Why are most Russian fighter jets bigger and heavier than American jets?

Why the fuck do you care? You belong to a cult that hates America and it’s people. You hate democracy, and unless your phony god / king gets his way, you would rather see this nation destroyed. Putin doesn’t need big ass jets when he has YOU AND YOUR TRAITOROUS HORDE OF CRIMINALS TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA FROM THE INSIDE.

Now, with Biden in office trying to restore civility, you pretend to care about the security of a nation you’re desperately trying to destroy. YOU and your traitorous komrades have no honor, no integrity, and no respect for democracy, the Constitution, elections, or the peaceful transition of power. “Russia has bigger jets...” Whar a fucking fraud you are. No doubt that if those jets attacked America, WHICH YOU HATE, you and your boys would be cheering and eating popcorn.
go fuck yourself BAC. I've been a patriot longer than you can dream while you were dabbling in socialism
and blaming white people for black problems long after the Civil Rights act

Thankfully some blacks understand they aren't "oppressed" and do well in America.
God Bless them and fuck the racialists that make excuses to keep them down.

It's not "we people" it was thugs. They are gonna get long prison terms they deserve .

You have a shitload of balls- if no brain- when you excuse the BLM/ANTIFA riots that destroyed thousand of livlihoods. You know,people who have to support their families and not just sit on their collective asses
sucking on government checks

You hypocrisy of excusing some riots when condemning others is repulsively Democrat
Sukhoi 35 is a beautiful aircraft

Sukhoi 57 is their 5th generation stealth fighter, and it would be interesting to see how it matches up with F-35

And bigger is not necessarily better.. America has twice as many sophisticated jets than Russia, FAR more personnel, and our jets are exponentially more expensive. Russia has more bombers, but they are old and cheap.

This is always a bit of a mistake to try to do everything with one aircraft design. I agree. It's a damn fine plane despite this.
the engine sucks, the machine guns suck.
it was too hodge podge trying to make a universal platform for multiple duties.

Avionics advance so rapidly it was a strategic error to commit all our fighter capability in 1 platform
F-35 is s striker jet against targets and standoff, but not air to air combat
F-22 solves that but we dont have enough of them
As a rule of thumb, in order to increase an aircraft’s range, it has to be made larger. As a result, Russia has decided to focus on acquiring heavy fighters. There are other advantages associated with these types of planes.
They can carry a larger payload. Their ability to carry more missiles increases their effectiveness in an air-to-air, because all things considered the more missiles they send down range, the increased probability of a hit. Additionally, fighters with larger engines generate more electrical power, allowing them to house more powerful radars and other sensors.

Nevertheless, larger aircraft like the Flanker are also more expensive. The US ultimately opted to focus on smaller aircraft to allow them to buy more of them. However, the Russian military found that light fighters like the Mig-29 were not that much cheaper than heavy fighters like the Su-27 to make up for the lost capabilities.

you clearly know nothing, our planes may have to be transported to other regions by ships thus requiring smaller planes also smaller generally more fuel efferent and agile and more able to avoid radar contact and harder to target. also dumb ass we now have super cruise technology which allows supersonic speed with out the use of afterburners.
smaller more compact electronics also cost more .
go fuck yourself BAC. I've been a patriot longer than you can dream while you were dabbling in socialism
and blaming white people for black problems long after the Civil Rights act

Thankfully some blacks understand they aren't "oppressed" and do well in America.
God Bless them and fuck the racialists that make excuses to keep them down.

It's not "we people" it was thugs. They are gonna get long prison terms they deserve .

You have a shitload of balls- if no brain- when you excuse the BLM/ANTIFA riots that destroyed thousand of livlihoods. You know,people who have to support their families and not just sit on their collective asses
sucking on government checks

You hypocrisy of excusing some riots when condemning others is repulsively Democrat

GO FUCK YOURSELF. You’ve demonstrated the kind of “patriot” you are for all to see. When have I EVER supported, applauded, condoned, excused, or celebrated an attack on the Capitol? I disagreed with the election of Trump, but did I disagree with the peaceful transition of power? FUCK YOU.

No doubt you believe the Civil Rights Act ended all injustices against African-Americans in this country, but no one else with half a brain believes that bullshit AND it wasn’t black people attacking the Capitol, it was white people almost exclusively, not because they suffered any great inlustice but because their equally traitorous god king told them to.

Even during the height of the Civil Rights Era there was NO ATTEMPT TO BRING DOWN THE UNITED STATES. Your attempt at whataboutism is pure stupid.

