The bungling Biden regime in the news


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Bungler Biden’s $2.3 trillion "plan to invest in infrastructure, clean energy and caregiving" over the coming decade would be a boon for construction workers, truck drivers, electricians and home health aides.

Both critics and supporters of the initiative say it will also benefit another group: labor unions.

The plan targets sectors that already have high levels of union participation, said Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department, a coalition of unions in industries such as aviation and rail transit.

Leslie Frane, executive vice president of Service Employees International Union, estimated the caregiving provision could create close to a million new jobs and improve the jobs of current home care workers.

Biden and Buttigieg have been trying to sell their "infrastructure" plan by talking about all the roads, and bridges they want to repair. Much the same as Obama claimed that he wanted to repair all the roads and bridges.

Oddly, or not so oddly, the roads and bridges never get repaired. Maybe that's because that amounts to only about 5% of Biden's $2 trillion whopper.

Just $115 billion, or roughly 5.6% of total spending, would go toward modernizing 20,000 miles of highways, roads and main streets that are "in most critical need of repair," as well as repairing the most "economic significant large bridges" and roughly 10,000 smaller bridges, according to a fact sheet released by the White House.

Meanwhile, a whole lot more is going to the electric car industry. Specifically, $174 billion.

Biden's infrastructure plan spends a whole lot more on lefty electric car industries than on fixing all the roads he claims to want to repair.

Hey Leprosy, the reference that you provided is well known for not being factual, and therefore shouldn't be taken seriously.
Just $115 billion, or roughly 5.6% of total spending, would go toward modernizing 20,000 miles of highways, roads and main streets that are "in most critical need of repair," as well as repairing the most "economic significant large bridges" and roughly 10,000 smaller bridges, according to a fact sheet released by the White House.

Meanwhile, a whole lot more is going to the electric car industry. Specifically, $174 billion.

Biden's infrastructure plan spends a whole lot more on lefty electric car industries than on fixing all the roads he claims to want to repair.
Biden is selling a shit sandwich to the dupes


So far, the defining word of the bungling Biden era is “trillion.”

The Joe Biden who portrayed himself as a moderate, old school, bipartisan deal-maker during the presidential campaign is now a distant memory.

He’s been replaced by the bungling Biden who is dazzling progressives with his willingness to “go big” — in other words, spend jaw-dropping amounts.

Why has bungling Biden embarked on a historic spending splurge with nary a whisper of bipartisan support?

Well, DEMOCRATS talked themselves into the proposition that there isn’t any such thing as spending too much money.

Besides, spending is what Biden the bungler can actually do — he can pass his stimulus and relief bills under the so-called reconciliation rules in the Senate, requiring only 50 votes rather than the 60 it takes to break a filibuster.

In fiscal year 2019, the federal government, which wasn’t exactly tightening its belt, spent $4.4 trillion.

Bungling Biden is on pace to roughly match that with "his" first two major legislative initiatives — the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, and his new $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal.

The bumbling Biden team gives the sense that it is working backward — starting with a big, eye-popping price tag and then figuring out what initiatives can be thrown in to reach the top-line number.

Public schools already have tens of millions of dollars sitting unspent from prior relief bills, and here comes another $100 billion to "upgrade schools" in the "infrastructure" bill.

The states were lavished with $350 billion in the COVID-19 relief bill, even though many of them didn’t lose revenue during the pandemic. Why weren't those dollars spent on infrastructure?

The new proposal is an infrastructure, drinking-water, broadband, home-retrofitting, manufacturing, long-term-care, electric-car, unionization bill — and a few other things besides.

The question is whether, when all the money is spent, anyone can point to any transformative change in the country attributable to the legislation.

Certainly, the need for infrastructure spending over and beyond what the federal government, states and localities already spend is oversold.

A recent paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research noted: “Over the past generation, the condition of the interstate highway network improved consistently, its extent increased modestly, and traffic about doubled. Over about the same time period, the condition of bridges remained about the same, the number of bridges increased slowly, and bridge traffic increased modestly.”

Shooting money out of a bazooka is not self-evidently what the state of America’s infrastructure calls for. But when the only tool you have is huge reconciliation spending bills, everything looks like a crisis urgently requiring more profligacy.

The bills are also a substitute for passing significant non-spending policy changes. Unlike FDR, bungling Biden has narrow and tenuous congressional majorities. He’s couldn't get HR1, gun confiscation, or open borders, unless Senate DEMOCRATS eliminate the filibuster.

What he can do, which FDR and LBJ never could, is reach for the word “trillion” as much as possible.
In Bungler Biden’s New America, You’re Going to Suffer



Creepy Old Joe and the DEMOCRAT Party don’t want you to use appliances that keep you cool or warm because it' "bad for the planet".


The bungling Biden regime is quietly ramping up its financial assistance to "Palestinians", the misnamed inhabitants of a place that doesn't exist. The (Deep) State Department, along with the US Agency for International Development, notified Congress of their intent to deliver nearly $75 million in aid to the region just one day after announcing a $15 million commitment publicly to "vulnerable Palestinian groups".

The (Deep) State Department declined to say whether the $15 million was included in the $75 million mentioned to Congress, or if the two were separate payments.
What would be an appropriate psychiatric term
for a "person" who politically supported and defended a diseased orangutan for four years
and then has the effrontery to criticize Joe Biden?

Deranged and Deplorable Motherfucking Idiot, the current preference, sounds too technical and formal in my view.

Bungling Biden is about to send $1 billion more in food stamps to the "25 million neediest Americans" every month.

The move stems from an executive order that bungler Biden issued just after stealing office and will add about $1 billion to the benefits distributed each month.

"People will have a greater opportunity to afford the basics that they need," said Ellen Vollinger, legal director for Food Research & Action Center, an advocacy group.

The biggest beneficiaries of bungling Biden’s plan to spend $620 billion on highways, roads and bridges are the steelmakers.

The Brazilian ones, that is. And the Korean ones. And the Vietnamese and Taiwanese ones.

But not so much the once-mighty American steelmakers that bungler Biden pledged to revive.

American steel is too expensive for that — $300 a ton more expensive, based on estimates from Bloomberg and Kallanish Commodities.

So expensive that two ships hauled thousands of tons of steel coils from Vietnam and Taiwan to the port of Houston last week, while U.S. Steel Corp.’s Big River Steel complex — a mere 10-hour drive from the port — makes the exact same coil.

“Shipments are booked, chartered and rolling,” Anton Posner, chief executive officer of supply-chain engagement and consulting company Mercury Resources, said in a phone interview. “We’re seeing a pickup on steel shipments from Southeast Asia, and it’s all demand driven.”

After sky-high costs to shut down furnaces during the pandemic, mills in blue states are reluctant to expand.

Tom Conway, president of the United Steelworkers, said “It’s tricky.”

In Shittsburgh, where bungling Biden announced "his" stimulus plan on Wednesday, U.S. Steel has no plans to bring back furnaces idled during the height of the pandemic or hire more workers, even though the industry has long known the spending package was coming.

When asked whether the company was willing to bring on new capacity, ramp up output or reopen facilities, U.S. Steel spokeswoman Amanda Malkowski said the company supports infrastructure investment for benefit of America, “but we’re not going to speculate beyond that.”