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Why do we keep pretending you aren’t smoking crack cocaine and watching porn 24/7?
Because crack is whack?
Why do we keep pretending you aren’t smoking crack cocaine and watching porn 24/7?
Why do we keep pretending that Trump hating debaters are loyal Americans?
Antifa Breaking Glass at Capitol, Trump Protesters Saying Stop Antifa
USSkeptic Published January 7, 2021
Rumble — Antifa Breaking Glass at Capitol, Trump Protesters Saying Stop Antifa and Trying to Make Antifa Stop
Why do we keep pretending that Trump hating debaters are loyal Americans?
Yawn. I'll take the FBI's word for it over "USSkeptic" any day, whore.
Always a pleasure handing you your ass.
Why is your mother a whore?
Some questions simply don't have good answers.
Okay, for full transparency, now tell everyone how pleasurable it is for you to kiss my ass.
Because she was good at something besides drug addiction and degrading herself as a crack whore like your pitiful two-bit, shit licking Mom?
Ah, so she was a good whore. Got it. Thanks.
LOL! Nice owning you, as usual.
What do they refer to?
Oooh, you wanted to exchange pretend insults to our Mothers' imagined reputations.
But when your game played out to it's logical conclusion you are left standing there like a putz trying to rub my nose in your imaginary bullshiite from your low brow reprobate mind.
Yes, she was the BEST whore because she had a thing about being the best.
And your Momma had a thing about crack.
What the fuck will it take to get you to understand that much of what you know or believe about Trump is a lie or the result of a lack of information provided you about him by the dishonest media?
Will you believe the fucking Huffington Post???
POLITICS 01/31/2017 10:13 am ET
Most Americans Don’t Think The Media Is Honest
That plays well into the Trump administration’s strategy to discredit the press.
By Natalie Jackson
Over half of Americans say that most members of the news media are not honest, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday. Only 39 percent think most media personnel are honest.*
The numbers play well into President Donald Trump’s attempts to sow mistrust in the media among the American people. In fact, 86 percent of Republicans and 6 in 10 independents think the media is dishonest, while nearly two-thirds of Democrats think most members of the news media are honest.
A recent HuffPost/YouGov poll found very similar results. When asked if they had trust and confidence in the media to state the facts fully, accurately and fairly, over half of respondents said they had “not very much” trust or “none at all.” A majority also don’t trust Trump’s administration to be truthful, but most Republicans trust Trump to be honest.*
Get this once and for all...
They made US ALL their bitches.
And you are STILL their bitch because you believe they are honest.
They played you like a cheap fiddle.
Now go and carry their water, Bitch.
LOL! Nice owning you, as always.
LOL! Tinkerbell, you wouldn't know logic if it were sodomizing you like your dad does.
Don't be disingenuous.
Quote Originally Posted by christiefan915 View Post
You're a regular fountain of conspiracy theories, lol.
Did you also give credence to Pizzagate and Arkancide?
I'm giving you a set up to present your argument or shade the story as you want the readers to believe.
AND I don't know what they refer to.
I will win the point if you fail to do what's required to continue.
I explained with Pizzagate is. Arkancide has something to do with the Clintons apparently "causing suicides" in Arkansas.
I explained with Pizzagate is. Arkancide has something to do with the Clintons apparently "causing suicides" in Arkansas.