I am a year older and in great shape and I do not walk down ramps like the scared child unsure of their footing.
Are you right wingers every going to discuss politics?!
At least he can walk down a ramp and drink a bottle of water without using both hands.....
Was that even Biden?
Watch your ugly creepy mouth loser!
That is the president of the United States you are insulting!
Put Biden in a wheelchair and equip him with a drool cup for all I care.
I am a year older and in great shape and I do not walk down ramps like the scared child unsure of their footing. What reasons would those be he seems in pretty good shape but as you recall he hurt his ankle not too long ago, maybe that?
I bet Biden can figure out how to operate an umbrella, though....
And remember to pull the toilet paper off the heel of his shoe.....
But then again, Biden is not an idiot buffoon like Trump.
.tRump Trump