go fuck yourself BAC. I've been a patriot longer than you can dream while you were dabbling in socialismWhy the fuck do you care? You belong to a cult that hates America and it’s people. You hate democracy, and unless your phony god / king gets his way, you would rather see this nation destroyed. Putin doesn’t need big ass jets when he has YOU AND YOUR TRAITOROUS HORDE OF CRIMINALS TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA FROM THE INSIDE.
Now, with Biden in office trying to restore civility, you pretend to care about the security of a nation you’re desperately trying to destroy. YOU and your traitorous komrades have no honor, no integrity, and no respect for democracy, the Constitution, elections, or the peaceful transition of power. “Russia has bigger jets...” Whar a fucking fraud you are. No doubt that if those jets attacked America, WHICH YOU HATE, you and your boys would be cheering and eating popcorn.
and blaming white people for black problems long after the Civil Rights act
Thankfully some blacks understand they aren't "oppressed" and do well in America.
God Bless them and fuck the racialists that make excuses to keep them down.
It's not "we people" it was thugs. They are gonna get long prison terms they deserve .
You have a shitload of balls- if no brain- when you excuse the BLM/ANTIFA riots that destroyed thousand of livlihoods. You know,people who have to support their families and not just sit on their collective asses
sucking on government checks
You hypocrisy of excusing some riots when condemning others is repulsively Democrat