Not forever, but with his resources a hellva long time, and as I said he is 74, no Stare AG is going to send a bathrobed wheel chair exPresident into the slammer
There are many ways to punish him, jail time is only one.
Not forever, but with his resources a hellva long time, and as I said he is 74, no Stare AG is going to send a bathrobed wheel chair exPresident into the slammer
that could happen to you fagboy
prove it bitch
prove it bitch
piss us off and find out little pussyboy
The US government, the state of NY, the city of NY and who knows how many other jurisdictions will join in. For this and more we can thank Michael Cohen.
a convicted felon LMFAO
Makes no difference my dear. Absolutely none at all. He would be the last one to lie to the government and risk going back to prison.
you keep thinking that... no wonder you libs always get nothing burgers
You read well enough that you can type on the internet.
Subscribe to a fucking newspaper.
My dear, Michael Cohens testimony will just be a small part of the entire investigation. What we have here is just a tiny part of what trump is looking at. There will be bank fraud, mortgage fraud, tax fraud, insurance fraud and who knows what else. This is an iceberg and all we see is the tiny part sticking up, the other 90% will be a doosey.
The US government, the state of NY, the city of NY and who knows how many other jurisdictions will join in. For this and more we can thank Michael Cohen.
My dear, Michael Cohens testimony will just be a small part of the entire investigation. What we have here is just a tiny part of what trump is looking at. There will be bank fraud, mortgage fraud, tax fraud, insurance fraud and who knows what else. This is an iceberg and all we see is the tiny part sticking up, the other 90% will be a doosey.
LMFAO not by you pussyboy
Probably not, since you do not live in my neck of the woods, but the LEO;s and Fed will make short work of your big mouth. I double dare you to start a Revolution, Loser.
Be patient my dear, its all going to come out very soon. You can forget about trump ever running for public office again.
why are you libs so afraid of Trump?