Maybe it's because he cost them $2.7 billion.
Whereas his ratings were high, there were no companies willing to advertise during his time slots. The risk was too great for a boycott, not unlike when we got Glen Beck off of the air.

Dobbs was a loss leader
he moved to that other made for conservative network, newsmax or whatever it is

He's still under contract with Fox, Dookie. Maybe when the contract expires. He's 75 so maybe he'll just go suck Trump's cock on Trump TV.
Lou Dobbs, by far the highest rated show on Fox Business Network, has just been canned by the network.

Friday night was his last broadcast, a Fox spokesperson told the Los Angeles Times. A source close to Dobbs confirmed that he has been benched.

According to the LA Times, Dobbs remains under contract with Fox News, but in all likelihood he will not appear on the network again.

Another one bites the dust.

A $2.7B lawsuit is bound to have some impact.....especially when the odds are against Fox. Next up is Bartiromo and Pirro.
The cancellation comes a day after voting software company Smartmatic filed a $2.7-billion defamation suit against Fox News and three of its hosts — Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro. The company claims the hosts perpetuated lies and disinformation about Smartmatic’s role in the election, damaging its business and reputation.
what metric do you use to remove people off the air?
Claiming the election was stolen? cause there are a shitload of people that feel that way.
when exactly are you cancelling?

It's a business decision. Nothing personal. Do you think Dobbs, or anyone else, has a right to be on Fox, CNN or any other television channel?

Eat shit; a million flies can't be wrong. LOL

A $2.7B lawsuit is bound to have some impact.....especially when the odds are against Fox. Next up is Bartiromo and Pirro.
The cancellation comes a day after voting software company Smartmatic filed a $2.7-billion defamation suit against Fox News and three of its hosts — Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro. The company claims the hosts perpetuated lies and disinformation about Smartmatic’s role in the election, damaging its business and reputation.

Too much truth for Whiner Nation to handle.
I never watch Fox, but the accidental seconds I saw that guy he was extremely annoying and unfair
in all his right wingnut proclamations clothed as questions posed to his shill guests.
Admittedly I've never actually watched a Lou Dobbs program. But I have a modicum of familiarity with him from reading reviews of his shows and seeing clips of his online. On one hand sounds like he clearly went all in on the conspiracy theories and Trump worshipping (saw a clip from 2019 where said you can thank the President for having a good weekend, which is rather frightening). And being a free trader myself his whole anti-trade/protectionist policies support never resonated with me. I wasn't a fan.

But from the politics make strange bedfellows doesn't he share similar sentiments to folks like Bernie in that regard? As has been stated before it is Wall St Republicans and Corporate Dems who supported NATO, WTO, and other trade policies designed to push down wages and not benefit the working person. Aren't those Wall St Republicans and corporate Dems the people Dobbs was against?
Too much truth for Whiner Nation to handle.

I'm curious how Rudy, Sidney and Fox are going to handle being on the losing end of a $2.7B lawsuit. Even settling for half of that is a bone cruncher. Rudy and Sidney will have to become ambulance chasers just to pay their light bills. Smartmatic will be owning a large chunk of Fox stock, maybe a controlling interest.

2020 election fraud allegations
After Trump's defeat in the 2020 presidential election, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro promoted baseless allegations on her program that voting machine company Smartmatic and its competitor Dominion Voting Systems had conspired to rig the election against Trump. Hosts Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo also promoted the allegations on their programs on sister network Fox Business. In December 2020, Smartmatic sent a letter[268] to Fox News demanding retractions and threatening legal action, specifying that retractions "must be published on multiple occasions" so as to "match the attention and audience targeted with the original defamatory publications." Days later, each of the three programs aired the same three-minute video segment consisting of an interview with an election technology expert who refuted the allegations promoted by the hosts, responding to questions from an unseen and unidentified man. None of the three hosts personally issued retractions. Dominion sent a similar letter demanding retractions to Trump attorney Sidney Powell, who had promoted the allegations on Fox programs.[269] Smartmatic filed a $2.7 billion defamation suit against the network, the three hosts, Powell and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani in February 2021.[270]
Admittedly I've never actually watched a Lou Dobbs program. But I have a modicum of familiarity with him from reading reviews of his shows and seeing clips of his online. On one hand sounds like he clearly went all in on the conspiracy theories and Trump worshipping (saw a clip from 2019 where said you can thank the President for having a good weekend, which is rather frightening). And being a free trader myself his whole anti-trade/protectionist policies support never resonated with me. I wasn't a fan.

But from the politics make strange bedfellows doesn't he share similar sentiments to folks like Bernie in that regard? As has been stated before it is Wall St Republicans and Corporate Dems who supported NATO, WTO, and other trade policies designed to push down wages and not benefit the working person. Aren't those Wall St Republicans and corporate Dems the people Dobbs was against?


The Qpublican party is not the proletariat party

You shits try that every time you fucking lose
Lou Dobbs, by far the highest rated show on Fox Business Network, has just been canned by the network.

