Trump and his base growing stronger according to Politico...

Good luck with that wishful thinking.

You will need it.

Why will he need it? You, Stone, Dookie, the TD twins and several other RW nutjobs on JPP bitch and whine about the crimes of the Left yet you didn't support Trump when he needed you most. Now he's out of office and facing both impeachment and criminal charges on a variety of issues. When would Walt or anyone one else have to worry about a bunch of cowards?

BTW, I found out why Stone wasn't at Trump's riot. He was playing with beach bunnies:

Agreed. Just like Trump found out the 66 million who voted for Hillary (versus Trump's 63M) in 2016 didn't go away.

The bad news for Trumpers is that more Americans are turning 18 every day while old farts are dying of heart disease and suicide. Who do you think will win in the long run?

Exactly. Trump got 3 million less votes than Hillary but 7 million less votes than Biden in 2020.

Trump's senior base is dying off (Trump helped kill them off by ignoring COVID) and the new voters turning 18 are significantly more left than right.
Exactly. Trump got 3 million less votes than Hillary but 7 million less votes than Biden in 2020.

Trump's senior base is dying off (Trump helped kill them off by ignoring COVID) and the new voters turning 18 are significantly more left than right.

Killing off one's voters out of stupidity was, indeed, stupid. Even if they didn't die, the fact they were too sick to vote and Trump told them mail-in voting was fraudulent meant less votes for him.

It's just another Trump fuck-up in a long, long list of Trump fuck ups.
The left utilized his model. You were caught but Chinese money bought you way out of it.
The left has to cheat when vote buying fails you.

No one bought votes and no one cheated, well trump and the Repubs tried, they just are not any good at it, the American People saw to that.
Killing off one's voters out of stupidity was, indeed, stupid. Even if they didn't die, the fact they were too sick to vote and Trump told them mail-in voting was fraudulent meant less votes for him.

It's just another Trump fuck-up in a long, long list of Trump fuck ups.

My best friend is a Trump supporter and we made a $100 bet on the election. I told him that before Trump's Presidency is over, he'll do something so inane, so egregious that he will no longer support him. Then Jan. 6th happened and he called me and admitted I was right.
BTW, he paid me the $100 three days after the election. He didn't buy into The Big Lie like so many other gullible, moronic Trump supporters.
That's not what your mommy said, son. You can see she was very, very happy to see me when this picture was taken. :thup:


see? you talk about clinton's little head then you post something stupid and senseless like that thinking anyone with an IQ would be offended at what a sick ass toilet clog you are. why are you such a punk ass bitch, boy?
Has DC ever NOT been about power, or questionable relationships with questionable countries? Even the mighty Reagan had Iran-Contra. There is always stuff they're mixed up in that isn't in our best interests.

So what? Again, it begs the question - how does it affect any of our lives? While they're doing their behind-the-scenes stuff, they're also running the country reasonably well (most of the time), and leaving me to do what I want to do.

I watch some of the Trump supporters on TV - particularly on 1/6 - and it sounds like they're living in the Soviet Union in the '70's. One guy was screaming that he was fighting before all his freedom was taken away.

They felt & feel like Trump is the only one who can "save" them. From what? What can't they do that they want to do?
you can start with censorship, banning. Then there is the tyranny of the nanny state, WOTUS, the cancel culture all embraced by Dems.

What's Bidens plans for jobs? he's killing the energy independence we accomplished under Trump

If you think Green New Deal is workable - it's not..we're going to wind up like Germany using wood pellets
forheat instead of nat gas.
I gotta go back to work.
Many Conservatives/Republicans had no idea what trump was about until after they elected him and many still did not really grasp it until after Nov 3 and then they got a better look at who and what trump was and who the fellow Republicans now were.
no.we knew exactly what his policies were.
I also knew Trump would fight back against a corrupt press, etc.

Twenty-five percent of American voters identify as Republicans. Of those, 54 percent "strongly favor" Trump, up five points from his low point of 49 percent right after the Capitol assault. So he has about 13.5 percent of the country rooting for him. For this Republicans in the Senate are throwing in the towel.
see? you talk about clinton's little head then you post something stupid and senseless like that thinking anyone with an IQ would be offended at what a sick ass toilet clog you are. why are you such a punk ass bitch, boy?

Hoosier Mommy liked the little heads of all takers. AFAIK, she never asked for an IQ test first. What's the problem, son? Isn't Hoosier Mommy entitled to a little fun?

BTW, the last time I saw her she was selling overpriced potato chips downtown screaming "Lays! Lays $25! Lays!"
no.we knew exactly what his policies were.
I also knew Trump would fight back against a corrupt press, etc.

His policies, other than two things, judges and tax cuts he was pretty much a failure at everything, but if you knew that before hand then you are part of the problem and not the solution.
One of the very first acts by trump was to call in the Press and then berate them for not being on board with his agenda, if you think that made the Press more likely to report how he wanted then you do not understand the Press. Trump only stood up to the press that was telling the truth about him and usually based on trumps own words, those that praised and got all tingly over everything trump he loved, well until like FOX they told some truths and all of a suddenly they are also the enemy. Trump always claims he is a fighter, but the truth is he quits on things left and right, especially if it is hard work, and I will remind you that trump had basically stopped working in November of 2020. No trump is not a fighter, he is a spoiled brat that could not even lose with dignity or class, that is what you voted for.
you can start with censorship, banning. Then there is the tyranny of the nanny state, WOTUS, the cancel culture all embraced by Dems.

What's Bidens plans for jobs? he's killing the energy independence we accomplished under Trump

If you think Green New Deal is workable - it's not..we're going to wind up like Germany using wood pellets
forheat instead of nat gas.
I gotta go back to work.

The Green New Deal is such a fearmongering thing. Everyone knows how DC works. It will never pass.

Years down the line, we'll get some watered down version, that costs almost nothing and accomplishes less.

Biden has a detailed plan for jobs. It's on the WH site. Check it out. You just don't like it, or agree w/ it.

That's all this is about. People can't deal with losing elections anymore. They always want their viewpoint to prevail.

There is no censorship in America. Just private companies making private decisions. Is that really our biggest problem? We can't tweet lies, so it's time for a revolution?

Again, it all begs the question: what can't you do that you want to do?
Trump only Tried to steal election, as usual he and his minions were Failures.
Your base may be solidifying but it is also dwindling because the further trump and to the right that you go the fewer Real Republicans want to have anything to do with your "Party" .
Change the name of the GOP to the T Party, after all that is not technically plagiarizing, and it might resound with the core cult members. The real GOP needs to break off and run on their original principles and leave the T Party to become what they really are, the American Fascist Party. Seig Heil!

Straight out of Goebbels, you accuse your enemy of what you actually are. :good4u:
Why will he need it? You, Stone, Dookie, the TD twins and several other RW nutjobs on JPP bitch and whine about the crimes of the Left yet you didn't support Trump when he needed you most. Now he's out of office and facing both impeachment and criminal charges on a variety of issues. When would Walt or anyone one else have to worry about a bunch of cowards?

BTW, I found out why Stone wasn't at Trump's riot. He was playing with beach bunnies:


Such a dildo. For one thing Im not even in Florida yet,... thats next month. So,.... wrong AGAIN pal. ;)
That's not what your mommy said, son. You can see she was very, very happy to see me when this picture was taken. :thup:


I knocked a piece of that off myself awhile back! She doesnt talk very well ever since. Cant think straight either. ;)