In case you haven’t noticed, BLM is celebrated all over the world AND is supported throughout America .. including by major corporations who wouldn’t touch or go anywhere near it if it was what you and your racist pals claim it to be. The good news is that BLM, just like the Civil Rights Movement, doesn’t need your support, applause, nor approval. YOU don’t matter ANTIFA is an ideology, not an organization, ask the FBI, which determines that your fellow trump ass-lickers to be a FAR GREATER THREAT TO AMERICA AND THE CONCEPT OF DEMOCRACY THAN ANTIFA, BLM, OR ANY GROUP OF BLACK PEOPLE, INCLUDING THOSE YOU HAVE FOUND SUCCESS IN THIS COUNTRY, SUCH AS MYSELF, AND STILL PROTEST AGAINST THE INSTITUTIONAL RACISM THAT STILL EXISTS.

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you clearly know nothing, our planes may have to be transported to other regions by ships thus requiring smaller planes also smaller generally more fuel efferent and agile and more able to avoid radar contact and harder to target. also dumb ass we now have super cruise technology which allows supersonic speed with out the use of afterburners.
smaller more compact electronics also cost more .
F-35 maxes out at MACH 1.6
carriers jets are not striker jets.. F-35 has VTOL capability in 1 model
And bigger is not necessarily better.. America has twice as many sophisticated jets than Russia, FAR more personnel, and our jets are exponentially more expensive. Russia has more bombers, but they are old and cheap.


To some extent, it is a difference in military doctrine. The Americans always placed a premium on strategic bombing capability. The Soviets-Russians never did. I believe they felt the nuclear deterrent which was worth investing in were land and submarine-based ICBM nukes.

America has always maintained a technical edge in fighter superiority aircraft since at least the 1970s, but the Europeans and Russians build some beautiful aircraft. Just my two cents. I am a geek for aircraft.
GO FUCK YOURSELF. You’ve demonstrated the kind of “patriot” you are for all to see. When have I EVER supported, applauded, condoned, excused, or celebrated an attack on the Capitol? I disagreed with the election of Trump, but did I disagree with the peaceful transition of power? FUCK YOU.

No doubt you be.ieve the Civil Rights Act ended all injustices against. African-Americans in this country, but no one else with half a brain believes that bullshit AND it wasn’t black people attacking the Capitol, it was white people almost exclusively, not because they suffered any great inlustice but because their equally traitorous god king told them to.

Even during the height of the Civil Rights Era there was NO ATTEMPT TO BRING DOWN THE UNITED STATES. Your attempt at whataboutism is pure stupid.

In case you haven’t noticed, BLM is celebrated all over the world AND is supported throughout America .. including by major corporations who wouldn’t touch or go anywhere near it if it was what you and your racist pals claim it to be. The good news is that BLM, just like the Civil Rights Movement, doesn’t need your support, applause, nor approval. YOU don’t matter ANTIFA is an ideology, not an organization, ask the FBI, which determines that your fellow trump ass-lickers to be a FAR GREATER THREAT TO AMERICAAND THE CONCEPT OF DEMOCRACY THAN ANTIFA, BLM, OR ANY GROUP OF BLACK PEOPLE, INCLUDING THOSE YOU HAVE FOUND SUCCESS IN THIS COUNTRY, SUCH AS MYSELF, AND STILL PROTEST AGAINST THE INSTITUTIONAL RACISM THAT STILL EXISTS.

ANTIFA are street thugs.
Wray simply said they aren't a vertical organization - they arent an "ideology" when they are all dressed in black and carrying weapons.

Unlike yourself I have no problem condemning violence by any riots. BLM/ANTIFA/Proud Boys / whatever the fuck

Nobody said all black problems were solve by Civil Rights, act, but CLEARLY there is a thriving black middle class

Your kind seeks racialism as an excuse for systemic black problems.
I know it's because dumb ass blacks like yourself vote Dem no matter what.
you might as well be on a plantation if you dont throw off the Dems who run cities like Baltimore
But you'd rather blame white people for stupid lemming like behavior and wonder why doing thesame thing over and over doesnt change the outcomes.

