuse to, they'll die off sooner

Bull dykes are last on the vaccination priority list for some reason. Although I think we are all seeing WHY as we read how this convo is unfolding.
You bastards are worse than a disease. I never said the virus was a hoax, I said the reaction was, and you go right on twisting and spinning like the sorry cock sucking son of a whore you are.

How is the reaction a hoax, dipshit?

You mean you don’t know about the DNC v RNC FAMOUS COURT CASE?

The must be one huge fucking Boulder you have been hiding under for decades

The courts put the RNC under a consent decree forcing them to submit to the court any voter roll trimming they sought to do (NATION WIDE)

Because the very top of the party got caught cheating voters out of their right to vote

You see the Republican couldn’t win seats in fair elections

So they took up keeping people from voting back in the early 1980s

All court documented

The courts kept catching them cheating every election so they kept increasing the time in the consent decree

The next incident included physical notes to each other about KEEPING THE BLACK VOTE DOWN DISCUSSIONS


All fully court documented

How can you NOT know those publicly accessible FACTS?

I myself do not believe people who are not employed should have the right to vote. Nor do I believe you should be able to vote on local referendums if you own no property either commercial or residential.

No skin in the game=NO VOTE
Chief justice roberts removed the consent decree for them

The the tepiublican party amped up the cheating
I myself do not believe people who are not employed should have the right to vote. Nor do I believe you should be able to vote on local referendums if you own no property either commercial or residential.

No skin in the game=NO VOTE

So the upper ten percent who don't have to work for a living shouldn't be able to vote?
#1, they're less able to socially distance because they disproportionately work jobs that you cannot do from home.

#2, they live in poorer communities of higher density, which makes it harder to avoid people.

#3, some studies have shown people with more melanin in their skin absorb vitamin D less efficiently, and vitamin D has been shown to correlate with more covid cases that involve no symptoms.

But I'm not at all surprised your very first guess was stupid and nonsensical.

I didnt venture a guess at all. I merely asked you a question. Stop lying.
nope, I'm celebrating the mass die-off of ig'nint billies

heavy drinking, horrible diets, meth and syphillis are s-l-o-w-l-y doing the job now, here comes the coup de grace

We'll let you know when that happens, you filthy communist pig!
You and your FIREAIDS are a tad worse.
That is correct. No work.... no vote.

Yeah, that's about the size of it. White, privileged males with property and opportunity since birth get to vote, while others get shafted.

You're Jefferson Davis reborn. Funny part is, you're probably proud of that.
You said "Are they against social distancing"?, you goddamned idiot.

Exactly. That sentence is a question. You can tell by how the sentence is structured but you know,...the dead give away is when there is a QUESTION MARK at the end of the sentence you moronic Rube! :laugh:
Yeah, that's about the size of it. White, privileged males with property and opportunity since birth get to vote, while others get shafted.

You're Jefferson Davis reborn. Funny part is, you're probably proud of that.

Your arguments of White Privilege might work in your Oregon.

They don't work good in my New York where most Whites have been prejudiced upon like Jews, Italians, Irish Catholics,Poles, Greeks etc.

With many of these White groups arriving at a much later date as well.
I myself do not believe people who are not employed should have the right to vote. Nor do I believe you should be able to vote on local referendums if you own no property either commercial or residential.

No skin in the game=NO VOTE
Because you hate democracy

Go start your own country

Your ideas are too stupid for a democracy
Your arguments of White Privilege might work in your Oregon.

They don't work good in my New York where most Whites have been prejudiced upon like Jews, Italians, Irish Catholics,Poles, Greeks etc.

With many of these White groups arriving at a much later date as well.

holy fuck, you're still alive?

Would've thought you died from diabetes or inhaling our own BO by now.