Is an egg a chicken?

Do you seriously the average ten year old doesn't know about all that already? Maybe if they are Amish but nobody born in the projects!

dude, the Amish kids know all about eggs.......everyone who lives on a farm knows about fertilization, gestation, and giving birth.....
It’s really amazing to me.

The woman made the same choice to engage in sex, if that is true, then the man should get equal protection under the law, just because biology you know science says she carries it is not reason to give her sole determination! If she keeps it the man has no choice but to pay correct?
Yes, a baby...just unborn....still developing...
Do you not have children?

A blastocyst is not a baby, upon fertilization the egg becomes a blastocyst not a baby. Why do you and your ilk hate science.
Is an egg a chicken?
If you order a chicken dinner would you be surprised to receive scrambled eggs?
If you go to an Easter egg hunt, do you expect to be chasing chickens?

No. An apple seed is not an apple and a zygote is not a human being.
no one has ever aborted a one even knows they are pregnant when it stops being a blastocyst.......whether its a baby, an embryo or a blastocyst, it is no longer just an egg, so stop being a science denier.....

Did I say anyone has ever aborted a blastocyst?
Why do you deny science? Why do you pretend things that are untrue are true? I ya, I know, so you can pretend you are correct on something.
Just remember, when the chicken crossed the road it was poultry in motion...

Thought I'd toss that into an otherwise pointless thread...
Hello Jarod,

Is an egg a chicken?
If you order a chicken dinner would you be surprised to receive scrambled eggs?
If you go to an Easter egg hunt, do you expect to be chasing chickens?

An egg may be called a chicken just as soon as that egg takes off and flies on it's own wings.
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Is an egg a chicken?
If you order a chicken dinner would you be surprised to receive scrambled eggs?
If you go to an Easter egg hunt, do you expect to be chasing chickens?

Blah blah....

Is an ovary full of humans or eggs? It isn't a chicken until it is fertalized, then it is an embryonic chicken still in an egg.

This basically is like pretending that a uterus is the same thing as the embryonic human it can house. It is unscientific, and absurd. I thought the left was supposed to be all about following the science.
Did I say anyone has ever aborted a blastocyst?
Why do you deny science? Why do you pretend things that are untrue are true? I ya, I know, so you can pretend you are correct on something.

so you admit the baby that is being aborted is not a, what science am I denying.....