O.M.G. Biden Stock Market soaring!

Okay, but Trump is gone. He is political toast. Yes, he will continue to make a lot of noise and, while he still has some influence over some Republicans, it will diminish. The sooner people get over him, the better.

This is exactly right. Trump failed us. He left all the globalist players in their positions. It was most likely theater to try to foment a real insurrection, but Trump wasn't resolute enough for real patriots. Sure, he talks a good game, but in the end he just let them walk all over us. It looks more like the setup I had imagined before he was elected, Trump being friends with Hillary and him being elected to discredit republicans and spoil the economy to ensure liberal policies would win the economics battle in our government and try to get white nationalists into a fervor so the military could be called in to kill their enemy. When Trump backed out of the Paris thing and the economy soared up til 2020, I thought maybe I was wrong about him, bit in the end, he gave money away to everyone and he went along with the Covid scare. So I believe Trump was just another agent of the globalists to move along their plan to take over... And here we are. Nearly complete if not already so.
tinfoil wrote:

So I believe Trump was just another agent of the globalists to move along their plan to take over... And here we are. Nearly complete if not already so.

I hear you.
(shaking head) '10% drop'? Most people considered that a Buying opportunity.

We'll see, the pre-market was up for Nvidia, Apple and AMD yesterday and they all went down when the market opened. Are we now going into correction territory or is it just a blip? The Fed seem happy enough allowing inflation to run hot and long term bond rates are affecting the NASDAQ bigly.
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