Friday night was his last broadcast, a Fox spokesperson told the Los Angeles Times. A source close to Dobbs confirmed that he has been benched.

According to the LA Times, Dobbs remains under contract with Fox News, but in all likelihood he will not appear on the network again.

Another one bites the dust.

Probably afraid they will have to pay out the lawsuit the Smartmatic filed against them citing Dobbs echoing the lies
I'm curious how Rudy, Sidney and Fox are going to handle being on the losing end of a $2.7B lawsuit. Even settling for half of that is a bone cruncher. Rudy and Sidney will have to become ambulance chasers just to pay their light bills. Smartmatic will be owning a large chunk of Fox stock, maybe a controlling interest.

2020 election fraud allegations
After Trump's defeat in the 2020 presidential election, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro promoted baseless allegations on her program that voting machine company Smartmatic and its competitor Dominion Voting Systems had conspired to rig the election against Trump. Hosts Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo also promoted the allegations on their programs on sister network Fox Business. In December 2020, Smartmatic sent a letter[268] to Fox News demanding retractions and threatening legal action, specifying that retractions "must be published on multiple occasions" so as to "match the attention and audience targeted with the original defamatory publications." Days later, each of the three programs aired the same three-minute video segment consisting of an interview with an election technology expert who refuted the allegations promoted by the hosts, responding to questions from an unseen and unidentified man. None of the three hosts personally issued retractions. Dominion sent a similar letter demanding retractions to Trump attorney Sidney Powell, who had promoted the allegations on Fox programs.[269] Smartmatic filed a $2.7 billion defamation suit against the network, the three hosts, Powell and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani in February 2021.[270]

I am amazed by how corporations have become vehicles for truth and change. This has put Newsmax and every other right-wing rag on notice. Can you imagine how much right-wing rags and pundit heads are spinning out of control today? If the terrorist party of Q was in control they would be hastily drafting legislation to exempt lies and fraud from litigation, and the pod beings here would support it as long as it only exempts their lis and fraud.

We are standing in the midst of history my friend and I know that you’re taking this all in.

Smartmatic could own Fox and we will own the country .. thanks to Donald trump and his rabid mob of imbeciles.
I am amazed by how corporations have become vehicles for truth and change. This has put Newsmax and every other right-wing rag on notice. Can you imagine how much right-wing rags and pundit heads are spinning out of control today? If the terrorist party of Q was in control they would be hastily drafting legislation to exempt lies and fraud from litigation, and the pod beings here would support it as long as it only exempts their lis and fraud.

We are standing in the midst of history my friend and I know that you’re taking this all in.

Smartmatic could own Fox and we will own the country .. thanks to Donald trump and his rabid mob of imbeciles.

I, too, am hoping for positive change.
But surely your god Q can save your sorry asses. Maybe he can send laser beams to fry all who deny his/her/its existence.
Even Q is going to run away from a multibillion dollar lawsuit.

Besides cleaning house at Fox, Smartmatic will have both OANN and Newsmax lining up to kiss their asses. The shockwave and aftermath will be epic.
Smartmatic announced today that it is issuing legal notices and retraction demand letters to Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network for publishing false and defamatory statements. The demand letters identify dozens of factually inaccurate statements made by each of the organizations as part of a “disinformation campaign” to injure Smartmatic and discredit the 2020 U.S. election.

According to Smartmatic’s demand letters, these organizations could have easily discovered the falsity of the statements and implications made about Smartmatic by investigating their statements before publishing them to millions of viewers and readers. Smartmatic had nothing to do with the “controversies” that certain public and private figures have alleged regarding the 2020 U.S. election. Multiple fact-checkers have consistently debunked these false statements with stunning consistency and regularity
Exactly, but whiner nation cannot deal with any truth they don’t like.



My opinion of this is the same as it is whenever someone gets "canceled". Fox doesn't have to employ anybody it doesn't want to. If Arby's wants to stop paying for advertising on Laura Ingraham's show, it can. No one has a "right" to speak on a university campus. "Cancel culture" is just another facet of the right's relentless bitching about being self-described victims.
Admittedly I've never actually watched a Lou Dobbs program. But I have a modicum of familiarity with him from reading reviews of his shows and seeing clips of his online. On one hand sounds like he clearly went all in on the conspiracy theories and Trump worshipping (saw a clip from 2019 where said you can thank the President for having a good weekend, which is rather frightening). And being a free trader myself his whole anti-trade/protectionist policies support never resonated with me. I wasn't a fan.

But from the politics make strange bedfellows doesn't he share similar sentiments to folks like Bernie in that regard? As has been stated before it is Wall St Republicans and Corporate Dems who supported NATO, WTO, and other trade policies designed to push down wages and not benefit the working person. Aren't those Wall St Republicans and corporate Dems the people Dobbs was against?


Backstory backstory backstory, walking apology walking apology walking apology, whataboutism whataboutism rhetorical Q

lather, rinse, defend Repukes, repeat... yawn