China Laughs At America’s Baizou

I'm pretty sure you'd be turning your neighbors in to the police if you had half a chance. Kill yourself.

My neighbors are not terrorists, but you are correct, if they were terrorists, I would turn them in. I am a patriot like that.
How about boxes of matches, train sets, and cowboy hats?

The ports are jammed with incoming Chinese made products...NIKE just reported that they lost over 10% of sales because they cant get enough product into the country. There are sometimes about 70 ships at sea waiting for Southern Ca port space, Asia a booming on American debt!
Gee, that is great for soybean farmers. trump's central planning has been great for soybean farmers. If America was a nation only of soybean farmers, trump would be a great president... trump really hit technology and other American exports hard. You know the 99.999% of Americans that are not soybean farmers.
you have no clue what Phase 1 was about. Fuckwit
China has committed to $77.7 billion in additional manufacturing purchases over two years, from the 2017 level, the text says, which will be $32.9 billion increase in 2020 and a $44.8 billion increase in 2021.

China has committed to buying at least $52.4 billion in additional energy purchases over the two years, from a baseline of $9.1 billion in 2017. That will be broken into $18.5 billion additional in 2020 and $33.9 billion in 2020.

China will also purchase $37.6 billion in services from U.S. companies over the two years, $12.8 billion above the 2017 level in 2020 and $25.1 billion above the level in 2021.

China “shall ensure” additional purchases of U.S. agriculture products by $32 billion over two years, the deal says, including $12.5 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline of $24 billion in 2020 and $19.5 billion above the baseline in 2021.

That would give an average annual total of about $40 billion, a number Trump has touted befor


The deal includes stronger Chinese legal protections for patents, trademarks, copyrights, including improved criminal and civil procedures to combat online infringement, pirated and counterfeit goods.

The deal contains commitments by China to follow through on previous pledges to eliminate any pressure for foreign companies to transfer technology to Chinese firms as a condition of market access, licensing or administrative approvals and to eliminate any government advantages for such transfers.

China also agreed to refrain from directly supporting outbound investment aimed at acquiring foreign technology to meet its industrial plans -- transactions already restricted by stronger U.S. security reviews.


The currency agreement contains pledges by China to refrain from competitive currency devaluations and to not target its exchange rate for a trade advantage -- language that China has accepted for years as part of its commitments to the Group of 20 major economies.

As part of the deal China has made “enforceable commitments to refrain from competitive devaluation” and agreed to publish relevant data on exchange rates and external balances, the U.S. Treasury said Monday.

The deal subjects any violations of currency commitments to the agreement’s enforcement mechanism, under which they could incur U.S. tariffs.

A senior Trump administration official said the currency agreement is based on provisions in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement trade deal, which require the three countries to disclose monthly data on international reserve balances and intervention in foreign exchange markets, along with quarterly balance-of-payments data and other public reporting to the International Monetary Fund.

The United States and China will resolve differences over how the deal is implemented through bilateral consultations, starting at the working level and escalating to top-level officials.

If these consultations do not resolve disputes, there is a process for imposing tariffs or other penalties.

Lighthizer told reporters the United States expected neither side would retaliate if appropriate action was taken as part of the process and following “consultation in good faith.”


U.S. officials said the deal includes improved access to China’s financial services market for U.S. companies, including in banking, insurance, securities and credit rating services. It aims to address a number of longstanding U.S. complaints about investment barriers in the sector, including foreign equity limitations and discriminatory regulatory requirements.

China, which has pledged for years to open up its financial services sector to more foreign competition, said the deal would boost imports of financial services from the United States

We keep coming back to the Chinese Communist Party deciding what businesses America should be in, and what businesses that we should not be in. Do you really think they will make the best choices for America? So why did trump allow them to choose?
The ports are jammed with incoming Chinese made products...NIKE just reported that they lost over 10% of sales because they cant get enough product into the country. There are sometimes about 70 ships at sea waiting for Southern Ca port space, Asia a booming on American debt!
someone else is muddy on trade
Trade improves everyones standard of living -but too much trade one way effects "balance of payments"
Long term it IS like debt - in China's case it allows so called'show China has gotten money to expand it's infrastructure etc.

But that's because China uses State Owned Enterprises - in our case it means we lose jobs

Which is part of which Trump was trying to correct.. what's Biden's trade policy with China?? ROFL - none
We keep coming back to the Chinese Communist Party deciding what businesses America should be in, and what businesses that we should not be in. Do you really think they will make the best choices for America? So why did trump allow them to choose?
what are you attempting to say?
someone else is muddy on trade
Trade improves everyones standard of living -but too much trade one way effects "balance of payments"
Long term it IS like debt - in China's case it allows so called'show China has gotten money to expand it's infrastructure etc.

But that's because China uses State Owned Enterprises - in our case it means we lose jobs

Which is part of which Trump was trying to correct.. what's Biden's trade policy with China?? ROFL - none

It feels like we are on one last bender before the crash.

Debt is a Hell of a drug.
The ports are jammed with incoming Chinese made products...NIKE just reported that they lost over 10% of sales because they cant get enough product into the country. There are sometimes about 70 ships at sea waiting for Southern Ca port space, Asia a booming on American debt!

... and we're selling them Soybeans. WAHOO!
this from the idiot who thinks trade negotiations need to focusing on reducing bi-lateral trade

That depends on what your plan is.
Dotard yapped about China "eating our lunch".
Perpetrating one of the “greatest thefts in the history of the world".
His predecessors for “allowing this out-of-control trade deficit to take place and to grow.”
"We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing. It’s the greatest theft in the history of the world.”

So, you continually go to business that has ripped you off in the past, is ripping you off now, then, give them MORE business?

You're the IDIOT.
we blew it up to complete unsupportable levels now with COVID, and the Dems are just getting started

I gotta feeling my brother might be right, my confidence that I will be dead before things get really bad might be misplaced.