I did notice Trump 2020 picked up record black and Hispanic support -because Trump improved everyone's economy pre-COVID
So there is hope if you toss out the Congress critters and mayors who serve themselves and not the black community.
Voting Big City Dems though just insures more of the same
F-35 maxes out at MACH 1.6
carriers jets are not striker jets.. F-35 has VTOL capability in 1 model

mach 1.6 is i.6 times the speed of sound and yes they can be used for strike jets they are multi role much like the f 16 is
here lockheeds description of them multi role if your dumb ass can read

The F-35 brings a decisive advantage to the battlespace, providing an asymmetric advantage across the multi-domain spectrum. The F-35’s transformational capabilities enable pilots to operate in any environment, against any threat. Simply put it is the most advanced multi-role fighter in the world – delivering unmatched lethality, survivability and connectivity.
ANTIFA are street thugs.
Wray simply said they aren't a vertical organization - they arent an "ideology" when they are all dressed in black and carrying weapons.

Unlike yourself I have no problem condemning violence by any riots. BLM/ANTIFA/Proud Boys / whatever the fuck

Nobody said all black problems were solve by Civil Rights, act, but CLEARLY there is a thriving black middle class

Your kind seeks racialism as an excuse for systemic black problems.
I know it's because dumb ass blacks like yourself vote Dem no matter what.
you might as well be on a plantation if you dont throw off the Dems who run cities like Baltimore
But you'd rather blame white people for stupid lemming like behavior and wonder why doing thesame thing over and over doesnt change the outcomes.

I did notice Trump 2020 picked up record black and Hispanic support -because Trump improved everyone's economy pre-COVID
So there is hope if you toss out the Congress critters and mayors who serve themselves and not the black community.
Voting Big City Dems though just insures more of the same

Your definition of ANTIFA is meaningles, just as ANYTHING defined by the right wing is meaningless.

Record black support for trump?” If you believe that 12% of black men and 6% of black women is a record, then you don’t know history. Black voters were once almost all republicans.

And of course you implied that the CRA supposedly solved all Problems Go back and read your owm words.
Odd how you said in a emergency you would go to your neighbors who are republicans and kill them and loot and steal their guns and supplys and go after the low hanging fruit. That sounds like a street thug and criminal to me .
Your definition of ANTIFA is meaningles, just as ANYTHING defined by the right wing is meaningless.
i dont GAF about "definitions" -they are indeed meaningless.
All I care about is stopping ANTIFA street thugs

Record black support for trump?” If you believe that 12% of black men and 6% of black women is a record, then you don’t know history. Black voters were once almost all republicans.

And of course you implied that the CRA supposedly solved all Problems Go back and read your owm words.
20% of black men voted for Trump.. Suburban White women like black women are hopeless emotional voters
CRA leveled the playing field. the proof is the thriving black middle class
not in person. Jet engines are generally LOUD. People dont realize how loud weapon systems are

I went to a live fire demonstration at Edgewood Proving Grounds (Maryland)

There were tanks (targets) and a Apache Attack Helicopter swooped in (I was sitting in a grandstand) and leveled off and fired Hellfire down range. then lit up the target with Gatling guns (cannon?)

Vulcan cannon.
the engine sucks,
Of course it does. It's a jet engine! :D
the machine guns suck.
Actually they spew. I get what you mean though. You think the engines are underpowered and the machine guns just can't spew as well as other designs.
it was too hodge podge trying to make a universal platform for multiple duties.
Yes it was. Still a damn fine plane despite this.
Avionics advance so rapidly it was a strategic error to commit all our fighter capability in 1 platform
The nice thing about this is that it's easily altered, regardless of the platform.

Oh, and the F35 is not our only fighter.
you clearly know nothing, our planes may have to be transported to other regions by ships thus requiring smaller planes also smaller generally more fuel efferent and agile and more able to avoid radar contact and harder to target. also dumb ass we now have super cruise technology which allows supersonic speed with out the use of afterburners.
smaller more compact electronics also cost more .

Smaller more compact electronics actually cost LESS. Important when you are putting it on board a cruise missile that is just going to blow up the electronics. What costs more is putting the word 'MILITARY' on it.
Your definition of ANTIFA is meaningles, just as ANYTHING defined by the right wing is meaningless.

Record black support for trump?” If you believe that 12% of black men and 6% of black women is a record, then you don’t know history. Black voters were once almost all republicans.

And of course you implied that the CRA supposedly solved all Problems Go back and read your owm words.

So meaningless groups are looting and pillaging in the streets...gotit.

You idiot.
Is everyone assuming that Russia and the US are going to war?

Until recently I figured that there would be a war between the Empire and America, which America almost certainly would lose, but America and in fact all of the West is collapsing so rapidly that now I am not sure.